Obviously, this is a matter of personal taste, and my own inclination is to be generally pleased by Meghan’s analysis and overall performance. What really interests me is that, consciously or unconsciously, these “critques” seem to be tinged with an unmistakeable scent of misogyny. In virtually every sport, whether men’s or women’s, the presence of a female “color” commentator seems inevitably to elicit the strongest criricism from posters, the majority of whom appear to be of the male persuasion. The very same commentary that male broadcasters routinely get away with tends to bring out certain and predictable allusions to witches and harridans when offered by those of the female variety. Fundamentally, an awful lot of guys seem convinced that women have no rightful place in sports commentary, and are trigger happy to vent their annoyance at their presence, even where female sports are concerned!