Having gotten myself an actual glimpse of a portion of the new logo package, here are some more details in a SportsLogos.Net exclusive on what the logos will look like…
From what I’ve been shown it won’t be too agressive looking afterall, but certainly not as friendly as their current logo. ”Jonathan” has a much different rendering than how he’s looked for the past three decades, looks more like an actual real-life husky and more in line with how other huskies are depicted in logos and graphic design from around sports.
Jonathan’s familiar bright red tongue is present in a few of the logos in the package, not the friendly “it’s sticking out of my mouth and i’m going to lick you” manner like the current set, more like a “hey, my mouth’s open and you can also see my tongue in there” way.
Like the current logo, the new logos are blue, white, and gray.