Mike Anthony: Hiring Jim Calhoun was a PR dream for St. Joseph. Now the reputation of the school and coach are damaged. | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Mike Anthony: Hiring Jim Calhoun was a PR dream for St. Joseph. Now the reputation of the school and coach are damaged.

Jun 18, 2018
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I gave why I think she was fired, why do you think she was fired?

I have no idea why she was fired. You gave your opinion based on nothing other than being pro Calhoun. You should really read the complaint. If even half of what she alleges is true it's pretty obvious why she was fired
Jan 31, 2018
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The problem here is all the assumptions by board members who never heard of this woman until the allegations came out. Now they all have opinions about her. I guess I'll waith and see the result before passing judgement.
Jan 31, 2018
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So much of what was alleged was so unbelievable that i have trouble giving credence to any of it. I’m sorry if this woman was truly hurt by something. But this isn’t the right way to address it.
How should it be handled. IF she was wronged(IF), she was fired. So what other recourse does she have.
Jan 28, 2015
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She got fired because she botched half her title IX filings. Joe’s is at fault inso far as they hired a woman who’s athletic department experience was working in the registrars office.

One of my best friends works there I got the entire story top to bottom.

if you believe stuff like Calhoun stomping on K Cups you’re a gullible dork trying to do a dance for your friends on the internet. Stop it.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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She got fired because she botched half her title IX filings. Joe’s is at fault inso far as they hired a woman who’s athletic department experience was working in the registrars office.

One of my best friends works there I got the entire story top to bottom.

if you believe stuff like Calhoun stomping on K Cups you’re a gullible dork trying to do a dance for your friends on the internet. Stop it.

No stomping.
Believe me.
I know.

Nonsense lawsuit., nonsense article.
No collusion, no quid pro quo.
No more questions.
Stop dancing.
Got it?



Plausible... though also plausible that enough of the alleged behaviors were more true than not to allow the matter to receive more than just attention in the media.

Neither cancels the other out as completely as some here might like.
Jim isn’t the defendant, his name was thrown in with some anecdotes merely to get the case attention beyond another incompetent employee getting terminated and suing narrative. True, plausible that Jim might have asked her to pick something up off the floor since he just had stage 4 stomach cancer and had half his stomach removed. But, does the media care about context?
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May 21, 2017
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Without getting into the bigger debate, you have to admit saying "I'd swipe left." is pretty comical.
Sorry to be dense, or perhaps too old to understand current colloquialisms, I cannot fathom what "I'd swipe left." means or implies. Please enlighten me!


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The fame, personality, and drive Calhoun has, paired with bringing all of his male staff to what was recently an all-girls school......this was just waiting to happen.

I'm playing Sweden on this one but for this reason I'm not surprised it happened.
I’m not convinced that anything happened other than a discharged employee trying to use that fame to bolster an otherwise week wrongful discharge case. Unless that is what you meant.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I have no idea why she was fired. You gave your opinion based on nothing other than being pro Calhoun. You should really read the complaint. If even half of what she alleges is true it's pretty obvious why she was fired
If you read the complaint, you can see that she’s using some pretty tenuous circumstances to create a wrongful discharge case. That says a lot about the validity of claims.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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Jim isn’t the defendant, his name was thrown in with some antidotes merely to get the case attention beyond another incompetent employee getting terminated and suing narrative. True, plausible that Jim might have asked her to pick something up off the floor since he just had stage 4 stomach cancer and had half his stomach removed. But, does the media care about context?

You and I both know that columnists are granted enough latitude within normative word counts so that their work in that format, by design, can never be complete. Advertiser-supported media have their own set of pressures and motivations.

Similarly, an adversarial legal pleading will allege all manner of assertions as fact in support of a client's action. It's at the heart of zealous advocacy.

Neither journalism nor law are perfect tools, but both historically have been utilized to accomplish more good than bad, and both are under constant criticism for not only their deficiencies, but also by those with motivation to lessen their effectiveness. For better or worse, that's a component of partisan battle.

My preference for respectful settlement negotiations is no secret. It sits at the base of my questions and criticisms of the self-certain here who dismiss this all as BS. I'm a 35 year fan of JC because for my purposes his good vastly outweighs his bad. But that doesn't blind me to his human imperfections and how they might sometimes complicate things, especially in the context of a life lived on a far grander scale than most.

As I wrote elsewhere, I could warmly recognize the man within his official statement, and I wasn't wowed by the plaintiff's Complaint. Neither is going to budge me from my take on some of the exaggerated derision on display in this thread. You raise some valid points. I think the same can be said for Mike Anthony. I might scale back portions of both your communications if asked to edit.
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You and I both know that columnists are granted enough latitude within normative word counts so that their work in that format, by design, can never be complete. Advertiser-supported media have their own set of pressures and motivations.

Similarly, an adversarial legal pleading will allege all manner of assertions as fact in support of a client's action. It's at the heart of zealous advocacy.

Neither journalism nor law are perfect tools, but both historically have been utilized to accomplish more good than bad, and both are under constant criticism for not only their deficiencies, but also by those with motivation to lessen their effectiveness. For better or worse, that's a component of partisan battle.

My preference for respectful settlement negotiations is no secret. It sits at the base of my questions and criticisms of the self-certain here who dismiss this all as BS. I'm a 35 year fan of JC because for my purposes his good vastly outweighs his bad. But that doesn't blind me to his human imperfections and how they might sometimes complicate things, especially in the context of a life lived on a far grander scale than most.

As I wrote elsewhere, I could warmly recognize the man within his official statement, and I wasn't wowed by the plaintiff's Complaint. Neither is going to budge me from my take on some of the exaggerated derision on display in this thread. You raise some valid points. I think the same can be said for Mike Anthony. I might scale back portions of both your communications if asked to edit.
I liked your post but Mike got suckered. Granted, poorly researched columns like his are commonplace due to deadlines, media ratings needs and perhaps laziness. But, true the plaintiff made her complaint and the school for various reasons can’t publicly respond. But, talk to anyone in the know at St Joe’, even those who barely know basketball, and that @Towney007 was right on target.
Jan 28, 2015
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Oh please, this has nothing to do with being a 'fan' of JC and everything to do with being a normally functioning human.

She botched all of her title IX filings so bad that the NCAA basically said get your act in gear or you're getting trucked. That was her job. I was told they actually reached out to two other schools to help them because she screwed them up so bad.

That athletic department - administratively - is like 8 people and most of them are either first job in athletics types or they're people filling in for jobs coming in from other departments. She was the later. She worked in the registrar's office and has *zero* experience in compliance and specifically title IX compliance. She's also got a reputation for being a total bull in a china shop.

St Joe's probably shouldn't have cheaped out and hired her. So to a degree - they hired her for a job that's difficult and that she probably had no shot at doing well. She's apparently owns the people skills of a tack hammer, so wouldn't surprise me if she had a run-in with the one men's team she had to manage.

But this idea Jim Calhoun stomping on K-Cups of coffee and telling her to pick them up is so completely and totally absurd on so many levels that it's hard to know where to begin.

But she got fired because she couldn't do her job. End of discussion.
Jan 31, 2018
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Oh please, this has nothing to do with being a 'fan' of JC and everything to do with being a normally functioning human.

She botched all of her title IX filings so bad that the NCAA basically said get your act in gear or you're getting trucked. That was her job. I was told they actually reached out to two other schools to help them because she screwed them up so bad.

That athletic department - administratively - is like 8 people and most of them are either first job in athletics types or they're people filling in for jobs coming in from other departments. She was the later. She worked in the registrar's office and has *zero* experience in compliance and specifically title IX compliance. She's also got a reputation for being a total bull in a china shop.

St Joe's probably shouldn't have cheaped out and hired her. So to a degree - they hired her for a job that's difficult and that she probably had no shot at doing well. She's apparently owns the people skills of a tack hammer, so wouldn't surprise me if she had a run-in with the one men's team she had to manage.

But this idea Jim Calhoun stomping on K-Cups of coffee and telling her to pick them up is so completely and totally absurd on so many levels that it's hard to know where to begin.

But she got fired because she couldn't do her job. End of discussion.
Or as the courts would say...BEGINNING of discussion.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sounds like they tried to give someone a job responsibility that was above their pay grade. I wonder if she got this job because she is female and the athletic dept skewed too male with the new men’s hires.

Also shouldn’t the response & counterclaims (if any) be due soon? If she botched the NCAA filings as mentioned that is an easily verifiable piece of info

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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Oh please, this has nothing to do with being a 'fan' of JC and everything to do with being a normally functioning human.

She botched all of her title IX filings so bad that the NCAA basically said get your act in gear or you're getting trucked. That was her job. I was told they actually reached out to two other schools to help them because she screwed them up so bad.

That athletic department - administratively - is like 8 people and most of them are either first job in athletics types or they're people filling in for jobs coming in from other departments. She was the later. She worked in the registrar's office and has *zero* experience in compliance and specifically title IX compliance. She's also got a reputation for being a total bull in a china shop.

St Joe's probably shouldn't have cheaped out and hired her. So to a degree - they hired her for a job that's difficult and that she probably had no shot at doing well. She's apparently owns the people skills of a tack hammer, so wouldn't surprise me if she had a run-in with the one men's team she had to manage.

But this idea Jim Calhoun stomping on K-Cups of coffee and telling her to pick them up is so completely and totally absurd on so many levels that it's hard to know where to begin.

But she got fired because she couldn't do her job. End of discussion.
You might be right, and one would hope that defendant's counsel projects a quiet confidence if so. To behave otherwise might be counterproductive and more costly than it needs to be.


Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry to be dense, or perhaps too old to understand current colloquialisms, I cannot fathom what "I'd swipe left." means or implies. Please enlighten me!
I've never actually seen it but Tinder is a smartphone app that shows people in your area who are interested in hooking up and or dating (I think mostly hooking up) and if you are interested based on the picture, you swipe right. If you aren't interested, you swipe left. They match people who swipe right for each other.

So he said something like 'you should smile more. I'd swipe left too.'
Sep 16, 2011
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Oh please, this has nothing to do with being a 'fan' of JC and everything to do with being a normally functioning human.

She botched all of her title IX filings so bad that the NCAA basically said get your act in gear or you're getting trucked. That was her job. I was told they actually reached out to two other schools to help them because she screwed them up so bad.

That athletic department - administratively - is like 8 people and most of them are either first job in athletics types or they're people filling in for jobs coming in from other departments. She was the later. She worked in the registrar's office and has *zero* experience in compliance and specifically title IX compliance. She's also got a reputation for being a total bull in a china shop.

St Joe's probably shouldn't have cheaped out and hired her. So to a degree - they hired her for a job that's difficult and that she probably had no shot at doing well. She's apparently owns the people skills of a tack hammer, so wouldn't surprise me if she had a run-in with the one men's team she had to manage.

But this idea Jim Calhoun stomping on K-Cups of coffee and telling her to pick them up is so completely and totally absurd on so many levels that it's hard to know where to begin.

But she got fired because she couldn't do her job. End of discussion.
Bums me out that UConn fans are so quick to believe this. 40+ years for Calhoun and not a peep, then he comes out of retirement at 76 years old so he could s exually harass a woman. It's so obvious why she threw Calhoun in the complaint and what this is all about. Thanks for shedding some light on it.
Aug 27, 2011
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The problem is we have no idea if she's a victim, we don't know who the victim is here...My guess is she's not, I think her job changed when the school got serious about sports and she wasn't up for it and got fired. I can see her not feeling like she fit in with the new guys and maybe they could have done a better job with that but the complaint looks desperate to me...like she's throwing anything out there she could come up with in hopes of having something stick.

Calhoun has been in the public eye for over 40 years and never a whiff of this stuff and the idea of Calhoun calling her "hot" is just ridiculous.
This is all it is. Like Jack Nicholson put it so brilliantly in As good as it gets when his character is asked how he writes women so well and he says "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability". Could not be more spot on.
Aug 27, 2011
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"You're really cute when you're angry"


"You should smile more."

(I can't decide)
You do what youre told and have a hard time deciding. Im pretty sure now that youre either a woman or transitioning. Good luck with that. Wish you the best.

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