Bullsh-t. He's right. The "y'all" sounds clownish. Sorry to any of you rubes from the South. The fact that he used "y'all" 50 times in his first public speech just made it worse. Even the guy from N. Carolina doesn't use it every 10th word, and he sounds hick enough as it is.
Saying, "don't judge somebody by the way they speak," is ridiculous. If somebody is sitting in front of you for a job interview and he hasn't mastered basic English usage, it is and it should be viewed as a negative.
Other than regional accents, we choose how we speak.
It's a concern. Ollie's speech had several blatant grammatical "we ain't got no" type of gaffes as well.
If we wants to be a head coach at a major college, he'd do better to work on his speech.
Name me 5 top coaches who speak as if they're a 17 year old black male dropout from an inner city?
There's a reason for that. It's all well and good to fart out rainbows and pretend that it's not an issue, but it is.
Saying "Calhoun speaks poorly" or "Ollie is a great recruiter" or "Ollie will connect with the players" are red herrings. Calhoun had a decade of experience when he came to UConn, and his speech pattern is an inability to form sentences correctly on the spot, not using "ain't" and "y'all" and other correctable mistakes.
Let's post some videos. I'll post videos of other black coaches who speak well. You post videos of other coaches who don't.
Sure. I'm being judgmental. If you want to swim in the deep waters of big time college sports, learn how to speak English like everybody else, and leave the southern/ghetto enunciations at home, or at least relegate them to use recruiting kids who will connect with it.
It's bad for his career to speak as he does. If you don't agree with that, I'm amazed and good luck.
The world is a way. There's nothing Ollie can do to change it.
IF he wants to be a successful head coach, THEN he should stop making public G-d references and he should immediately start taking speaking classes. If he wants to be his own man, he's going to have to find another place or he's going to have to win big and often. His manner of speech is not going to be viewed proudly by most UConn supporters.
Reminds me of a woman who used to work with me. She asked me if I was attending the "writing workshop." I said no. She told me that it was her understanding that all of the new hires had to take it. I said no, I had not been told to take it. She said that they told her that the class was to get her "to the next level." I told her that that was code, and nicey-nice, and that the next level of her writing was "acceptable."