Perhaps, but I believe this year, due to a number of factors, there will be quite a bit more experimenting than we've seen in the past from Dan Hurley over the first eight plus weeks of the season, with the goal being to have the right lineup & rotations in place by the midpoint of conference play.
Yes BL, this is pure spectulation, something that we boneyarders often do to an extreme, so I'll throw my hat in the ring.
I could well be wrong here (won't be the first time and likely won't be the last) but assuming no inuries, I believe that AK will be the only player to start every game and he will also be the only one to average more than 25 minutes per game. There is too much depth of quality talent and too many possibilities to have one of the next five players (who would play one or two of three positions) to start every game.
I will go on record stating that each of Ball, Diarra, Mahaney, McNeeley and Stewart will not be in the starting lineup for at least five games this upcoming season. I also believe that our top two centers (Johnson, Reed) will both start double digit games, with the approach (who starts, who comes off the bench) that proves most effective being utilized almost exclusively form mid-January forward.
One thing that I am extremely confident about is that three or four of the players on our roster will end up with far fewer minutes than their abitlities would warrant under different circumstances and that five or six, who are seeing a good amount of playing time (20-22 minutes per game) would easily have seen six, eight, ten additional minutes each game in different environment. These are the problems you prefer to have.