Negativity | The Boneyard


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Feb 16, 2012
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We need to stop the trolls from being negative and supporting their threads. The staff is on a learning curve for recruiting and this team is still looking to find itself. The conference will not bury us. What will bury us is being a negative fan base. We had the luxury of a man who loved negativity in this job for the last 20 years.. KO and staff gave us a title year 1 of available chances to win one. Give him room and give him positives. For heavens sake take heart in the fact that no one here is qualified to judge this staff or the last staff in any way. Go Blue. Go Ollie. Go AAC. Get on the bus and cheer or get the hell off.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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We need to stop the trolls from being negative and supporting their threads. The staff is on a learning curve for recruiting and this team is still looking to find itself. The conference will not bury us. What will bury us is being a negative fan base. We had the luxury of a man who loved negativity in this job for the last 20 years.. KO and staff gave us a title year 1 of available chances to win one. Give him room and give him positives. For heavens sake take heart in the fact that no one here is qualified to judge this staff or the last staff in any way. Go Blue. Go Ollie. Go AAC. Get on the bus and cheer or get the hell off.

What would the point of this board be if not for judging the staff and being negative? :)


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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What would the point of this board be if not for judging the staff and being negative? :)
One of the better points ever made on a message board!

You are so correct it's funny - there are not enough posters to talk X's and O's intelligently - so judging will be done by those without qualification will continue!

Husky Dad - there are some on this board who are more qualified than Warde to judge this staff in all ways yet, that man won the job to do so - a FB player from Michigan whose BB was tainted by corruption.

Who shouldn't judge? Jeff Jacobs - he proved last year he don't know his from his elbow, never mind college BB.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Most of the negativity is surrounding the AAC because well, it sucks.

And overreacting this earlier in the season is common, and expected. The team requires time to mesh, and there will be rough patches. The X's and O's will fall into place shortly after.
Nov 11, 2011
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It's a cycle. We lose and some people say we're doomed every once in a while we actually are but most of the time we actually aren't. If the naysayers are wrong it doesn't matter because they wanted the team to win anyway, if the positive flowers are wrong they just believed too much in the team. So you see in the end it doesn't matter for the ethos of the fanbase what actually happens, just relax enjoy the ride and make some jokes to pass the time.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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We need to stop the trolls from being negative and supporting their threads. The staff is on a learning curve for recruiting and this team is still looking to find itself. The conference will not bury us. What will bury us is being a negative fan base. We had the luxury of a man who loved negativity in this job for the last 20 years.. KO and staff gave us a title year 1 of available chances to win one. Give him room and give him positives. For heavens sake take heart in the fact that no one here is qualified to judge this staff or the last staff in any way. Go Blue. Go Ollie. Go AAC. Get on the bus and cheer or get the hell off.

"What will bury us is being a negative fan base."

I assume you're new to Connecticut?

At least for the 30 years I've been following UConn Athletics, negativity has been unfortunately a primary schtick of this fanbase, even in the best of times.

Without a doubt with you with the "Go Blue" and "Go Ollie" -- thank God for Kevin Ollie. But UConn's revenue sports on the national stage are dying a slow death on the AAC vine.

To claim otherwise is simply lunacy.

Luckily, this is temporary, and eventually we'll be released from purgatory.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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We need to stop the trolls from being negative and supporting their threads. The staff is on a learning curve for recruiting and this team is still looking to find itself. The conference will not bury us. What will bury us is being a negative fan base. We had the luxury of a man who loved negativity in this job for the last 20 years.. KO and staff gave us a title year 1 of available chances to win one. Give him room and give him positives. For heavens sake take heart in the fact that no one here is qualified to judge this staff or the last staff in any way. Go Blue. Go Ollie. Go AAC. Get on the bus and cheer or get the hell off.
Personally I share your sentiment. But I'm pretty positive about things.

For one thing I'm positive it's in humanities DNA not to accept things as they are. Most of us believe we've figured things out while the rest of humanity doesn't have a clue and needs to catch up.

I'm positive that negativity is stronger than positivity. I'm positive that fear pervades our being. I'm positive that we can suppress this fear when things are going well and during these times we feel positive. I'm positive that this positivity is short lasting and that the moment things turn bad the negative kicks in burying the positivity.

I'm positive we often forget or minimize our past negativity and romanticize the past over the present. I'm positive we generalize things and not always in a good way. I'm positive some of us feel better by targeting others or other things in a negative way. I'm positive some of us feel good when we feel bad.

I'm positive that this forum behaves "normally" in comparison to how we, as humans, behave in general.

Therefore I'm positive that you're shoveling sh!!t against the tide (father-in-law was a coast guard guy).
Aug 26, 2011
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Actually negativity has only been part of the fan base since JC took us to new heights. With success comes fans who never saw the depths of losing like some UConn fans. What this program has become has brought the same type of fans who suddenly infested the HCC and Gampel only to drive out the "real" fans. I wouldn't call them frontrunners but instead just suddenly appearing out of the woodwork to see the show. They don't know enough about losing to understand where this came from and to be able to handle the occasional speed bump, maybe even the full year of not quite living up to expectations.

This team can go either way this year and it could test those who ride on that fence as they grow into themselves. I expect we will see some turmoil on the way - strap yourselves on and see what "negativity" lies beyond!:oops:


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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We need to stop the trolls from being negative and supporting their threads. The staff is on a learning curve for recruiting and this team is still looking to find itself. The conference will not bury us. What will bury us is being a negative fan base. We had the luxury of a man who loved negativity in this job for the last 20 years.. KO and staff gave us a title year 1 of available chances to win one. Give him room and give him positives. For heavens sake take heart in the fact that no one here is qualified to judge this staff or the last staff in any way. Go Blue. Go Ollie. Go AAC. Get on the bus and cheer or get the hell off.

I find these "turn that frown upside down" threads to be more annoying than the doomed threads.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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We need to stop the trolls from being negative and supporting their threads. The staff is on a learning curve for recruiting and this team is still looking to find itself. The conference will not bury us. What will bury us is being a negative fan base. We had the luxury of a man who loved negativity in this job for the last 20 years.. KO and staff gave us a title year 1 of available chances to win one. Give him room and give him positives. For heavens sake take heart in the fact that no one here is qualified to judge this staff or the last staff in any way. Go Blue. Go Ollie. Go AAC. Get on the bus and cheer or get the hell off.

Oh, lord, more babble.

You and your 'go AAC' can fall off a bridge together.
Aug 27, 2011
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May I add-:

ESPN sucks.
The NCAA sucks
Aug 30, 2011
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Oh, lord, more babble.

You and your 'go AAC' can fall off a bridge together.

and there is the source. The leader of the board is a promoter of the negative jousting because it generates page views.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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and there is the source. The leader of the board is a promoter of the negative jousting because it generates page views.

You don't know what you're talking about.

And f--- off.

The biggest problem we have with the board is that we replaced the fine posters we used to have with half-witted dullards like yourself - find another board if you're unhappy, sport.
Aug 26, 2011
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You don't know what you're talking about.

And f--- off.

The biggest problem we have with the board is that we replaced the fine posters we used to have with half-witted dullards like yourself - find another board if you're unhappy, sport.

That can't be Deepster under another name can it? Or is there another Mets fan somewhere out there?:eek:
Aug 26, 2011
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and there is the source. The leader of the board is a promoter of the negative jousting because it generates page views.
If you don't think the AAC is going to hurt us--and already underseeded us once--I don't know to tell you.

And if you think recruiting is going as well as it should given a likable coach and 2 titles in 4 years?

Fishy's not trying to generate page views. He's telling it like it is at the moment, and people don't want to hear it. We need to get out of this hell-hole or our grandchildren will only experience UConn's successes as annoying stories we tell them about the glory days.
Aug 30, 2011
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You don't know what you're talking about.

And f--- off.

The biggest problem we have with the board is that we replaced the fine posters we used to have with half-witted dullards like yourself - find another board if you're unhappy, sport.

So why did the fine posters leave? maybe we are getting somewhere stinky.

Defending national champions, team full of NBA talent, hottest young coach in the country, but we roll with bleak.
Aug 26, 2011
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I value everyones opinion
Except of course those who disagree with mine
Aug 30, 2011
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If you don't think the AAC is going to hurt us--and already underseeded us once--I don't know to tell you.

You need to come up with a better solution then, otherwise there is nothing to complain about. The complaints would be more than justified if the school turned down an invite to say the B12 because we didn't like the travel, but since that hasn't happened the complaining about the league is just whiny self pity. (Jim Boeheim would be proud)

BTW we are in the same league we have always been in. We have an office in Providence and a pot of money left behind to prove it, other teams left and we shrewdly sold the name. The CUSA teams are here because we invited them, and we invited them because we need them, and not for nothing but they are all aggressively trying to improve themselves but it doesn't happen overnite.

and yes we were underseeded last year because the P5 rule the day and will hurt us every chance they get, Mike Aresco did not underseed us. Direct your venom in the right direction.
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Feb 2, 2012
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There are highs & lows...winning 2 titles is 4 years is about as high as it gets...being in the AAC is about as low it gets for a program that was born in The Big East and called the Mecca it's 2nd home. The regular season until very recently was AWESOME, now it's just get me the Tourney as unscathed as possible by our conference schedule. I love watching every game we play but it's not the same...hard not to be negative at knock on Ollie, he is the perfect successor to JC. UConn is a big time program but until it finds a home in a big time conference recruiting will suffer some as will the perception of UConn....we will survive but UConn deserves better.


Mar 30, 2012
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You don't know what you're talking about.

And f--- off.

The biggest problem we have with the board is that we replaced the fine posters we used to have with half-witted dullards like yourself - find another board if you're unhappy, sport.

Also, the fine posters we used to have got older and grouchier.
Aug 26, 2011
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Also, the fine posters we used to have got older and grouchier.
Well as we have become older we have become more medicated, old sport injuries greet use every morning, we are on the back nine after a much shorter drive with the clubhouse in full view and just about everything is worse. We have a reason to be grouchy.
I miss some of the people who no longer post here: Doggydaddy, Henry and others. It is different now for sure.
Aug 26, 2011
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That can't be Deepster under another name can it? Or is there another Mets fan somewhere out there?:eek:
Has to be Deepster. There are no other Mets fans.
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