Ollie on benching Adams | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Ollie on benching Adams

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David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Nothing he did in the first half suggests they would take a lead with him on the floor? We couldn't have used the 6 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal and 1 block that he had in the first half, in the second half? Oh yea, and no turnovers in the first half either.

Sure, if they let us play with 6 players. Well, not really then either.
May 6, 2015
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So the rumor is that Adams was barking at the other players and coaches?


For , we finally get somebody to exhibit some passion, and we bench the guy.

Far as I can tell, we are nit bound without him, so my thought is let's give him the reins and deal with some mouthiness.
Aug 30, 2011
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Don't agree, even kids in time outs are set free at some point.
After the agreed upon time has passed, lets see, your grounded for the weekend, but I need you to do me a favor and if you do I'll take away the punishment. They are punished until its an inconvenience for you to stick to the punishment. If you recind the punishment for reasons other than the punishment wasn't justified, your sending a confusing message, and you do come off looking like a hypocrite.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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All this parenting advice would be great if our players were 5 years old or if KO let JA leave to go to a kegger.
Because no basketball player was ever sat down and then allowed to return in the same game. Imagine how cock-sure everyone would be if we actually knew what happened

Honestly, it helps me understand the Trump phenomenon. hurt, angry white guys looking for someone to blame.
Oct 18, 2011
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No, it was horrible on Ollie's part.

Because here is what he did.

"you aren't bigger than the team, you are sitting for the half.."
"Oh..um..we need you..so..could you bail us out plz? "

If you were ever going to put him back in, than don't start him, and put him in at the 15 minute mark..(if him barking was really punishment enough, honestly..I'm still siding with Jalen here. Someone does need to chew the whole team out, including the coaches. ) Don't wait until the 2 minute mark and look at him to bail us out. That was ridiculous. And I'd imagine Ollie lost some respect for that move from more than just Jalen.

What was the other discipline issues?
May 19, 2015
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Obviously a lot of people on this board dont have kids, that was a terrible way to send a message. Your not behaving properly, your being diciplined, your given a time out(he kinda was) and then the punishment is rescinded for what ever reason, the person in charge calling the shots making the rules just lost credibility. Next time no one will take you seriously or listen to you. Bad move. Ollie looks like a self serving hypocrite.
He's not a 4 year old child. He's capable of understanding that he cost his team.

And hate to be that guy, but *you're*
May 7, 2014
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Maybe KO, a parent of multiple children, should take some parenting classes so he can coach a college basketball team.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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"This decade" = 2010's, i.e. 2010-present. Sorry if there was any ambiguity.

2006 and 2009 are among the best and most-recent examples of vintage, dominant UConn teams. Sadly, teams of that caliber have been more a part of UConn history books than of the present UConn program. That needs to change.
We've won two national titles since then and you're still not happy. I will take those 2 titles over 10 39-1 seasons every day of the week. I think you win the title for the historically good poster who most lost his sh/it over the last 48 hours.
Dec 25, 2015
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Listen....KO is the boss....period......no one person on this team has deserved the right to steer or captain this ship......however, it appears what we have here is a failure to communicate....does one think that KO is not familiar with purposely throwing a sliver ridden player into the fire to embarrass him?
Decosey was the man out there playing with boys at the end.
If this team is not grown up by now, it's time to start listening to someone who knows....before it's too late.
This does not need to be so painful for everyone.
Aug 30, 2011
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Maybe KO, a parent of multiple children, should take some parenting classes so he can coach a college basketball team.
It's not like he's done such a great job of it the last two years, it sure couldn't hurt and maybe with some in game coaching lessons thrown in. There are over 1000 POSTS about how POORLY KO IS COACHING and someone wrote them. I didn't. The newest complaint being his handling of JA in regards to his attempt at disciplining him in the last game, apparently just another questionable decision on a long list of questionable decisions. There is no doubt he's been making them on the court and now he's having problems off the court. Any one who has raised kids, it doesn't matter if they are 5, 10 or 20. the goal in discipline is being consistant, fair and crystal clear so the message doesn't get lost and that wasn't done here. It also applies to running a buisness and I guess maybe a basketball team? And yeah I'm aware that JA isn't 4 years old.

I didn't. The jay
Maybe KO, a parent of multiple children, should take some parenting classes so he can coach a college basketball team.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Because everyone knows the best parenting advice is to ignore what the child did wrong and have the adults blame each other.
May 19, 2015
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Here let me finish that for you, "A lot smarter than you" well thank the lord for that. And you know JA personally so I guess you know first hand that he's capable of understanding that he cost the team, just like Hamilton forced three's, RP unforced unfocused turnovers, stepping out of bounds, double dribble etc and Gibbs dribbling for 25 seconds of the shot clock all understand that they're costing the team yet they're still doing it, no improvement what so ever, so I dont think the messages have gotten through, do you? And no he didn't handle the situation well with JA the other night, regardless of how old these guys are. THANKS.
I never claimed to know JA. But I don't think its unreasonable to believe JA felt bad about not being in the game and watch his team fall apart because of something he did off the court (as far as we know). Him coming in after the collapse didn't erase that 19 minutes he spent watching a collapse that he couldnt be a part of. If he isn't capable of understanding that, I get the sense that he wouldn't have been on this team in the first place.

And as far as your other points, basketball mistakes happen. We like to harp on them sometimes, but they're part of the game. Every team makes basketball mistakes. There's a difference between that, and being a d*ck to your coaches/teammates.
Oct 18, 2011
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Do you honestly think bringing JA back in after sitting the bench made the 19 minutes of being in the doghouse meaningless? Not trying to single you out, but it blows my mind how many people seem to think that putting him in at the end undid the punishment. I have to believe the message was sent and JA knows that whatever he did cost us a win. 1 minute at the end of the game doesn't erase that.

And to clarify, I don't think I would have brought him back into the game, but I don't think it's nearly as big deal as a lot of people are making it out to be. It's silly to think the message wasn't sent.


Because if it's true that JA went off on the team, then the message that sent was "you aren't bigger than the team..oh um, could you go save the team."

And he put JA in a really unfair position, sending him in cold for the last three minutes of the game when the team team had lost it's head.

If it's for some on court issue, that makes what Ollie did even worse. Because then the punishment was really unwarranted (it might have been anyway, depending on what he said.)

What Ollie did was a half ass Geno Auriemma move, actually. Except Geno has the ability to sit his entire front court and still win by 20. (And also has the ability to lose a game and have it not cost him anything if he was really upset.) So if you are going to bench a kid for 17 minutes, bench him for the whole half. Either make your point or don't do it.
Mar 19, 2015
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So the rumor is that Adams was barking at the other players and coaches?


For , we finally get somebody to exhibit some passion, and we bench the guy.

Far as I can tell, we are nit bound without him, so my thought is let's give him the reins and deal with some mouthiness.

This is exactly what I said on the other thread and got my head bitten off for it. But @TasteofUConn I completely agree with you. Someone needs to get in this team's face and if Ollie won't, I'm glad Jalen had the fire to.


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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"This decade" = 2010's, i.e. 2010-present. Sorry if there was any ambiguity.

2006 and 2009 are among the best and most-recent examples of vintage, dominant UConn teams. Sadly, teams of that caliber have been more a part of UConn history books than of the present UConn program. That needs to change.
agreed, i think the ban and loss of schollies really really hurt the program... with adams, gilbert, larrier, jackson, durham, diarra, brown (hopefully) i think ollie is going to get the kids that are going to bring the program back to where it was...with bazz boat daniel and giff you could see a glipse of what he wants, pick and pop, midrange game, spread the floor with shooters, attack the basket... this year he wants to run, press, get to the line... next year and on i think you'll see a complete style that ollie wants bc he is able to the get the players he wants, especially iq wise... the past few years we've had a hodgepodge of players to fill the gaps, some that haven't worked out and some that have... if hamilton, purvis and the rest come back I see this team resembling those of precious years... right now, yes ollie has messed up with rotations, timeouts, but he can only do so much with the players... i honestly dont think hes content with the way things are going... get us to the tourney and lets see what happens...
Mar 20, 2015
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Passion = acting completely classless?

Good for KO, no single player is bigger than the team or program

So the rumor is that Adams was barking at the other players and coaches?


For , we finally get somebody to exhibit some passion, and we bench the guy.

Far as I can tell, we are nit bound without him, so my thought is let's give him the reins and deal with some mouthiness.
Oct 18, 2011
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We don't know what was said though, heck..we don't even know if this is true.

And yes, if Ollie was going to bench him for 17 minutes, I would have preferred he do it for 20. But what he really did, was go "I'm going to bench you, until the team really needs you.." It was just not effective, and probably the worst possible way to discipline him.
Mar 31, 2014
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I highly doubt that. Even in the last few mins when the game was already out of hand, you don't try a behind the back pass for no reason. An experienced player knows that. Some have mentioned he was probably not in a good state of mind after the benching either so he's going to fine with 6 mins to go versus 3?

And don't get me wrong I think he's GOING to be great, he just isn't the end all right now. Very few first year players coming through here have been.

I'm not sure if you're being serious or trolling

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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[QUOTE="David 76, post: 1578539,Imagine how rooster-sure everyone would be if we actually knew what happened[/QUOTE]

Rooster-sure is pretty funny. I wonder what would happen if I cocked my gun?
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