Mir McLean is not known to a lot of HS basketball fans across the country....yet. Looking at her block that shot, the girls on the other team found out who she was, as did their parents and coach. That is a hard shot to block, a corner 3. That made me think of that old Johnny Cash tune...."A boy named Sue." Remember the part of the song where he introduces himself to his estranged father...."My name is Sue, how do you do?".
I have a feeling that Mir will be introducing herself to a lot her freshman year. I love her aggressiveness, and her ability to attack the basket. She's going to spend a lot of time at the stripe.

A block like this one will probably make the evening news (maybe Sports Center). So folks in the local viewing area will find out quickly who Mir is.
Tip in........I miss ol' Johnny C, he was one of my favorite country/western artists.