I'm blue collar Irish Catholic from Boston ( 8 miles out ) that loves BC ( well, maybe not love them, but like following them, anyway ). BC's football home attendance is about that of UConn's home football attendance. There are probably more blue collar Irish Catholics attending BC home football games at BC than blue collar Irish Catholics attending Uconn home football games at Hartford for Uconn... but probably more minority fan attendance at Hartford for Uconn's game there than minority attendance at Alumni. Part of this might be explained by the fact that BC plays their home games in Chestnut Hill ( few minorities in this locale ) while Uconn plays their home games in more racially and much more ethnically diverse Hartford. Thats my take anyway as to the demographic profile of the typical attendees of the BC home football games and the make up of the demographic profile of the attendance at the UCONN home football games. Both have " blue collar Irish Catholics " in attendance, but having attended games in both, BC would appear to me to have more of this group in attendance for their home football games, than Uconn at Hartford... then again, one neve really knows if the attendee is blue collar, white collar, or Irish, nor what their religion is. But facial features DO give an observable tip off to the racial makeup of attendees, and Uconn's football fanbase in Hartford decidedly looks much more diverse to me. BC looks to me to have much less racial diversity in their football fanbase than does Uconn.... at least from observing the football crowds at both Hartford and at Chestnut Hill, anyway.