As a fan who watched and followed his career at UConn, the only thing I feel even remotely equipped to speculate on is that it never looked to me like he particularly enjoyed playing basketball. (In fact, I can’t even remember ever seeing the man smile on a basketball court.) Easy for you to call him a knucklehead for not having maximized earnings in the NBA based on his talent, I suppose. And I know it’s hard for many of us regular joes and janes to grasp this, but, some people don’t actually want to be rich or (even less so) famous. There are lots of ways to get stuck in a career that you have no passion for. So how do you know he’s not just searching for something better out of life, and that’s what’s “motivating” his non-motivation as a basketball player? Again, speculating beyond that, for those of us who have no connection to his life, says more about ourselves than it does about him.