It's not coach P..... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

It's not coach P.....

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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Always enjoy it when other team's fans come on our board to troll about the obvious: Paqualoni stinks. We don't get 5 star recruits and never will so the importance of having a good coach to win with the talent that we do have (or can coach up) can't be overstated enough. UCONN's Fiesta Bowl appearance came as a result of playing tough, physical and intelligent football using the assets that we had (strong running game behind a good OL, good D front, top special teams). We need to get back to that instead of recruiting "prototype" bodies for positions who can't play the positions that they are prototypes to play.
Jun 29, 2013
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UCONN's Fiesta Bowl appearance came as a result of playing tough, physical and intelligent football using the assets that we had (strong running game behind a good OL, good D front, top special teams). We need to get back to that instead of recruiting "prototype" bodies for positions who can't play the positions that they are prototypes to play.

Well, you made the Fiesta Bowl as an 8-4 team so that's still not out of the realm of possibilities for this year. I would try to strive higher than an 8-4 team (hell, Rutgers was 9-3 last year and they were nothing to brag about).

2010 was the weakest the BigEast has been in quite some time.
Jun 29, 2013
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I used to be a moderator. I would delete these obvious flames posts.

Delete this thread!!!!!

Aug 24, 2011
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Well, you made the Fiesta Bowl as an 8-4 team so that's still not out of the realm of possibilities for this year. I would try to strive higher than an 8-4 team (hell, Rutgers was 9-3 last year and they were nothing to brag about).

2010 was the weakest the BigEast has been in quite some time.

.....only an a**hole comes to a visiting board and posts like this knowing what this fan base is up against.....seriously, get a life......


Aug 26, 2011
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No, I think he's a typical Rutger's poster the relishes Rival's recruiting rankings over winning championships. Which, if you are a Rutger's fan, pretty logical.....
It's the only championship they know how to win.
Sep 14, 2011
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Between analyzing UConn's recruiting and researching the deep flaws in recruiting star system (hardly a reliable predictor of future NFL participation), maybe Flood can polish his conference championship trophies. Oh wait. .. .

It's precisely because his trophy polishing responsibilities are so light that he has all that time to dedicate to analyzing UConn's recruiting.
Sep 5, 2011
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If any of you heard the ex. Gov. Rowland's commentary on WTIC talk radio during the week he gave accolades to RE not just as a coach but as a teacher. John suggested he had many conversations with RE during his stay at UConn, and RE basically told him (my paraphrase) "Look.....I don't see my job as preparing the players for the NFL. More important to me is developing them to be better individuals who is leans how to develop teams player skills, get an education, get a degree, and be better prepared to contribute to a work force post UConn experience. Very few of the players we're bringing to UConn will have the skills to play at the next level"

Now I'm not criticizing RE for his approach because he "recognized and understood" that his players were not the most highly skilled BCS college level players (under the radar scenario) and did not give them false impressions of their athletic abilities. More importantly he emphasized preparing them for life after UConn, sans the NFL.

As a coach, I was not a huge RE fan ...... he did ok with what he had to start with, but was not going to get UConn to the next level. But as a person, I give him 5 *'s.

Last night there was a huge discrepancy in talent. Next week there will be even more. As much as we all wish the program to excel, no matter who the next coach may be a very prominent college coach (huge assumption), but the talent he is able to work with is not going to be much above the "rankings" of previous classes.

Yes , UConn may get a few kids as RE suggested, but you need a heck of a lot more to compete at the highest level of BCS play.


BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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Just some facts and food for thought since all of you are so eager to blame coach P for something he has no control over. Recruiting. With the terrible recruits that UCONN brought in over the last few years, don't you think the chickens are coming home to roost?

I posted this a few months ago only to be ridiculed for the truth. You cannot win games if you do not have talent. Period.

Rivals recruiting class rankings over last few years. SU and UCONN are identical hence their on field performance this year. Think about it.

It's also not coach P's fault that there is no instate talent.

Is this chart framed and mounted in that massive, empty trophy case of yours? You can stick it up next to that "we beat a ranked overrated team at home this one time a couple years ago and it happened to be on at a bunch of bars in NYC that night" article that you seem to be so fond of.
Aug 26, 2011
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If any of you heard the ex. Gov. Rowland's commentary on WTIC talk radio during the week he gave accolades to RE not just as a coach but as a teacher. John suggested he had many conversations with RE during his stay at UConn, and RE basically told him (my paraphrase) "Look.....I don't see my job as preparing the players for the NFL. More important to me is developing them to be better individuals who is leans how to develop teams player skills, get an education, get a degree, and be better prepared to contribute to a work force post UConn experience. Very few of the players we're bringing to UConn will have the skills to play at the next level"

Now I'm not criticizing RE for his approach because he "recognized and understood" that his players were not the most highly skilled BCS college level players (under the radar scenario) and did not give them false impressions of their athletic abilities. More importantly he emphasized preparing them for life after UConn, sans the NFL.

As a coach, I was not a huge RE fan ...... he did ok with what he had to start with, but was not going to get UConn to the next level. But as a person, I give him 5 's.

Last night there was a huge discrepancy in talent. Next week there will be even more. As much as we all wish the program to excel, no matter who the next coach may be a very prominent college coach (huge assumption), but the talent he is able to work with is not going to be much above the "rankings" of previous classes.

Yes , UConn may get a few kids as RE suggested, but you need a heck of a lot more to compete at the highest level of BCS play.

I am not convinced by those words.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Well, you made the Fiesta Bowl as an 8-4 team so that's still not out of the realm of possibilities for this year. I would try to strive higher than an 8-4 team (hell, Rutgers was 9-3 last year and they were nothing to brag about).

2010 was the weakest the BigEast has been in quite some time.

How was the Big East when Rutgers got to a BCS game?
Aug 26, 2011
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He's only allowed to recruit in Connecticut?

He says this without realizing that Connecticut sends players to the NFL consistently. Per capita, it's only a tad behind New Jersey. That being said, New Jersey is picked over, while Conn. is still lightly recruited.
Aug 24, 2011
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The talent level (in terms of incoming recruits) between class #30 and class #70 is almost equivalent. The question comes down to talent development, where our staff has failed miserably.
Aug 28, 2011
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anyone that thinks rivals rankings translates into winning games is too ignorant to respond to. if we didn't have talent, why were 5 guys drafted into the NFL last year from a 5-7 team? they had talent, but lost due to incompetent coaching. if rivals rankings are so important, how come we have an OLine full of 3-4 star players that can't stop Towson, where in past years we had walk-ons and two star guys opening holes for over 2000 rushing yards per season?

let the Rutgers fans have their fun, this will probably be their last winning season ever, so let them have their fun.
Aug 26, 2011
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Great job as usual mods. Please don't ban me for my sarcastic jab at your outstanding moderation of the BY.
Aug 26, 2011
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Just some facts and food for thought since all of you are so eager to blame coach P for something he has no control over. Recruiting. With the terrible recruits that UCONN brought in over the last few years, don't you think the chickens are coming home to roost?

I posted this a few months ago only to be ridiculed for the truth. You cannot win games if you do not have talent. Period.

Rivals recruiting class rankings over last few years. SU and UCONN are identical hence their on field performance this year. Think about it.

It's also not coach P's fault that there is no instate talent.

This is BS, one level analysis.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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My comment to the original poster:

Sep 10, 2011
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anyone that thinks rivals rankings translates into winning games is too ignorant to respond to.

You have this backwards, and you can't use outliers like Texas this year or Boise or whatever to prove rankings dont matter. In general the teams that recruit in the top 25 year in and year our are the teams that make up the majority of the top 25. If you recruit in the 70s or 80s every year you are more likely to perform at that level.
Aug 28, 2011
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Just some facts and food for thought since all of you are so eager to blame coach P for something he has no control over. Recruiting. With the terrible recruits that UCONN brought in over the last few years, don't you think the chickens are coming home to roost?

I posted this a few months ago only to be ridiculed for the truth. You cannot win games if you do not have talent. Period.

Rivals recruiting class rankings over last few years. SU and UCONN are identical hence their on field performance this year. Think about it.

It's also not coach P's fault that there is no instate talent.

No, instate talent is correct. We don't need a 2 star CT recruit, we need to get the players from high school hotbeds. If USF (which has a club hockey team) got invited to join Hockey East, they aren't going to get HS hockey (yes, there are some HS that plays hockey) from Florida, they'll get recruits from MI, WI, MN, MA, VT, ME and Canada (along with CT).

We need to get an assistant coach from an SEC school and hire him -- TOMORROW!!
Aug 26, 2011
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You have this backwards, and you can't use outliers like Texas this year or Boise or whatever to prove rankings dont matter. In general the teams that recruit in the top 25 year in and year our are the teams that make up the majority of the top 25. If you recruit in the 70s or 80s every year you are more likely to perform at that level.

We're talking about how UConn can improve its team.

When you are battling for 2 and 3 stars as almost EVERY team in the old BE used to, the difference between being ranked 40 or 80 is practically meaningless. The analysts know very little about the quality of player at that level.

I've been looking at the recruiting classes from Connecticut over the last several years. The state is so underrecruited that 2 star players have a better chance of making the NFL than 4 and 5 star players. A higher % of 2 stars go (11-41) than 4 and 5 stars. This tells you a lot.
Jun 29, 2013
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I am not trying to have arguments here. I've said my piece which is my opinion....doesn't necessarily make me right or wrong. Some of you actually took your UCONN glasses off and see the point that I was trying to make.

I cannot wait to come up to Storrs this year. It should be a good game, especially so late in the season.
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