I agree with Milford - hope the players are healthy, especially Gabby and Morgan. Our guards are crazy good, and seeing as they control the game for the most part, having talented play makers and terrific ball handlers goes a long way towards insuring wins.
Ken and I have said it before - Kia at the moment is the jewel of that class. Her build and game is similar to Diana's and yes I will continue to compare her to Dee... Ken and I will see her play in Istanbul this September so we will have a much better feel for what her game actually is like.
Gabby has the potential to be a great one, but her health issues might hold her back. I think Ekmark is going to be better than people think. A taller version of Maggie Lucas (or shorter version of Ann Strother). Either way when you have a 6'guard with unlimited range (legit range) who is a Kelly Faris type worker and a coaches kid to boot, you have all the ingredients for at the very least, a solid player.
Sadie is a bit of an enigma. I suspect she will struggle, but I only say that based on some "comments" that she has never worked very hard. She's very highly regarded by the recruiting services, but my expectations for her are a bit lower - maybe a Banks type of player (not that there is anything wrong with that at all). But I suspect of all the kids coming, the "UCONN hard" will be the biggest leap for her of the 4 kids...