This...this is very embarassing
Yale coach's kid, was supposed to be here this year, now he's flipped to Yale.
Going to play for his Dad (a National Championship and former Olympic coach) @ a school like Yale is an embarrassment to UConn?
...two things his dad was when he committed to play for UConn anyway.
Safety school...
So what are you insinuating- his Dad pulled the plug?
Please share them...I don't want to speculate directly, but...there's bad vibes around the UConn program that there weren't two years ago.
Unlike some other Slavic languages, e.g., Polish in which each of its’ alphabet’s letters is very consistently pronounced, Russkies less consistent. Converting Cyrillic characters to Latin letters also adds some color. Vowels are elongated when spoken, and a Russkie word converted into English can have different meanings depending on accent or point of emphasis in the word. Anyway, here’s Kuznetsov:I believe the proper pronunciation is Kooz-NYET-soff. But others may know better than me.
Former Merrimack commit.
John Spetz - Stats, Contract, Salary & More hockey player profile of John Spetz, 1999-12-01 Oak Ridge, NJ, USA USA. Most recently in the NCAA with Univ. of Connecticut. Complete player biography and
I didn't realize we put the commits in this thread. My bad. I knew there was no way I was breaking news, no way!