Maybe Weist should have been the guy | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Maybe Weist should have been the guy

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Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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While I generally disagree with you - just remember if you aren't the type of fan Art accepts then you aren't welcome. That's a solid strategy for a program dying for support.

Let me just say that you are doing a fine job defending your brethren in your role as the Boneyard leader of The Fellowship of the Miserable.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Let me just say that you are doing a fine job defending your brethren in your role as the Boneyard leader of The Fellowship of the Miserable.


You wouldn't think a program short on fans would have people chasing others off because they approach FBS football differently.

Way to go with another personal attack though. It's much easier than actually attempting to debate actual issues, so I applaud you as well.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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You wouldn't think a program short on fans would have people chasing others off because they approach FBS football differently.

Way to go with another personal attack though. It's much easier than actually attempting to debate actual issues, so I applaud you as well.
Now this isn't a place where I should speak, but I'm an avid basketball poster, hence my name. I've been going to football games since the Rent opened and most recently have been posting on the football board. I say the players aren't good and I don't have season tickets and then some people on here say to me, "Go away, you're a dumpster fire, go back to the basketball board, you're not a supporter you're a bad fan, the athletic department will die because of people like you, etc."

If that's not chasing fans away then I don't know what is. I hate to point that out, but its true. You didn't necessarily do it - you're a cool dude who always posts intelligent stuff, whether on the basketball forum, cesspool, or on here. But some other people on here have a inferiority complex and like to chase lesser football fans away.
Aug 27, 2011
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Now this isn't a place where I should speak, but I'm an avid basketball poster, hence my name. I've been going to football games since the Rent opened and most recently have been posting on the football board. I say the players aren't good and I don't have season tickets and then some people on here say to me, "Go away, you're a dumpster fire, go back to the basketball board, you're not a supporter you're a bad fan, the athletic department will die because of people like you, etc."

If that's not chasing fans away then I don't know what is. I hate to point that out, but its true. You didn't necessarily do it - you're a cool dude who always posts intelligent stuff, whether on the basketball forum, cesspool, or on here. But some other people on here have a inferiority complex and like to chase lesser football fans away.

Personally I don't care what you do with your money, but you're in over your head posting here. It'd be like me posting about X's and O's on hoops board. I try not to do it cause I generally don't know what I'm talking about. Being an alum I obviously watch the games, follow the team, and attend a handful of games every year, but I'm not a big basketball fan in general.

You might want to follow my lead on this.
Aug 26, 2011
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Now this isn't a place where I should speak, but I'm an avid basketball poster, hence my name. I've been going to football games since the Rent opened and most recently have been posting on the football board. I say the players aren't good and I don't have season tickets and then some people on here say to me, "Go away, you're a dumpster fire, go back to the basketball board, you're not a supporter you're a bad fan, the athletic department will die because of people like you, etc."

If that's not chasing fans away then I don't know what is. I hate to point that out, but its true. You didn't necessarily do it - you're a cool dude who always posts intelligent stuff, whether on the basketball forum, cesspool, or on here. But some other people on here have a inferiority complex and like to chase lesser football fans away.

Calling players garbage does not create an atmosphere where new fans want to join in.

What's worse is you try and justify it and blame me.

I suggest you take Jimmy's advice.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Now this isn't a place where I should speak, but I'm an avid basketball poster, hence my name. I've been going to football games since the Rent opened and most recently have been posting on the football board. I say the players aren't good and I don't have season tickets and then some people on here say to me, "Go away, you're a dumpster fire, go back to the basketball board, you're not a supporter you're a bad fan, the athletic department will die because of people like you, etc."

If that's not chasing fans away then I don't know what is. I hate to point that out, but its true. You didn't necessarily do it - you're a cool dude who always posts intelligent stuff, whether on the basketball forum, cesspool, or on here. But some other people on here have a inferiority complex and like to chase lesser football fans away.

I was saying Art was chasing you away. I wouldn't call players garbage but don't really care if you do.

Some people wildly overestimate the importance and impact of what is said here.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Perhaps but we should be a bit restrained when knocking kids on the team. Primarily because they are kids but another reason is that quite a few parents browse this board regularly.
I agree, but only up to a certain point.

At what point does a "kid" become an adult? The armed forces say 18, as does the penal system, and the Highway Dept. says 21.

Personally, I knew I was a man on the afternoon of August 29, 1995. The cars were unpacked, my side of Hicks 104 was set up to my liking (including the cube fridge fully stocked with Budweiser, the first and last time I could afford Bud on my own for the next 4 years) and my parents had just pulled on Route 195 to make the hour trip back to central Massachusetts.

Yes, UConn football players are kids, but many of these kids became men years earlier. Regardless, choices are made and 30-somethings to 60-somethings now hang on every tweet, Facebook post, and Instragram photo.

Interesting philosophical question. I'm interested to hear other opinions.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I will gladly offer my opinion. The players who have been criticized (or out and out berated) by some posters are not professionals. My belief is that they should not be held to a standard similar to that of a professional athlete. If one makes a mistake (which I imaging is reasonably common among 19, 220, 21 year olds) or if he isn't as gifted physically or athletically as his counterpart on another team (or backup at UConn) there should be a means of pointing out the mistake or shortcoming on a public forum without blasting the kid.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Perhaps but we should be a bit restrained when knocking kids on the team. Primarily because they are kids but another reason is that quite a few parents browse this board regularly.

I don't disagree on burying kids, they aren't professionals. I usually find that the players buried here are the easiest to root for with Whitmer being an obvious example.

I disagree with the type of thing he posted but he's right that it's not that different than what 100 people have posted about different players over the years.

None of that was my point though - I don't think because people approach their fanhood differently means they aren't fans or they should be chased off in general.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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If one makes a mistake (which I imaging is reasonably common among 19, 220, 21 year olds) or if he isn't as gifted physically or athletically as his counterpart on another team (or backup at UConn) there should be a means of pointing out the mistake or shortcoming on a public forum without blasting the kid.

And there is. Make you wonder if when other "adults" are actually just old children. It's been stated elsewhere, but I too try not to say anything here that I would not say in public.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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And there is. Make you wonder if when other "adults" are actually just old children. It's been stated elsewhere, but I too try not to say anything here that I would not say in public.
That's a good rule but you can't control what others are willing to type and if it's going to bother you, you should maybe stay away. In the spectrum of public places, the boneyard is closer to a biker bar than a bible study.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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That's a good rule but you can't control what others are willing to type and if it's going to bother you, you should maybe stay away. In the spectrum of public places, the boneyard is closer to a biker bar than a bible study.
I typically revert to a Bunkism at that point (as in Bunk Moreland from The Wire).

"There you go. Givin' a duckk when ain't you're turn to give a duckk."

If someone says something marginally offensive, I try not to give an F. I'd like to think others are the same, but everyone has different levels of skin thickness...just my philosophy.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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First, we are all UCONN fans. This hoops vs football absolutely has to stop. Why our fanbase chooses to segment and then mindlessly fight with itself will always baffle me.

Second, Weist's offense was absolutely putrid with Whitmer and Boyle last season. The biggest difference isn't Weist/Cummings. The biggest difference is Cochran/Whitmer. Cochran was able to help mask our OL weaknesses by making quicker reads and throws than Whitmer or Boyle can.

Patience people. It will take a while to dig out from Pasqualoni and it will take even longer without Cochran.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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In a state with a 61 BILLION $ Deficit, you can bet a group of politicians won't be closing down UCONN football anytime soon, not with a fairly new pride & joy stadium and over a theoretical loss of $5 million yr.
Stop projecting your secret fantasies! Just stop.

Following this logic, you think the state will demand the school lose a lot of money to use a 12 year old stadium 8 times a year. Do you understand the difference between a sunk cost and a variable cost?
Aug 27, 2011
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The die is cast. We've got to let it play out. Weist looked ugly too as said above. But, Weist also did not have the luxury of spring practice and summer camp.

The only thing I can definitively say is that without a very good QB in CFB it's hard to be a good. We have not had a good QB in a long time.


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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The only thing I can definitively say is that without a very good QB in CFB it's hard to be a good. We have not had a good QB in a long time.

Um, have you seen this video?


Limbo Land

Pounding Down the Doors!
Jan 8, 2013
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Changing a culture, especially one as bad as Uconn has had the past three years is going to take time. Weist would have had the very same mess but would not make the drastic changes that we see with Coach D. I will never get the image of the three lineman laying on the ground resting out of my head... that is what Coach P left us. This is a burn to the ground and build it back up and it is going to suck... hurt.. and its going to make you cringe every time we take the field. Coach D is going to get it right with recruiting. He is going to change this culture around so that by the end of next year we will see a difference. I am no longer worried about realignment. We are at the whim of one school who gets an itchy trigger. When that time comes we will be absorbed in what is left. With Coach D we would not have the strength guru we have now or the best recruiting class we have seen in many years.
Aug 24, 2011
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Changing a culture, especially one as bad as Uconn has had the past three years is going to take time. Weist would have had the very same mess but would not make the drastic changes that we see with Coach D. I will never get the image of the three lineman laying on the ground resting out of my head... that is what Coach P left us. This is a burn to the ground and build it back up and it is going to suck... hurt.. and its going to make you cringe every time we take the field. Coach D is going to get it right with recruiting. He is going to change this culture around so that by the end of next year we will see a difference. I am no longer worried about realignment. We are at the whim of one school who gets an itchy trigger. When that time comes we will be absorbed in what is left. With Coach D we would not have the strength guru we have now or the best recruiting class we have seen in many years.

many good points limbo
Aug 29, 2011
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Weist coached in short sleeve shirts when it was really, really cold out and wet out. This point cannot be overlooked.
Oct 6, 2013
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Weist coached in short sleeve shirts when it was really, really cold out and wet out. This point cannot be overlooked.

Coach Weist made an impact. He turned out to be a short term fix to a much needed long term solution. Whether it was an up-tempo, spread
and switching to CC or going out in shirt sleeves in cold as you enumerated above, he started an injection of much needed change in a time frame when not much time was granted. He had no time to make huge big changes. The time given was in microseconds...not years.
Seeing him in shirtsleeves when it was evident that a southern team in Memphis had quit, was inspiring to me as a fan. He did what he could do to salvage games, players, bridge recruiting and stimulate positive attitude.

IMO, the very small cultural, coaching and attitude changes allowed the team to move forward and not quit--- winning out at the end of last year. It certainly set the stage for the HCBD and the huge sweep and change he instituted. It also gave to a group of us in our fan section, a ray of hope....regardless of how he accomplished it (in shirtsleeves or not)..... Just my humble thoughts......
Aug 29, 2011
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Coach Weist made an impact. He turned out to be a short term fix to a much needed long term solution. Whether it was an up-tempo, spread
and switching to CC or going out in shirt sleeves in cold as you enumerated above, he started an injection of much needed change in a time frame when not much time was granted. He had no time to make huge big changes. The time given was in microseconds...not years.
Seeing him in shirtsleeves when it was evident that a southern team in Memphis had quit, was inspiring to me as a fan. He did what he could do to salvage games, players, bridge recruiting and stimulate positive attitude.

IMO, the very small cultural, coaching and attitude changes allowed the team to move forward and not quit--- winning out at the end of last year. It certainly set the stage for the HCBD and the huge sweep and change he instituted. It also gave to a group of us in our fan section, a ray of hope....regardless of how he accomplished it (in shirtsleeves or not)..... Just my humble thoughts.

I wasn't joking.
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