ETT - I really got the impression that the BG USA basketball decision was unrelated to the team and USA Basketball and completely personal - and I have seen that on the Baylor board as well. Really enjoy your posts, with an occasional exception and I think this is one.
And I do get the sense of strong respect for Geno and the Uconn program which is appreciated and I certainly didn't think there was innuendo involved with your post toward Geno.
I also see a healthy level of rational thought regarding Baylor from you - which is not something all fans possess (including even a few Huskies fans which always surprises me!

On the Kim as coach of USA - I agree with you and some of the others. I would rather see her lead one of the Junior teams before giving her the keys to the Ferrari. She would need to tone down her sideline demeanor, but I don't see that as an issue. While Geno has been a much calmer sideline presence in recent years vs his earlier years, he mentioned frequently how careful he was being now that he was representing something much bigger than Uconn.