Is it true that in order to be drafted, everyone has to declare for the draft AND if a player declares for the draft, they forfeit any remaining college eligibility?
If yes to the above, are these sources saying that Paige will declare but will sit out the 2025 season if drafted by Dallas????
Overall, you can just ignore most of the chatter.
Yes, if you declare for the draft and are drafted, you lose college eligibility. It makes not much sense to get drafted and sit team that drafted you still has your rights the next year.
99% Paige will be drafted by and play for Dallas. She will be a star in a great sports town!
1% chance that Dallas tradeds #1pick for an absurd offer.
.001% chance Paige sits out, or goes back to UConn. She has confirmed leaving and very unlikely to back track. She loves to play against great competition, which is in WNBA!