This is kind of a ridiculous post. It’s like witnessing a 4 year old throwing a tantrum at a restaurant and you walk out and turn to your spouse and say “man, those kids parents yelling at him were so annoying” rather than being annoyed by the 4 year old kid. Sorry, but most people on this board reply to the guy because he’s a joke and his act gets old after awhile. He’s the most inaccurate Nostradamus on the planet. I apologize for the long post, but I don’t need some message board hero like Chief telling me 100 times that it’s going to snow this winter so that the first time it snows he can post 100 more times to pat himself on the back for telling everyone it was going to snow. Many people on this board have the same opinion and I would venture to guess he’s the #1 blocked poster on this board.