Everyone CAN BE
YOUR favorite if YOU want them to Broadway, and I'm OK with that. I choose to have only 1 or 2. And No!!, I'm not going to provide any names. I'll not be painted into that corner. Since you've taken the time to question my choice of "favorites", or that fact that I would be so bold as to have some, I'll explain.
Definition of favorite
- 1 : one that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking; especially : a person who is specially loved, trusted, or provided with favors by someone of high rank or authority, or your common everyday Joe.
- a competitor judged most likely to win, as in a tournament/horse/political race
It's OK to have favorites. Man has had "favorites since he began walking upright. I have my
favorite foods, I have my
favorite professional sports teams/players, I have my
favorite posters here in the yard, I have my
favorite television programs/movies,
I had my
favorite co-workers, I have my
favorite actors/actresses..are you starting to get the picture? I have my favorites.
I have my favorites on this year's UConn team, OK? The key word here is
"I". I'm not a follower. I don't follow the crowd, and I don't ask or suggest that others follow me. I don't consider myself a leader either. I'm my own man. Whether others understand (agree) me or my logic or not, is not my problem. I'm comfortable in MY own skin. If YOU want to embrace the entire team as YOUR favorite, I'm completely OK with that, and would
never take umbridge with your posture on that matter. I read most of the comments and posts here. Some I agree with (and denote them with a like), some I don't.
All of us do not think alike, you know that. We all don't view the world through the same set of glasses.
We're all different because of our backgrounds, our heritage, the environment (urban/rural - different country, etc) we were raised in, the values and morals we were taught (in some cases weren't taught) as children, the quality of and the level of education we were able to attain, and the people we have chosen to embrace and associate with as grown adults (when you associate, you assimilate). We all have different views on religion and politics. Who is the ultimate authority to say we are right or wrong in what we individually believe and live our lives by?
I understand and accept these differences in people. Whether we (you & me) like it or not,
that's the way it is, and it will continue to be that way long after we "transition", and they throw dirt on us.
I'll step down of of my soapbox with this, The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference". I've been living by this very simple and non-complex concept most of my adult life, and it has worked for me. I'm not a complicated person. I come here for information, to share thoughts and ideas, and to have a little fun with the "Carnac" thing. I can predict (guess) the outcome of future events, but you, me and everyone in the yard knows I don't know anymore of what's going to happen 5 minutes from now more than anyone else.I must admit, I've embraced and enjoy having taken on the "Carnac" persona.
We've had (and expressed) our differences before, I'm sure we'll have them again. I've read hundreds of your comments and replys to others posts. You are an extremely opinionated man, who is not shy or remiss about expressing those opinions. So, back to the beginning......if I want to have my favorites, I'll have them whatever they may be. Allow me that privilege please minus the rocks and darts please, thanks. Broadway, I know you. We reveal ourselves in our thoughts and expressions (words). It's been said that "out of the mouth, the hearts speaks". I fully expect you to reply to this with a minimum 1 paragraph rebuttal. The floor is yours........