With proper comic timing, it's a quality line. But it might also be costly, depending on how things play out.
The vehemence of those claiming this matter is "nonsense" and branding people with exaggerated labels is a decent indication of the threat felt by some. Yeah, ya can't just say, "Get outta here" anymore. And there are actually people here who will remind you of that if you try. In response, some, in effect, are whining, "It's getting so a guy can't criticize or dismiss someone without somebody complaining." If you're gonna dish it out, expect to have to take it in return. Anything less, and your fragility is on display.
In some settings, you might expose yourself to a legal complaint and the need to mount a defense. The charge might be weak, even ultimately baseless, but blowing people off isn't a realistic option. Consult a legal professional if you doubt this.
On a message board it might work to talk tough & take no prisoners, or maybe not so much. Many of the aggrieved in this thread should just suck it up. Or melt without recourse.
Besides, does anyone here know enough about what really happened to speak with such certainty? I surely don't.
I like JC's comment. It tips his hand, offers a human framing and context, and thereby provides an opening to settle the dispute. Lots of comments here fall far short of that.
Anthony's column has an appropriate measure equivocation, while still seeking to sell newspapers and get clicks. What was here labeled a "rant" provided similar equivocation, and yet (if one were to mute the word "rant"), one could see that a legitimate complaint about the timing & tone of Anthony's column was registered.
To my eyes, those who would call BS on the entire matter seem more to have jumped to conclusions. Those who can imagine that there might be something to address (including those who recognize that there's no option to ignore) display greater patience.
Whether they have claimed that it bothered them or not, all attractive woman I know would agree that they have been impolitely-treated by men with unfortunate regularity. That terming is intentionally mild. Many-to-most women would claim much worse. And women who aren't generally considered attractive haven't been completely spared in the matter. Ask your spouse, significant other, sisters, daughters, mothers, etc.
It's likely that some situations are overstated and that some misunderstandings could be cleared up short of legal filings. Most matters like this take advantage of opportunities to settle. I don't know if that's applicable in this case, but again, I find it dismaying that several here write with such authority based on so little information.
I'm skeptical that what I've written here would qualify as "chastising," and I stand firm in my dislike of an out-of-the-box claim that the legal complaint is "garbage from a snowflake." It's not only too conclusive a statement based on nothing, it's also rude language that's generally used to rally support in order to deepen criticism rather than improve the situation.