Mike DiMauro, Jeff Jacobs, & Joe Zone want to meet u guys | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Mike DiMauro, Jeff Jacobs, & Joe Zone want to meet u guys

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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I have a few questions and comment s now, if you'll indulge me...

1. Where the topics to be discussed on air known beforehand? I would have been weary of being sandbagged.

2. The purpose of anonymity, I think, is to promote the free flow of ideas. To me that's the whole point. If one gets side tracked and cant take the "constructive criticism" with a grain of salt, then maybe it's not the right place for that person. I've only been posting here for a year and a half, but I've been lurking for quite some time before that. The Boneyard is full of passionate UConn fans as far as I can tell and sometimes tempers flare. It happens. I don't know about anyone else, but I hardly ever take what is written here personally, even if I am called a (not sure it's happened, but it's possible.). I try to be logical, pragmatic, and police myself as best I can, but I've been know to harp on a subject until long after it's been killed dead. It is what it is.
The topics were not agreed to in advance, it was a kind of free for all. doggy said in a thread on the women's board that the journalists were ready to rumble but when doggy and digger agreed some posters were out of line with their comments and insults it changed the tone of the interview.

Internet communities, for the most part, are not for wimps or the thin-skinned types. If I make a statement, no matter how harmless, someone will disagree with it. IMO, you need to have that mindset if you're going to write controversial column like those guys do sometimes. I don't think I'm all that controversial but I've been called every name in the book, been condemned to Hell (Tennessee fan, yeesh), and had my physical safety threatened. I can only imagine the emails these two guys get yet they fret over the stuff we post years later. Maybe they should have someone screen the posts for them. Seriously.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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1. Where the topics to be discussed on air known beforehand? I would have been weary of being sandbagged.

No, not specifically. Just a general discussion on message boards. And a discussion on the UConn-ND women's basketball teams.

They were just a wee bit sensitive.
Aug 27, 2011
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I just got done watching the show (albeit only parts where the Boneyard representatives were present...By the way, you guys did a tremendous job) and I actually wish it went on longer.

I have a few questions and comment s now, if you'll indulge me...

1. Where the topics to be discussed on air known beforehand? I would have been weary of being sandbagged.

2. The purpose of anonymity, I think, is to promote the free flow of ideas. To me that's the whole point. If one gets side tracked and cant take the "constructive criticism" with a grain of salt, then maybe it's not the right place for that person. I've only been posting here for a year and a half, but I've been lurking for quite some time before that. The Boneyard is full of passionate UConn fans as far as I can tell and sometimes tempers flare. It happens. I don't know about anyone else, but I hardly ever take what is written here personally, even if I am called a (not sure it's happened, but it's possible.). I try to be logical, pragmatic, and police myself as best I can, but I've been know to harp on a subject until long after it's been killed dead. It is what it is.

3. What happens on the Boneyard has been happening since Gutenberg developed his press. The masses have been criticizing journalists for centuries. It's just now, it gets back to them easier. I'm sure the press in 1910s Boston took a beating from the Royal Rooters. But so what? 'Nuf Ced McGreevy's point of view was just as valid as the press of the day, he just didn't have a medium that was as widespread. Journalist have the power to put their points of view out there. It's the business they chose. Only now there are less barriers between John Q. Public and the Knights of Keyboard and its causing resentment (See: Bissinger, H.G. vs. Leitch, William).

4. As a fellow stutterer, I sympathized with Mr. DiMauro as he spoke.

You're not wrong about any of this. But when Jacobs read my comment about Joe Zone out loud it gave me pause. I shouldn't have said it. I try not to make comments on here that I wouldn't make to people's faces. I'm not always successful. You live and learn from your mistakes.

I already apologized for the comments about Joe Zone, but I stand by my opinion that the guy is a know-nothing blow hard. And if he doesn't like me saying that from the anonymity of my keyboard, tough.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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You're not wrong about any of this. But when Jacobs read my comment about Joe Zone out loud it gave me pause. I shouldn't have said it. I try not to make comments on here that I wouldn't make to people's faces. I'm not always successful. You live and learn from your mistakes.

I already apologized for the comments about Joe Zone, but I stand by my opinion that the guy is a know-nothing blow hard. And if he doesn't like me saying that from the anonymity of my keyboard, tough.

Happens to the best of us, Jimmy. That said, You and me are gonna have words next time I see you!!!! Don't think for a second I don't remember what you wrote to me about that thing, that time, when I wrote something in response to that guy...in Buffalo. ;)


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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As another fellow stutterer I admire him because he doesn't allow it to keep him from speaking publicly .... ... :)
That's it, Gun. Get it out in the open. You'll feel better. :D


Aug 26, 2011
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You're not wrong about any of this. But when Jacobs read my comment about Joe Zone out loud it gave me pause. I shouldn't have said it. I try not to make comments on here that I wouldn't make to people's faces. I'm not always successful. You live and learn from your mistakes.

I already apologized for the comments about Joe Zone, but I stand by my opinion that the guy is a know-nothing blow hard. And if he doesn't like me saying that from the anonymity of my keyboard, tough.
He was angry you called him a know-nothing blowhard, or was there more? (I find these guys, Zone, Dimauro and Jacobs, painful to look at and listen to, so I didn't watch the video).
Aug 27, 2011
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He was angry you called him a know-nothing blowhard, or was there more? (I find these guys, Zone, Dimauro and Jacobs, painful to look at and listen to, so I didn't watch the video).

No I wouldn't apologize for that. I wrote some nasty insult about Zone that I don't care to repeat, cause I shouldn't have said it in the first place.
Mar 19, 2013
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Just a quick question, what does BC's being in the ACC have anything to do with Uconn FB's struggles the past 3 seasons under PP; when BC has been in the ACC for 9, going on 10 seasons?
BC is a backstabbing traitor, that is all you need to know.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I just watched this - They are mostly concerned about boneyarders not using their real names. Really? So if we did use our real names and you didn't like what we said - would there be some sort of consequence? What would you do about it?​

My question is to Joe Zone - is that REALLY your last name?

And now again to Joe Zone - you are an idiot. Your broadcasts are unwatchable. You have a presence for radio. Your knowledge of sports is not great. You are a PP lover and one of the few that didn't think his hire would turn into the train wreck it did.
Cupboard was bare got old quick. Your 'barb' at Diaco was uncalled for but your man crush on PP was obviously in the way. Talk to Newsome - he wanted to stay home - no credit should be given to PP on that at all. You are taking credit for interns at ESPN (the enemy of UConn) - Wow, you are great at your job if that happened (snicker). Maybe if you were any good ESPN would have taken you instead of your 3 interns. Grow some tougher skin or go back to Syracuse if the lights of public life are too bright for you in CT.


Kevin S Krasiejko
Last edited:


Aug 26, 2011
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Just win baby
Apr 19, 2012
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I'm proud to say I started that thread and I stand by it! Joe Zone couldn't have been more anti Uconn in that segment, I was blown away, here we are we can't even get our local media to support our new coach cuz their mad that their guy got ousted! The worst part was it was completely unscripted so no one new it was coming, don't be mad at Jimmy for telling the truth guys.
Jun 21, 2013
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BC is a backstabbing traitor, that is all you need to know.
Save the traitor cr@#..... please....C.R. is a messy, secretive, show me the money world. Decisions are made based on $$$$ the best interests of the fan base fall somewhere below that. What he said, or she said, or they said means zero this day and age, the coaching carousel is a prime example. Seriously you hate B.C. ......because your angry they left..... after U Conn finally arrived on the football scene as a member. Understandable....in a 2004 C.R. kinda way....I guess.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Save the traitor cr@#..... please....C.R. is a messy, secretive, show me the money world. Decisions are made based on the best interests of the fan base fall somewhere below that. What he said, or she said, or they said means zero this day and age, the coaching carousel is a prime example. Seriously you hate B.C. .because your angry they left..... after U Conn finally arrived on the football scene as a member. Understandable....in a 2004 C.R. kinda way....I guess.
Not really. I think more of us hate BC due to the fact tht they vigorously let it known they didn't want UConn in ACC. The real reasons we will never know but I would assume that BC 'wanted' NE to themselves and remembered how bad the BB matches were - keep 2 losses a year of the schedule. That didn't work out to well for you, did it?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I have to say, I find it utterly ridiculous that these three men are complaining about us not using our real names, as if they are somehow oppressed people who need to be defended.

The fact of the matter is that each of those gentlemen has a forum for which he can offer his unadulterated opinions (assuming their respective editors feel that what they say is able to be in print / on tv). They get to have their opinions go unchecked every single day. So who cares if they use their real names and we don't! I know that when I post something, I have to back it up. I literally have a few thousand fellow anonymous people ready to call me on any bull that I might post if they feel it's off base or inaccurate. When are they ever fearful that someone calls them on their bull? They each have the proverbial "bully pulpit" from which to speak.

And quite frankly, I'm proud of the fact that there are a great many UConn fans on this site that provide more knowledgeable and informed thoughts than most of our "legitimate" media, regardless of our anonymous status. It's what keeps me coming back for more, and I suspect it's what keeps the media coming back, too...
Sep 22, 2012
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Well well, here we go again. What does Joe Zone and channel 3 lead off sports with this morning. I'll tell you its girls high school basketball then the boys. Where is Uconns coverage?????. Its 3rd or 4th on the list. Again UConn mens basketball treated like 2nd class citizens. And what about the Courant. Its not even in the headlines. The womens game was in the headlines the day after they won their game. Again 2nc class citizens. When the media gives UConn top billing, you will never see us in a major conference, PERIOD.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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So let me understand this. Any time the two letters of "B" and "C" are put together in consecutive order, were are required to be subject to BCINYA's Gezpatcho interjection?

This thread is about three local sportswriters, not Boston College.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I have to say, I find it utterly ridiculous that these three men are complaining about us not using our real names, as if they are somehow oppressed people who need to be defended.

The fact of the matter is that each of those gentlemen has a forum for which he can offer his unadulterated opinions (assuming their respective editors feel that what they say is able to be in print / on tv). They get to have their opinions go unchecked every single day. So who cares if they use their real names and we don't! I know that when I post something, I have to back it up. I literally have a few thousand fellow anonymous people ready to call me on any bull that I might post if they feel it's off base or inaccurate. When are they ever fearful that someone calls them on their bull? They each have the proverbial "bully pulpit" from which to speak.

And quite frankly, I'm proud of the fact that there are a great many UConn fans on this site that provide more knowledgeable and informed thoughts than most of our "legitimate" media, regardless of our anonymous status. It's what keeps me coming back for more, and I suspect it's what keeps the media coming back, too...

Completely agree. I said earlier that I have no problem whatsoever with media members coming on here to get a pulse of the fanbase and get ideas for their articles/coverage. I remember a poll that Kevin Duffy posted on here for a piece he wrote leading up to Edsall's return to the Rent last season. I thought that was GREAT. But there are members of the CT media (not Duffy...I like his pieces) that know less about college football than the majority of the fans who post here. For example, when Joe Zone criticizes Diaco/UCONN for Marchi while not getting all of the facts and when the same guy publicly parades around saying that Newsome's commitment was PP's and he should be given credit (forgetting that PP recruited Ray Rice to Cuse before he was fired then Rice flipped to Rutty)...that's all utter nonsense and terrible journalism.

Honestly, I don't watch our local sports TV coverage because it's dominated by women's basketball and that doesn't interest me whatsoever (I wish them well of course but different strokes for different folks I realize). But I do feel that the media caters its coverage to the "women's basketball fan" and I definitely think there is a stark difference between reporting on girl's basketball and reporting on football. It's a completely different demographic that requires different coverage levels and I don't think the majority of the CT media understand this. The football fan wants year long coverage: recruiting (including local high school football), daily spring practice notes and pieces, conference realignment stories, position battles, stadium improvements, NFL draft previews for UCONN players, Spring Game lead-in excitement building stories, more coverage about this outlet proposal around the Rent, daily summer practice notes and pieces, detailed season previews, detailed opponent matchup breakdowns with x's and o's, conference outlooks, and detailed player profiles. That's just off the top of my head. It's sad that we have to come on here to get the x's and o's film breakdowns of our games and that kind of work isn't being done by our local media. Then again, I also think that's a product of the media not understanding the game to that level of detail.

I am very interested to see what kind of coverage that UCONN football will get here by our local media now that we have an exciting new direction. The national media LOVES Diaco so it would only make sense that the local media would do the same. The fanbase LOVES Diaco so, again, it makes sense that the local media would do the same. It seems that everyone in the country knew that Pasqualoni was a terrible hire and was dragging the program into the toilet except for the local media. I don't know what that says about the media but it certainly isn't good.
Aug 28, 2011
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Save the traitor cr@#..... please....C.R. is a messy, secretive, show me the money world. Decisions are made based on the best interests of the fan base fall somewhere below that. What he said, or she said, or they said means zero this day and age, the coaching carousel is a prime example. Seriously you hate B.C. .because your angry they left..... after U Conn finally arrived on the football scene as a member. Understandable....in a 2004 C.R. kinda way....I guess.
It's not that they left, they are fairly irrelevant.

It's HOW they left. They stabbed their partners in the back and went to the ACC hidden in Miami's butt.
Jun 21, 2013
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It's not that they left, they are fairly irrelevant.

It's HOW they left. They stabbed their partners in the back and went to the ACC hidden in Miami's butt.
Sorry.....I don't agree.... you still have to conduct business and tow the line so to speak. It was a well known fact that they were still working behind the scenes with Miami and the A.C.C as a whole to make the jump. It was discussed in the Boston Globe, with Miami vowing to bring B.C. aboard even after Virginia pressed the A.C.C. and won out for a V.T. invite. Donna S. of Miami stated that B.C. was next up and they had her support. It was only a matter of time and the B.E. new that. When the A.C.C. came calling for the 12th spot B.C. was gone.

Meanwhile you go back to the sandbox and play nice, and work with the hand you are dealt. What was the alternative? The damage was done. Any school left in that awkward position would have responded the same way. I guess the B.C. reaction could have been, We will not participate in any meetings, votes, searches, we are unhappy and don't want to work with any other member, come on man...thats not reality. If the B.E. was so upset and feeling so betrayed and devastated why not take a symbolic vote and vote them out like they did Temple? B.C. played through the allotted time frame and paid the exit fee. I don't think HOW they left is any different than Maryland, Cuse or Pitt...and don't tell me you saw any of that coming either. Im sure those departures (Cuse and Pitt) were negotiated and discussed far in advance while they continued to work closely with fellow B.E. schools, including voting on new expansion members, and presenting a unified front. Knowing full well they were off to the A.C.C. in the near future.

The HOW argument is Lame and I see a double standard applied here. It is funny how things come full circle...B.C. back to playing Cuse and Pitt in the A.C.C. your former finger pointing pals enjoying greener pastures. All seems to be forgiven now. Please don't single out B.C. for a lack of virtue or ethics with what has taken place over the past ten years with respects to C.R. They did what was in the best interest of B.C. and there is no moral high ground for ANY school to stand on.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry.....I don't agree.... you still have to conduct business and tow the line so to speak. It was a well known fact that they were still working behind the scenes with Miami and the A.C.C as a whole to make the jump. It was discussed in the Boston Globe, with Miami vowing to bring B.C. aboard even after Virginia pressed the A.C.C. and won out for a V.T. invite. Donna S. of Miami stated that B.C. was next up and they had her support. It was only a matter of time and the B.E. new that. When the A.C.C. came calling for the 12th spot B.C. was gone.

Meanwhile you go back to the sandbox and play nice, and work with the hand you are dealt. What was the alternative? The damage was done. Any school left in that awkward position would have responded the same way. I guess the B.C. reaction could have been, We will not participate in any meetings, votes, searches, we are unhappy and don't want to work with any other member, come on man...thats not reality. If the B.E. was so upset and feeling so betrayed and devastated why not take a symbolic vote and vote them out like they did Temple? B.C. played through the allotted time frame and paid the exit fee. I don't think HOW they left is any different than Maryland, Cuse or Pitt...and don't tell me you saw any of that coming either. Im sure those departures (Cuse and Pitt) were negotiated and discussed far in advance while they continued to work closely with fellow B.E. schools, including voting on new expansion members, and presenting a unified front. Knowing full well they were off to the A.C.C. in the near future.

The HOW argument is Lame and I see a double standard applied here. It is funny how things come full circle...B.C. back to playing Cuse and Pitt in the A.C.C. your former finger pointing pals enjoying greener pastures. All seems to be forgiven now. Please don't single out B.C. for a lack of virtue or ethics with what has taken place over the past ten years with respects to C.R. They did what was in the best interest of B.C. and there is no moral high ground for ANY school to stand on.

I think it's lame that a BC guy would chime in on this thread that has nothing to do with BC.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Sorry.....I don't agree.... you still have to conduct business and tow the line so to speak. It was a well known fact that they were still working behind the scenes with Miami and the A.C.C as a whole to make the jump. It was discussed in the Boston Globe, with Miami vowing to bring B.C. aboard even after Virginia pressed the A.C.C. and won out for a V.T. invite. Donna S. of Miami stated that B.C. was next up and they had her support. It was only a matter of time and the B.E. new that. When the A.C.C. came calling for the 12th spot B.C. was gone.

Meanwhile you go back to the sandbox and play nice, and work with the hand you are dealt. What was the alternative? The damage was done. Any school left in that awkward position would have responded the same way. I guess the B.C. reaction could have been, We will not participate in any meetings, votes, searches, we are unhappy and don't want to work with any other member, come on man...thats not reality. If the B.E. was so upset and feeling so betrayed and devastated why not take a symbolic vote and vote them out like they did Temple? B.C. played through the allotted time frame and paid the exit fee. I don't think HOW they left is any different than Maryland, Cuse or Pitt...and don't tell me you saw any of that coming either. Im sure those departures (Cuse and Pitt) were negotiated and discussed far in advance while they continued to work closely with fellow B.E. schools, including voting on new expansion members, and presenting a unified front. Knowing full well they were off to the A.C.C. in the near future.

The HOW argument is Lame and I see a double standard applied here. It is funny how things come full circle...B.C. back to playing Cuse and Pitt in the A.C.C. your former finger pointing pals enjoying greener pastures. All seems to be forgiven now. Please don't single out B.C. for a lack of virtue or ethics with what has taken place over the past ten years with respects to C.R. They did what was in the best interest of B.C. and there is no moral high ground for ANY school to stand on.
Geez, do you people talk just to hear yourself?

This is a thread about UConn fans and the Connecticut media. As Fishy said previously, your participation isn't needed.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Only in Connecticut, can you find this.

I mean seriously, representatives from a women's basketball forum debate CT sportswriters about comments made my anonymous internet posters.

I'm chucking to myself just reading this.
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