Ollie called Purvis the most talented player during practices last year and guess who he was practicing with? Shabazz. His issues at nc state (streaky shooting, being out of control, FT, shooting) are all problems we have been known for fixing and he's had over a year to do it. Just because you don't play a year of basketball don't mean you don't get better over that year. Purvis will play like a Junior this year because he is one essentially. Same way AJ Price didn't play like a freshman his sophomore season even though he never played freshman year.
Now when I say talent I'm not talking about skills. Skills are shooting, passing, dribbling, etc. Guys like Stanley Robinson, Rudy Gay, Andre Drummond were tremendously talented guys. But had no skills. In the sense of talent Rodney is more talented than any PGs we've had in the past. He's not lacking on many skills either. I've said before that we have watched Ollie develop 3 PGs who used to be out of control bad decision makers into heady guys who seem to always make the right play. Purvis is the most talented out the bunch and I'm sure he will do the same with him and we are going to see something even better.