More fuel to the fire (re: Griner) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

More fuel to the fire (re: Griner)

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Aug 24, 2011
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What? Can they possibly be that stupid?

I find it very believable that they could be that ignorant, especially considering the timeline. Griner committed to Baylor as a sophomore. Her father did not accept her as a lesbian until after she began attending Baylor. Why would he research Baylor's policies on homosexuality to any great degree? And I wouldn't expect them to have general knowledge about Baylor policies. In their perception Baylor was probably primarily a Texas school that played DI sports in the Big 12, not a religious institution.

If think her father's comments are reflective of a lot of families going through the recruiting process who are making decisions about colleges based on various limited information. These parents and family members never went to college themselves so they have nothing in their own experience to draw from. In many cases haven't traveled very far in their lives and have a more limited knowledge base from which to draw on. At least at this point the family members still don't have computers and internet access sitting at home to research. They have what the college coaches are telling them, what their high school and AAU coaches tell them, what some brochures tell them, and maybe a dog and pony show of a campus visit.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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The tradition Catholic/Christian view is love the sinner, hate the sin. Accepting Griner and allowing her to proselytize her sexuality are two different things. Its difficult for some to understand this distinction in the US where sin no longer exists. Many clerics in a fit of desperation condone homosexuality, abortion, promiscuity, multiple remarriages, etc.

Suggesting Griner was too dumb to look at Baylor's policy online is problematic. Every homosexual or LGBT person I've met can read.

Americans don't understand the "pick up the cross and bear it" of traditional Christianity. Rather than confess and make atonement Griner decided to proselytize.

Let Mulkey speak now that the article is out. I think Mulkey refused to pay for airfare and a room and this is making Dad mad.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Baylor suspending students appearing in Playboy. Threatened with expulsion if they persist in violating Baylor's moral code publically and evangelizing sin.
Aug 24, 2011
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I've always had an instinctual dislike for both Baylor and Mulkey. They touch all the buttons that made disliking Tennessee and Summitt so easy plus more. This article doesn't make me think less of Mulkey though. My opinion didn't have any room to go lower.

This article and other recent behavior does make me think a little less of Griner though, particularly considering we are only get Griner' side. I'm missing seeing the accountability on Griner's part. She may have been naive at first, but she made the choice to continue to stay at Baylor. She could have transferred. She could have turned professional early and made over $500,00 per year. She made the choice to attend Baylor even though she states in the article that her sexuality and gender expression was that important to her in high school.

And I compare it to UConn because a lot of the rules Griner is complaining about are rules that the UConn basketball program has. Griner had to cover up her tattoos. Well Chris Dailey makes every UConn player cover their tatoos when playing. CD makes every player wear dress and wear pantyhose. She doesn't let the players wear something as simple as nail polish. The UConn players now have an in-season twitter gag order. I know from comments players have made that many UConn players don't realize the full extent of CD's rules when they commit to UConn and then they're surprised to find out they can't wear the nail polish they wore every game in HS after they're already enrolled at UConn for example. Some of it, particularly the mandate to wear dresses, makes me a little uncomfortable, but I also acknowledge that players have a choice to play basketball at UConn and the option to transfer or dropout after coming to UConn.
Aug 24, 2011
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This article and other recent behavior does make me think a little less of Griner though, particularly considering we are only get Griner' side. I'm missing seeing the accountability on Griner's part. She may have been naive at first, but she made the choice to continue to stay at Baylor. She could have transferred..... She made the choice to attend Baylor even though she states in the article that her sexuality and gender expression was that important to her in high school.



I don't plan on having an abortion, and yet I'm aware that the Catholic church is against them.

To say that someone from Texas is not aware of Baylor being a conservative religious institution stretches credibility imho.
I agree with you, but it's also possible the parents didn't care. By that I mean it seems somewhat clear that her parents were NOT ok with her sexuality, so perhaps they took it a step further that a school like Baylor could possibly help rehabilitate her.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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So help me out, exactly what has people so upset? Mulkey suggesting that taking about your sexuality in public is to be avoided? Is that rule any different for heterosexuals? If not, what's the problem? I'd love to look down my nose at Baylor and scoff disapprovingly but I'm just not seeing it. It seems to me that Griner understood that being a part of program meant conforming to guidelines and keeping a positive public face. That approach happens at Connecticut in spades. I personally think it is one of the strengths of the program.

So exactly what did Baylor ask of Griner that was so objectionable? If boosters are being supportive, tough to ask for more.
Dec 23, 2011
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Well, Mulkey asked her not to talk about her sexuality..... I think the point here is that she did not say that to anyone else in the program, in all probability..... Baylor asked Griner, in effect, to keep her mouth shut..... and that is too bad..... young people are like flowers and they need the water to grow and space to bloom.... they do not ned to be stepped on......

This Baylor scenario reminds me of so many programs that recruits athletes, even though they are truly and obviously not a fit with the school..... clear prostitution and hijacking..... get the kid to the school and post the "W"s......

Notre Dame has the PR machine going..... deep deep religious roots .... kids flock to the grotto 3 times a week..... the "Catholics vs. Convicts" banners etc..... and then they recruit Randy Moss and his types to play football for them.... and you read of the underage drinking and all the non-Catholic-type activities going on.....

I know they are not alone..... but I just wish that many schools would represent themselves more honestly..... so many tangents on this.....
Nov 25, 2012
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I mean...isn't Waco like THE most conservative place ever?


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I am sorry to learn about all that Brittany had to endure and it explains a lot. I am pleased to read that she has found a new freedom and I hope that means more happiness. May you lay down some big numbers in the stat sheets of the WNBA this year Big Girl and stay happy.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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I've always had an instinctual dislike for both Baylor and Mulkey. They touch all the buttons that made disliking Tennessee and Summitt so easy plus more. This article doesn't make me think less of Mulkey though. My opinion didn't have any room to go lower.

This article and other recent behavior does make me think a little less of Griner though, particularly considering we are only get Griner' side.

We are only getting Griner's side because Mulkey refused to comment. This order makes me sad for BG and I wish she had chosen a program where she would have been more comfortable.

I think the comments by Griner's parents are going to have a huge impact on recruiting and I would say that they already have. I would guess that Griner's and Turner's dads have had more than one conversation.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Do you think all this DRAMA is a good way to promote one self and their career?

How awful could it have been for the four years she endured Kim Mulkey? Victim only goes so far 'til it becomes pathetic.

Gee Jim, don't you get it. It's called revenge or getting even. And I think she's entitled. I'm thinking you have been walking in your own shoes for way too long.


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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Can I become a UCONN fan?

The quote from Griner's dad is very disturbing. I am having a very difficult time liking Mulkey at the moment.


..and, ice cream!


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Well, Mulkey asked her not to talk about her sexuality..... I think the point here is that she did not say that to anyone else in the program, in all probability..... Baylor asked Griner, in effect, to keep her mouth shut..... and that is too bad..... young people are like flowers and they need the water to grow and space to bloom.... they do not ned to be stepped on......

This Baylor scenario reminds me of so many programs that recruits athletes, even though they are truly and obviously not a fit with the school..... clear prostitution and hijacking..... get the kid to the school and post the "W"s......

Notre Dame has the PR machine going..... deep deep religious roots .... kids flock to the grotto 3 times a week..... the "Catholics vs. Convicts" banners etc..... and then they recruit Randy Moss and his types to play football for them.... and you read of the underage drinking and all the non-Catholic-type activities going on.....

I know they are not alone..... but I just wish that many schools would represent themselves more honestly..... so many tangents on this.....
I think she said that it was no ones business. I would fully expect her to say the same if a heterosexual player was talking about her sexuality. I'm just not seeing it. They didn't try to change her. There was even private acceptance of it. They just suggested, not told her, that her sexuality didn't have to be in the public domain.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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A good part of Griners essay was typical teen stuff. Jocks v Greasers (Rock and cycle crowd) in the 50s. The book The Outsiders was huge in the 70s for exploring Mean Girls and the Niedermeyer crowd v the lower class. I went to College in the 70s and the issues were the same. They will be the same in 20 years. As Rush (not Limbaugh) put it "Conform or be cast out". Griner can be the Rodman of the NBA. But not Baylor.
Aug 26, 2011
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If it was as bad as she says it was at Baylor - from the beginning = why not transfer? Kids have left programs for a lot less than this.
Staying - at this point - hardly seems like a "profile in courage" on her part.

PS: I don't doubt that BG took enormous crap every day of her life = You can't go to one forum when someone doesn't offer the most hateful comments. That said, Baylor stood by her the entire 4 years. Especially after what might have been a carrer ending incident freshman year. Does she feel used? Sorry, that's the deal she made.
I made a comment elsewhere that may have seemed insensitive or not PC - Fact is, I don;t want to hear about ANY college kid's sexual proclivities. I'm certain neither Geno nor CD want that line of dialog pursued by the horde either.

Gee Jim, don't you get it. It's called revenge or getting even. And I think she's entitled. I'm thinking you have been walking in your own shoes for way too long.


Lone Starlet
Oct 12, 2011
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Well, ultimately the buck stops with Mulkey (on the basketball side).

I have never been a fan of Mulkey. Played with a girl in high school who walked on to Baylor and had horror stories about the whole experience. Griner was interviewed on Sportscenter and basically said it was an open secret, and she was definitely not alone in being gay at Baylor.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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We all are ignoring the possible role of the DFW coach - later Baylor coach - in all of this. Of course he now has left. Just saying....


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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If it was as bad as she says it was at Baylor - from the beginning = why not transfer? Kids have left programs for a lot less than this.
Staying - at this point - hardly seems like a "profile in courage" on her part.

PS: I don't doubt that BG took enormous crap every day of her life = You can't go to one forum when someone doesn't offer the most hateful comments. That said, Baylor stood by her the entire 4 years. Especially after what might have been a carrer ending incident freshman year. Does she feel used? Sorry, that's the deal she made.
I made a comment elsewhere that may have seemed insensitive or not PC - Fact is, I don;t want to hear about ANY college kid's sexual proclivities. I'm certain neither Geno nor CD want that line of dialog pursued by the horde either.

There is a gap a mile wide between saying that someone's private life is private and not an item for general public display and a complete failure to provide them with a sense of acceptance and wholeness as part of a community. The more you establish a sense of community and acceptance within the team itself the less external judgments by outsiders matter.

I do not hear in Brittney Griner's and Brooklyn Pope's recent statements a sense that there was much of a community within the Baylor Women's basketball team. That was precisely part of the issues that lay at the core of Portland's era at PSU. Lesbians even when on the team clearly had a sense of being "second class" members of the community barely tolerated if at all.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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I don't like the word "sexuality" when discussing being gay because it makes it sound as if being gay is only about sex. Coming out is about being honest and open. How many of you have ever had to go through your life having to calculate every conversation to make sure that you didn't reveal that you were straight. Try going through a day where you can't say "my wife," "my husband," "my girlfriend," "my boyfriend."

You never hear a straight person's "sexuality" used as a phrase to describe them as being straight.
Aug 26, 2011
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Suggesting BG keep her orientation on the down-low is hardly comparable to the aggresively anti-gay atmosphere fostered by Rene Portland. Such a suggestion of ANY comparable linkage is over the iop vis Kim Mulkey.

. That was precisely part of the issues that lay at the core of Portland's era at PSU. Gay's even when on the team clearly had a sense of being "second class" members of the community barely tolerated if at all.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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There is a gap a mile wide between saying that someone's private life is private and not an item for general public display and a complete failure to provide them with a sense of acceptance and wholeness as part of a community. The more you establish a sense of community and acceptance within the team itself the less external judgments by outsiders matter.

I do not hear in Brittney Griner's and Brooklyn Pope's recent statements a sense that there was much of a community within the Baylor Women's basketball team. That was precisely part of the issues that lay at the core of Portland's era at PSU. Gay's even when on the team clearly had a sense of being "second class" members of the community barely tolerated if at all.
See now I didn't get that. I saw the booster talking to her girlfriend saying how can make this a good place for her. I think the a lot of animus is must have been that way...but I don't see any concrete evidence in BG's statements.

I am confident that have been rough spots for Brittney along the way. For all her enormous talent and ability, I would not trade places with her as I'm sure she has had a very tough road in a society where non-conformity draws scorn. Still, that part of her life is behind her and her future is bright.
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