LOL - it doesn’t impact me other than its like seeing a gruesome accident until I think about how his psychological state might play out. The likes or dislikes in real time when I post stuff is part of the deal but someone going back 8 years to dislike every one of my 13,000 posts is frankly creepy and speaks to a psychological disorder. What you don’t see that I do is it’s a very time consuming effort, that takes hours each day. For that to be your day’s focus is frankly rather alarming and speaks to an illness. First, I feel concern for his sanity, then my family’s security and posters wonder why Chief has always been so private about my identity. What does he do with himself when he is done with that task? What’s his insanity outlet then?
Posting 13,000 times in 8 years on a UConn athletics forum is a psychological disorder as well. That averages out to over 4 posts per day, every day for almost a decade.
I worry also for your family.