When I was younger I had a friend who grew up a crazy Celtics fan. Loved the big three.
He once told me that Parish's job was to work old Kareem. Make sure he couldn't come out of the game. And if he did, absolutely abuse the backup.
It's not exactly the same, but i kinda like Josh in this role. Abusing teams with suspect bigs. Or abusing the back ups. Josh gives us the ability to easily beat teams we should easily beat. Easily beat teams with lesser bigs.
Say what you want about Josh. He's not incredible, but he's spent most of his UCONN career as a guy who touched the ball a lot. Or we certainly tried to get him the ball a lot. He's had enough experience and success to confidently take it to any team with big guy deficiencies.
Josh definitely helps us beat the teams we should beat.