Please show me where I supposedly said, “emphatically that it trumps everything else?” I actually sited 4 Selection Committee criteria that all supported UConn’s position ahead of SC. Again, you’re getting creative in your argument.
Honestly, I have no problem going back and forth with you on this. But let’s stick to the facts.
I'm not deeply invested in this conversation, and will happily bow out. However, I will pay you the respect of answering your question.
In post #6 in this thread you said: "
At an absolute minimum, UConn's statement win yesterday in Columbia vaults the Huskies ahead of SC in the overall seeding determination for the Big Dance."
The italicized phrase is what I take to be your claim that the Huskies head to head victory is a trump card. That said, it may be that you view the UConn's demolition of SC as giving the Huskies an edge on all four of the criteria you cite -- early performance vs. late, head to head outcomes, observable component, and significant wins. However, at an absolute minimum, that is double counting, if not triple or quadruple. While the win is both a head to head victory and a significant win, the former necessarily entails the latter whenever the opponent is worth talking about.
As for the "observable component" criterion, it is vague and nebulous, and not something that anyone can make an "absolute" judgment about. One of my non-absolute "observable" judgments is that SC got caught up in the Game Day madness, the fan adoration, and the media-reinforced belief that the Huskies are on the decline, and forgot that it needed to play basketball. The teams spent hours before the game being distracted by nonsense. That will not happen again. Re early performance versus late, that can't be determined until the completion of the regular season plus conference tournaments. I don't believe that a single game, even if it is the most recent, reveals much about trajectory.
For what it is worth, I agree with you that UConn's victory should, and probably will, account for more than "little to nothing" in the seedings. However, I disagree that it will "at an absolute minimum" vault the Huskies past the Roosters in the overall seeding. My quarrel is less with your overstated analysis than it is with your dismissiveness and sarcasm, which borders on the puerile. However, you do you. Peace. Out.