The team doctors are tasked with answering the question of whether or not Kevin Durant can play; it’s up to the Warriors, and especially Kevin Durant himself, to decide whether or not he should play.
The doctors’ primary failure was the apparent advice that he couldn’t have injured anything further. That makes no freaking sense. The calves attach to the Achilles tendon... how could they think it impossible an unstable tendon could rupture in such sudden intense action?
But we know that Kevin Durant was shutting out everyone, all over television and the internet, and even within his inner circle, telling him that playing was a bad idea.
Courage is a virtue. But perversion of this virtue leads to rash or cowardly behavior. KD was rash and was trying to prove that he wasn’t soft; but to whom? We heard reports that there were people in the organization and in the locker room who were questioning how hard he was trying to get back. Questioning if Klay or Draymond would take this long to come back. Draymond Green saying that 70% KD is better than most of the NBA... they planted those seeds in his head. And that’s not mentioning the drama during the season.
So this all starts with the Warriors trying to get him back to play one game to keep them alive. If they weren’t down 3-1, he wouldn’t have played; that’s all you need to know.