Lady Vols suspending players from early pre season games | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Lady Vols suspending players from early pre season games

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Aug 24, 2011
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explain that to a few "regulars" who suggested that anything NOT UConnWBB-related should be listed as OT... even if its about another WBB team.

(for the record I was being sacastic, playing along with the nonsense)

(edit - think it was moreso due to all the Tenn threads... and maybe ND)
Well honestly it's not in the rules, so I should not have posted it so emphatically. And this is just my opinion, but...

I consider off topic stuff to be things simply not related to WCBB. For example, "Don't forget to vote today" would be OT. But... Peggy Sue at ND injures herself, or decides to transfer - because it impacts UCONN potential, even if only tangentially, I consider it ON-topic. We play ND this year. So something that happens to them has the potential to impact UCONN.

Now I realize if Peggy Sue plays for East Paduka University, it won't ever impact us, and if it's a player we've never heard of at a university we have no interest in, then that may be OT.

But we talk an awful lot about other teams - usually mostly in the top 25. All those teams, for the most part, are of direct interest to UCONN fans. There are so many threads on our board NOT about UCONN players, but about other teams or players in WCBB that it seems all that is related to UCONN hoops so it's not OT...

Anyway that's my $.02, but again, just my opinion and I have no idea what the exact answer is. Maybe I'm wrong - it's happened before and will happen again! ;)


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Holly is instating discipline and to have to disciple team leaders, upper classman is not good for the team. Perhaps this is why the LVs have not made the FF in so long. Leaders lead and underclassman follow. This is not good for the team as a whole. Holly needs now to keep her eyes on the upperclassman. This is not about winning this is about rebuilding the LVs into a top team in WCBB. Having upperclassman lead by example is very very important. To have them act like this needs the strictest attention. If it continues kick them off the team. You can not tolerate an attitude problem it will ruin the team. If Holly needs to rebuild the team then this year may be the year. The LVs have struggled for a long time. Perhaps this is part of the reason I don't know but I do know you don't tolerate bad attitudes. If it was one player that's one thing but this is to many players. Give them a second chance and that's it. You wanna win . Win with winners team players not premadonnas. Build a dynasty not a house of falling stars.


Aug 27, 2011
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I am fundamentally in agreement with Tony C.
This can't be good for the team, at least for the moment.
Embarrassing team leaders publicly is a risk.
Holly's recent past is one of the team somewhat ignoring her.
It could turn out part of the process of her really taking charge
Or, just as likely reenforce her essential weaknesses.


Jonathan Husky on a date with Holi
Aug 26, 2011
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I also give props to Holly for enforcing the rule. I've long admired Tennessee and UConn women's Bball for having both outstanding athletes and students on their rosters.

The fact that there haven't been suspensions announced before I think is pretty remarkable given that in the course of a college career it is easy even for the best meaning student to occasionally be late for class.

Does anyone know if Geno and CD have a similar policy for the Huskies?


Aug 24, 2011
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Holly is instating discipline and to have to disciple team leaders.
This might be the greatest single line from a post in BY history! I love ya' Tony! Did not know Jesus was heading to Knoxville!!! ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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I don't see why a rule needs to be created that would be stricter than for the general population. Missing a game is quite a stiff penalty for not sitting in the 1st 3 rows or being late. I'm not talking about chronic situations, or if someone is failing, but playing ball itself is a big extra burden, and sometimes legitimate things come up that cause these rules to be broken. Besides, I can't see a prof "ratting out" a player who is otherwise in good standing in the class. These rules could lead to cheating scandals, and it's treating players like children.


Tennessee Devotee
Sep 5, 2013
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These rules have been in place since Pat, it's nothing new, and they know the rules. Like I said, the coaching staff gets daily reports from each player's professors regarding this. This also happened back during the summer, not this semester. The reason it's being announced now is because the first game is on Sunday.

All of these players are on the Honor Roll at Tennessee. This has nothing to do with bad attitudes or failing grades. They made a mistake, and are paying the price for it.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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They are not bad rules. They are about teaching kids to aggressively pursue getting the most out of every class. It is a good life pattern.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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explain that to a few "regulars" who suggested that anything NOT UConnWBB-related should be listed as OT... even if its about another WBB team.
Not sure who the "regulars" are, but I don't remember anyone suggesting that.

(for the record I was being sacastic, playing along with the nonsense)
You need some work on that. ;)
Dec 23, 2011
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Kudos to Holly..... I see this as Holly going to tighten the reins a little bit..... Hopefully for the team's success, this will wake the team up and bring respect to Holly. She doesn't yet have, it seems, full respect of her team..... I hope for UT's sake, that this will change.
Jul 19, 2014
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Good on Coach Warlick for not letting this slide. She's being consistent and that is important players to know.
Jan 29, 2012
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I too applaud Holly for going through with suspensions. Especially on the seniors. It lets the team know that if she will suspend senior stars then she will do it on anybody if rules are violated .

Good for the Vols.

HGN- - - Before you applaud Holly Warlick, remember she went 2 years letting her players call their own plays and ignore the coaching staff!
The lack of leadership at the top is why TN is never going to a FF during her reign as head coach!


Unpopular Opinions
Sep 13, 2011
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Holly is instating discipline and to have to disciple team leaders, upper classman is not good for the team. Perhaps this is why the LVs have not made the FF in so long. Leaders lead and underclassman follow. This is not good for the team as a whole. Holly needs now to keep her eyes on the upperclassman. This is not about winning this is about rebuilding the LVs into a top team in WCBB. Having upperclassman lead by example is very very important. To have them act like this needs the strictest attention. If it continues kick them off the team. You can not tolerate an attitude problem it will ruin the team. If Holly needs to rebuild the team then this year may be the year. The LVs have struggled for a long time. Perhaps this is part of the reason I don't know but I do know you don't tolerate bad attitudes. If it was one player that's one thing but this is to many players. Give them a second chance and that's it. You wanna win . Win with winners team players not premadonnas. Build a dynasty not a house of falling stars.

This has nothing to do with making it or not making it to the final 4. This is more about teaching them lessons for life, rather basketball related or career related. The National Championship teams at TN have all had these same things occur. I recall Pat having a player punished at the start of almost every season. Missing classes is only 1 example. Exactly what occurred is not known and not made public. It's quite a stretch to say a player that missed class has a poor attitude without having any idea of why a class was missed or even if that's the reason. If a player awakes on-time for class, is prepared for class, and then gets to her car to find a flat tire and that makes the player either 15 mins. late or makes a player miss the class altogether, they do not get a pass. They are learning how to be accountable regardless of circumstances. I once knew a coach that said, if you are not 10 minutes early, you are late and you will be punished. His reasoning was to teach the players how to be early, so if something did happen (bad traffic or what ever), they'd still make it on time.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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The Tenn situation since PS went emeritus has been a puzzling case study. HW would hold post-game pressers expressing puzzlement and promising to go back to the drawing board. She also said at various times that they hadn't worked on offense yet and they had not worked on defense yet! I guess that all had to do with protecting a mutinous crew of players who practiced one way and played another?? Massengale's truly amazing confession about 2 years not listening to/trusting the coaching. This year will be interesting, with a significant number of Tenn faithful thinking they are a year away from a final four appearance. For me the question is still the same one for the last 5 years: can they mount a balanced, multifaceted offense? ESPN (Voelpel) seems to thinkit is going to be banging boards and wearing opponents out - the PS formula all over. Interesting story, no?
Dec 23, 2011
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My opinion is that Holly is totally lost...... she has had this team for one year with operational contr0l while Pat played out her last year.... and then 2 years with Pat as HCE. I do not have any inside information ..... I just base this opinion on the basis of watching them over this time..... people going solo, not just Simmons, not playing together, and seemingly not playing any type of a scheme. I know some Vol fans are solidly behind Holly, but I have not seen any indication in her tenure that she is up to the head coaching job. How many times do you see the post game presser and hear her say "we will go to the tape and learn from this"....... that says pretty clearly that she is not a stellar x's and o's game coach.

How to correct? In mu opinion, this discipline is a good start..... now she needs to impose her will, get her coaches on board with her thinking, and get the buy in of her team, so that she can garner respect and belief. I also think (forgive me Lady Vol fans) Pat needs to be separated from the program. This is Holly's tean, and I see Pat as a hindrance..... at the very least a distraction..... or a luminous distraction. She had a wonderful career..... she has 8 NCs and a nice statue. It is time for the LV program to turn the corner. Watershed moment, even though it should have happened by now. UT has the athletes ..... everyone in the country knows it, they need to be lead and molded into a cohesive group.
Jan 13, 2014
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My opinion is that Holly is totally lost. she has had this team for one year with operational contr0l while Pat played out her last year.... and then 2 years with Pat as HCE. I do not have any inside information ..... I just base this opinion on the basis of watching them over this time..... people going solo, not just Simmons, not playing together, and seemingly not playing any type of a scheme. I know some Vol fans are solidly behind Holly, but I have not seen any indication in her tenure that she is up to the head coaching job. How many times do you see the post game presser and hear her say "we will go to the tape and learn from this".. that says pretty clearly that she is not a stellar x's and o's game coach.

How to correct? In mu opinion, this discipline is a good start..... now she needs to impose her will, get her coaches on board with her thinking, and get the buy in of her team, so that she can garner respect and belief. I also think (forgive me Lady Vol fans) Pat needs to be separated from the program. This is Holly's tean, and I see Pat as a hindrance..... at the very least a distraction..... or a luminous distraction. She had a wonderful career..... she has 8 NCs and a nice statue. It is time for the LV program to turn the corner. Watershed moment, even though it should have happened by now. UT has the athletes ..... everyone in the country knows it, they need to be lead and molded into a cohesive group.
Agree with a lot of your thoughts. If discipline or respect really has been a problem, it's probably too late. Nowadays, especially in pro sports where the star players are making more than the coach, leadership and discipline and knowing who the boss is is ultra-important. If Bill Parcells was their coach do you think they wouldn't have "listened to him"? Once the inmates take over, not sure the same coach can get them back. Are they just waiting til Pat's son gets a little more experience anyway? If HW doesn't get it done this year just get Tyler in there from LA Tech and get it over with.
Jul 13, 2013
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This might be the greatest single line from a post in BY history! I love ya' Tony! Did not know Jesus was heading to Knoxville!!! ;)

I thought the saviour was arriving in Knoxville next year.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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If you really think that LV fans are "solidly behind Holly" just pop over to VolNation, especially after the LV lose a game and read the opinions there.
Nov 9, 2012
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Volnation is full of part time fair weather fans... completely opposite of those I have sat by in stands or communicate with on the Summitt (for the most part).
Holly's puzzlement came from the consistent lack of practice and game preparation translation to the actual game. The team would practice like a top 5 team and then play like a 20th ranked team. That was mentioned numerous times last year as a frustration point, by players and coaches. X's and O's are just fine... offense needs to be tweaked and it sounds like that is what happened this offseason. Losing Ariel ending up hurting down the stretch. She was having her best year and providing a consistent perimeter threat to a team that ended up in the 200's as far as 3 pointers made per game. The additions and growth of the players this year I think will prove to be a better fit with what Holly and staff are trying to do. They have 2 seasons under their belt, a sweet sixteen and elite eight, and some great recruits with or headed to the team. I think the dramatics with Holly's position needs to chill.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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yeah I dont think the VolNation fans have the inside scoop like the Summitt posters BUT I love their honesty


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Volnation is full of part time fair weather fans... completely opposite of those I have sat by in stands or communicate with on the Summitt (for the most part).
Holly's puzzlement came from the consistent lack of practice and game preparation translation to the actual game. The team would practice like a top 5 team and then play like a 20th ranked team. That was mentioned numerous times last year as a frustration point, by players and coaches. X's and O's are just fine... offense needs to be tweaked and it sounds like that is what happened this offseason. Losing Ariel ending up hurting down the stretch. She was having her best year and providing a consistent perimeter threat to a team that ended up in the 200's as far as 3 pointers made per game. The additions and growth of the players this year I think will prove to be a better fit with what Holly and staff are trying to do. They have 2 seasons under their belt, a sweet sixteen and elite eight, and some great recruits with or headed to the team. I think the dramatics with Holly's position needs to chill.
Agreed, as long as TN continues to miss out on the FF, Holly can stay there as long as she likes.
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