No, it's not absurd. It's very possible.
I also don't see the difference between leader and leaders. Either way, Boat is a significant part of that equation. As mauuconnfan suggests, KO is also a significant part of that equation, but I doubt Donny had KO in mind when he made the statement. If Boat reads those statements he's probably offended. If Boat's family reads those statements, they are probably offended. Regardless of whether the statement reads leader or leaders.
To be honest, I'm not really sure what we are arguing, but I'd like to propose a scenario for you. You are the lead engineer on a project team of 15 other engineers. There are a few other senior level engineers on the project, but you are the most senior and the lead. After a lackluster year of missed deadlines and being over budget you run into the CEOs good friend of 20+ years. The good friend says, I frequently talk to the CEO and he thinks the project lacks leadership. If I was the lead engineer I just might see that as a criticism of me. Now as others have suggested, the problem may not actually be a leadership problem. It may actually be a engineering skills problem. Maybe the project is the electronic system for GMs new hybrid vehicle and nobody knows about engines. Regardless, the criticisms made by the CEO certainly includes the lead engineer. In fact, the CEO was probably thinking about the lead engineer when he made the statement.