If i had put it on ignore who else would’ve swooped in to save the thread for being doomed to the second page?
Not with the specific intention of swooping & saving, but I possibly would have, by virtue of
liking the podcast since its inception,
subscribing so I know when it's posted ,
wanting to comment in support of the effort,
taking the advice to listen in two sessions,
and then doing so.
You &
@Huskyforlife rolling each other's log has just been a sourpuss-y sideshow.
So much of the podcast touches on sportsmanship and values clarification, that I think you've provided some valuable, teachable moments. But don't get too excited, because you're more like cautionary tales and object lessons in how not to behave toward a a child's enthusiasm.
But, if I were Mike, I might point out your persistence, which is generally admirable, though here in a 'there's gonna be haters' sort of way.
I think we've got it in hand, and you can safely Ignore at this point. Thanks for your valuable contribution up to now. All good?