I'm with You Orangutan! The waiting is the killer. It's a long dull painful experience while the final answer is either joyful or a short-term excruciating pain that we'll get through eventually.
We go through this every year. Why? Why do the most coveted recruits like to stretch out their recruiting experience, and wait until the 11th hour before they reveal their choice of schools?
As a fan, other than your team entering the second weekend in the post season tournament, this (for some) is one of the most excruciating and stressful times of the year.
I remember this time last year when UConn was still waiting for their first verbal after having the rug pulled out from under them by Charli Collier. There were a few yarders that wandered if UConn was going to swing and miss on the 2018 class. It was 10;45 pm, and no verbals had been received yet. Then Williams and ONO (thank goodness) came through and verbaled at 11:59 pm.
I’m looking for a repeat of last year, as
Jones and
Boston commit to UConn moments before the early signing period begins November 14. 90% of the 2019 class has already verbally committed.
It would not surprise me if Boston announces her decision in mid November when her team is in the Virgin Islands for a tournament the exact same time UConn will be there for the Paradise Jam - Nov 22-24 vs Ole' Miss, St. Johns & Purdue.
She could not ask for a better stage/platform for her reveal.
Don’t forget, she’s from the Virgin Islands. A rare opportunity to announce your decision in the presence of the team you’re committing to, and in front of numerous family and friends that live there. She’s already said that she will announce her decision
on her way home from that tournament.
UConn’s tournament goes 1-2 days beyond her’s. Technically after the buzzer sounds in her last game, she’s on her way home. Something to think about.