Johnny Mcentee is not the problem!!!! | The Boneyard

Johnny Mcentee is not the problem!!!!

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Oct 8, 2011
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I confused by the critics of Johnny Mac. Can they honestly say that zach frazer was better than john mac? Johnny Mac is better and he is doing something Frazer never did last year. He is improving every game. Nebrich had a chance vs Fordahm and johhny outperfomed him. Quaterback is one area i feel we have improved over last year. The main problem this year is our running game - > 1st year in awhile we don't have a pro (NFL or Canada) running back. Mccombs was I beleive a 4th string running back last year. He has potential but he just can break tackles. I believe I am stating the obvious but leave Johnny Mac alone.
Aug 28, 2011
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I think a vocal minority of posters believe Johnny Mac is the problem. He is not a world beater, but he is definitely better than Zach Frazer. The problem is we don't have Todman and Sherman playing behind him and Zach Hurd holding down a guard spot. He is not the type of qb who is going to win the game by himself, but it looks like he has learned to limit his mistakes which is very good to see.
Sep 3, 2011
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It's those pesky defenses. Where were they when the you tubes were being shot. Don't you just hate guys who blitz?
Aug 27, 2011
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JMac. Is not the answer. Very shaky in the pocket when there is pressure. He panics very easily. He is at best an ave. QB. JF was a below ave. QB. Offensively we are a below ave. team. No play makers!!


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I like McEntee, but this line and offense lack of play makers is a problem. His biggest problem is having a difficult time with the pass rush and being able to keep his cool and throw the ball away at times. When he gets flustered is when he is off target.
Sep 1, 2011
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JMac is playing without a running back-without a blocking back- with a porous oline that is less than adequate-receivers that don't always catch good passes and can't catch marginal ones- oh btw the dline got manhandled today and was severely overmatched- the dbacks were abused- and as for Jones it's the old if you are sitting in a poker game looking for the fish and can't find him-you are the fish-today Jones was the fish-JMac's fumble turned the game but at least he was trying to make something happen- the defense could have sucked it up but they just rolled over-put the three and outs on the oline-Nebrich is the backup q back of the future


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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Give him time and he's a solid quarterback. Don't give him time and he's pretty bad.

Frazer was pretty much just sub par. He had his solid games but he was wildly inconsistent at making his throws regardless of how much time he was given.
Sep 19, 2011
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I confused by the critics of Johnny Mac. Can they honestly say that zach frazer was better than john mac? Johnny Mac is better and he is doing something Frazer never did last year. He is improving every game. Nebrich had a chance vs Fordahm and johhny outperfomed him. Quaterback is one area i feel we have improved over last year. The main problem this year is our running game - > 1st year in awhile we don't have a pro (NFL or Canada) running back. Mccombs was I beleive a 4th string running back last year. He has potential but he just can break tackles. I believe I am stating the obvious but leave Johnny Mac alone.

I don't understand how you can say they gave Nebrich a chance - a series or two here and there is nowhere near enough for any QB to get into any type of rythm. Let him play a whole game - then lets see how he does and then we can judge. I don't know how you say the McEntee is not the problem - even when he has time and guys are open he either throws the ball way above the guy, or way underthrows it/throws it way short or he throws
behind the guy (which its hard for a reciever running at full speed to catch a balll thrown behind him). He can't read a defense, so a lot of time you see him getting pressure but as a QB hes supposed to be able to read a defense and change a play at the line (this will provide a change in the offensive scheme and allow him more time). Plus he locks on one receiver and once he's locked on he's either throwing to the guy (often getting picked) or getting sacked cus the guys not open. He should have at least 10 INTs on the year and should only have 3 TDs. I don't know how you can say that he's at no fault - he's flat out terrible. He's improved? The couple games he didn't play terrible were against terrible teams, don't think you should judge improvement on a couple games against weak compition.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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As of right now our biggest problems are at CB, S, OL, RB, QB, LB, KO coverage, P return, KO return, P, K, WR in that order, afaik.
Sep 17, 2011
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What is Deleone doing going empty backfield with our offense? We got destroyed each time. On the safety no one blocks the left DE/LB. He comes in untouched, that play call and design sucked. The game turned on Johnny's fumble but there is alot wrong in all areas. T Jones dropped 2 perfect throws and others can't make a grab unless it's dead-on. I have never seen one of our O-lineman block no-one in pass protection as often as Greene does. He doesn't seem to have any periheral vision and be able to react to blitz's. J Louis got one carry, how will we know if he can help with one carry? And the mistakes in lining up continue with two penalties on passing downs due to a covered tight end, not to mention another block in the back on a return.


I confused by the critics of Johnny Mac. Can they honestly say that zach frazer was better than john mac? Johnny Mac is better and he is doing something Frazer never did last year. He is improving every game. Nebrich had a chance vs Fordahm and johhny outperfomed him. Quaterback is one area i feel we have improved over last year. The main problem this year is our running game - > 1st year in awhile we don't have a pro (NFL or Canada) running back. Mccombs was I beleive a 4th string running back last year. He has potential but he just can break tackles. I believe I am stating the obvious but leave Johnny Mac alone.

I agree McEntee has made some serious progress. However, he needs to read the defense better and make adjustments to counter the blitz. What I'm more concerned about are RB has taken a HUGE step back, we always seemed to have someone step up even as true freshmen. Special teams have regressed IMO .... Nick Williams on punt return just isn't working, Nick Williams at KO isn't working all sudden (blocking looks ineffective), Teggart has momentum killing misses? Our most consistent players from last year are being inconsistent. Our defense might be more 'exciting' to watch but it's not as efficient or disciplined as Edsall's. Penalties have been ridiculous which leads me to believe this team isn't as disciplined as it once was. This is on the coaches for not getting the most out of their players. When players are regressing and having mental lapses for ridiculous penalties it's on the coaches to correct this.
Aug 29, 2011
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The concept that this team is regressing is simply false.

We are 2-4 overall.

This is not the 2010 huskies team.

This is the 2011 huskies team. They are 2-4, and they are so very close to being so much better that it would give me ulcers if I wasn't in a better place......and we've got homecoming next weekend.

I'm hoping that everybody is picknicking tomorrow when we drive home, there's nothing more aggravating than traffic in new jersey, and we've got to go 78 to Newark. Yuck.
Aug 28, 2011
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JMac is playing without a running back-without a blocking back- with a porous oline that is less than adequate-receivers that don't always catch good passes and can't catch marginal ones- oh btw the dline got manhandled today and was severely overmatched- the dbacks were abused- and as for Jones it's the old if you are sitting in a poker game looking for the fish and can't find him-you are the fish-today Jones was the fish-JMac's fumble turned the game but at least he was trying to make something happen- the defense could have sucked it up but they just rolled over-put the three and outs on the oline-Nebrich is the backup q back of the future

Just a slight correction. The D Line did not get manhandled today.
Oct 8, 2011
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Like I've said since the ND game, Kendall Reyes is a high draft pick!
Sio Moore may get a look.

But Edsall left Emerill with liver!
Aug 28, 2011
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Like I've said since the ND game, Kendall Reyes is a high draft pick!
Sio Moore may get a look.

But Edsall left Emerill with liver!

UCONN has a tremendous D Line. Tywon Martin is playing very well, and Reyes is playing like a 1st team All America. Even the ends are doing well, Jennings and Trevardo looked very good.

The problem is the sloppiness and lack of discipline in the back 7. Looks like everyone wants to freelance at Linebacker. Sio Moore's play has regressed greatly since last year.


UCONN has a tremendous D Line. Tywon Martin is playing very well, and Reyes is playing like a 1st team All America. Even the ends are doing well, Jennings and Trevardo looked very good.

The problem is the sloppiness and lack of discipline in the back 7. Looks like everyone wants to freelance at Linebacker. Sio Moore's play has regressed greatly since last year.

Thats exactly what I am saying that Carl's not agreeing with. Dependable players/positions from last year have regressed .... this is a coaching problem. When you're not getting the most from your players its time to start evaluating who's at the helm. If you don't see a regression with regards to penalties from last year you haven't been watching the same games. This team is far less disciplined than last year. Nick Williams was the leading return man in the nation last year. What is he averaging this year?
Aug 28, 2011
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Thats exactly what I am saying that Carl's not agreeing with. Dependable players from last year have regressed .... this is a coaching problem. When you're not getting the most from your players its time to start evaluating who's at the helm.

Could be a scheme problem too. Don Brown's D is a blitz non stop D, but it has been pretty horrible thus far. We have some of the worst blitzing linebackers I have ever seen. So when you blitz a backer and they tip toe to the line (Jory Johnson) and get easily blocked, that exposes a DB with no help behind him (see long pass in 1st quarter with Byron Jones all alone) And I do blame coaches for that. Know your personnel and teach them the techniques they need. And when they freestyle like the linebackers have been doing, take them out, and communicate to them what they are supposed to do.

As an aside I think they need to seriously consider moving TRevardo Williams to outside backer. And use him in a Lamaar Woodley/Mike Vrabel role.

I know, I know, Edsall was terrible, he kills puppies for fun . . . etc., but no one on this board will ever accuse him of not being a coach who taught discipline, and expected players to execute. And it showed on his teams. This is a different staff. Doesn't mean they won't end up being successful, but they are different.
Aug 26, 2011
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What is Deleone doing going empty backfield with our offense? We got destroyed each time. On the safety no one blocks the left DE/LB. He comes in untouched, that play call and design sucked. The game turned on Johnny's fumble but there is alot wrong in all areas. T Jones dropped 2 perfect throws and others can't make a grab unless it's dead-on. I have never seen one of our O-lineman block no-one in pass protection as often as Greene does. He doesn't seem to have any periheral vision and be able to react to blitz's. J Louis got one carry, how will we know if he can help with one carry? And the mistakes in lining up continue with two penalties on passing downs due to a covered tight end, not to mention another block in the back on a return.

Yes, yes and yes.

It also looked like JMac may have absorbed a pretty direct helmet to the right elbow on the fumble. A real gift and nice piece of luck for WVU. But we have lots of issues, and the O-Line has been a real disappointment. The backfield is empty compared to last year. People are looking for a savior for all these personnel issues but right now we don't have one. The team has to get better and our QB is under pressure, literally.
Sep 20, 2011
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Johny was not the problem today. Our D simply couldn't stand up to WVU's offense once they got their footing. That fumble did give them the momentum but there were plenty of chances for the D to stop or slow down WVU after that.
Aug 26, 2011
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The guy is about 12-15 passes which could and should have been intercepted thus far this year, from being a major stiff. He may have shown improvement but other defenses NOT making plays is the only reason he's still playing. Sorry if he's the answer UConn football is in huge trouble. He would be fighting for a spot on UMass at best.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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He is not a world beater, but he is definitely better than Zach Frazer.

Frazer was heads and shoulders better than JMac. In this offense we'd have at least another win or two with Zach.
Aug 28, 2011
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Frazer was heads and shoulders better than JMac. In this offense we'd have at least another win or two with Zach.

Wrong. Teams put 8 men in the box and cheated a safety to stop the UCONN running game, and Frazer could still not take advantage, I don't think McEntee is head and shoulders above him, but he is better.
Aug 27, 2011
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The guy is about 12-15 passes which could and should have been intercepted thus far this year, from being a major stiff. He may have shown improvement but other defenses NOT making plays is the only reason he's still playing. Sorry if he's the answer UConn football is in huge trouble. He would be fighting for a spot on UMass at best.
Good thing for us there's no "almost intercepted stat line"
Aug 28, 2011
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Zach didn't have an offense that gave him open receivers every play.

No, he just had a running game that caused defenses to play single coverage all game. And what offense does McEntee play in that has receivers open all game, because I have yet to see it.
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