Is there a feud between the B1G and ACC? | The Boneyard

Is there a feud between the B1G and ACC?

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Mar 29, 2014
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Google "Maryland ACC butthurt" (not really)

You can't just send anyone you want to your championship game (and game the billion dollar system in the process). Easy as that. Delany's position on that was known ahead of time. He said something to the effect of not wanting to be surprised by something they haven't seen before.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Google "Maryland ACC butthurt"

Okay so I did this and the search only brought up several wildly suggestive images of turtles and this...


By any chance, do you happen to work at a car wash?
Dec 25, 2011
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Absolutely and the feud is over which is the dominant college sports conference in the country's largest megalopolis - DC/Philly/NYC/Boston.
Aug 13, 2013
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At this high level, there are no real "feuds" except those talked about by a blogger trying to get hits and bored message board posters IMHO.

Is the Big 12 feuding with the SEC over taking A&M and Mizzou...with the Big Ten over taking Nebraska?

Conferences do look out for their best interests and that is understood. Was CUSA feuding with the AAC who raided that conference? Nope.

And if Uconn and Cincy go, will it lead to a feud? Nope.

Aug 27, 2011
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Absolutely and the feud is over which is the dominant college sports conference in the country's largest megalopolis - DC/Philly/NYC/Boston.
It still amazes me that the ACC even thinks they can plant a flag in NYC. I guess they do it by proxy through all their alumni in the sports media. I get the Post and Daily News every morning at my house...I haven't seen 1 thing other than a daily round-up article about Syracuse since August when football season started.
Nov 10, 2014
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"Feud" between the ACC and Big10 might be too strong of a word because it connotes emotion.

If Delany has shown one trait it is that he is a shrewd businessman and his business is making money and protecting the Big10.

If I am Delany and I have to select either the Big12 or ACC to support I am picking the Big12 every time. The ACC has already shown itself to be a predatory conference. It effectively used the "death star" on the Big East and would target Big10 teams if it could. The ACC is a direct competitor for Big10 desired territory and there are several teams in the ACC which the Big10 would like to acquire.

The Big12 has generally wanted to remain in their Texas-centric part of the world and has been slow to adapt. They are not a threat to the Big10. On the other hand, the ACC is not part of the old guard and they have consistently made up for a lack of conference strategy with repeated raids on others. Kind of like Isis, the ACC cannot govern what they already own and instead tries to keep taking more territory to grow.

"Unpredictable and predatorial" is a good way to get voted off the island. I really hope the ACC's torch gets extinguished one day
Aug 13, 2013
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We know that the ACC deal with Notre Dame frosted Delaney...and the loss of some traditional Big Ten games with the Irish didn't play well in the midwest....

The fact is that there are few teams left in the east worth coveting and the SEC, ACC, and Big Ten are holding down the best programs.

The ACC has been involved in two of the last three National Championship games, winning one against Auburn and losing one to Alabama. Clemson and FSU have been bringing in top recruiting classes to rival the SEC...Alabama and Auburn fans talk about Jimbo and Dabo as challengers to SEC hegemony.

Down here, I don't see much of an ACC-Big Ten football rivalry....they, like the Pac and Big 12, have some good teams but seem less territorial rivals. Cuse and Pitt fans may feel differently of course.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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The college sports world right now is all about waiting for the early 2020s where the SEC and Big Ten will rip off whatever ACC/Big 12 appendages they'd like and leave the rest to bleed to death.

So is there a feud? No.

Not yet.
Aug 13, 2013
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The Big 12 kooks have been proclaiming the demise of the ACC since 2011....

A archived Dude post from 2013..

"Multiple sources within the Big 10 contend the University of Virginia is set to receive an invitation to join the conference early next week. UVA is expected to ratify the move from the ACC to the Big 10 shortly after receiving the invitation.

UVA would become the 15th member of the Big 10. None of the Big 10 sources would divulge the identity of the Big 10’s target for #16 but they did confirm that Georgia Tech and UNC are the leading candidates.

Sources close to the SEC allege UNC is also engaged in serious discussions to join the SEC along with Duke.

The same sources indicate that the SEC is prepared to be the catalyst of the next round of conference realignment and move quickly to secure either UNC and Duke or Virginia Tech and NC State.

Sources at WVU say the Big 12 is set to discuss expansion at the end of the month and it is likely they will invite as many as 6 ACC teams after the Big 10 and SEC move.

Why would ACC schools move before the UMD lawsuit with the ACC is settled? A mass defection of 10 schools would kill the ACC as a viable conference and their may be no one left to pay the exit fee to after realignment is finished."

The kookery has spread to become the common narrative for CR boards of other than ACC programs....where it seems to be a non topic.
Jun 1, 2013
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The Big 12 kooks have been proclaiming the demise of the ACC since 2011....

A archived Dude post from 2013..

"Multiple sources within the Big 10 contend the University of Virginia is set to receive an invitation to join the conference early next week. UVA is expected to ratify the move from the ACC to the Big 10 shortly after receiving the invitation.

UVA would become the 15th member of the Big 10. None of the Big 10 sources would divulge the identity of the Big 10’s target for #16 but they did confirm that Georgia Tech and UNC are the leading candidates.

Sources close to the SEC allege UNC is also engaged in serious discussions to join the SEC along with Duke.

The same sources indicate that the SEC is prepared to be the catalyst of the next round of conference realignment and move quickly to secure either UNC and Duke or Virginia Tech and NC State.

Sources at WVU say the Big 12 is set to discuss expansion at the end of the month and it is likely they will invite as many as 6 ACC teams after the Big 10 and SEC move.

Why would ACC schools move before the UMD lawsuit with the ACC is settled? A mass defection of 10 schools would kill the ACC as a viable conference and their may be no one left to pay the exit fee to after realignment is finished."

The kookery has spread to become the common narrative for CR boards of other than ACC programs....where it seems to be a non topic.

But this time it's different!!!! The ACC is DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEDDDDD I tell you.
Nov 10, 2014
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The ACC should be in a better financial situation than it is. ACC territory extends from Boston all the way to Miami and encompasses some of the most populous areas of the United States. As mentioned above, ACC team have won championships in both football and basketball recently so they are succeeding on the court and field. The fact the ACC is earning less than the SEC, Big10 and Pac10 is more a product of poor management as opposed to poor markets or performance.

The complete demise of the ACC may not ever occur. But if the ACC can't improve their financial take home their most attractive programs will look elsewhere. FSU and Clemson have no history or loyalty to programs like Syracuse or BC and will eventually bolt if they can double their money. When that happens the ACC may still be named the ACC but they will become a defacto G5 conference.
Aug 13, 2013
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Clemson and FSU would bolt to the SEC and gladly (both teams' primary rival is an SEC team)...but have little interest in playing Kansas, Iowa State, KSU, OK State, Baylor, Texas Tech, etc.

I do think that there is less interest at the ACC institution level in moving than fan speculation from other conferences would indicate...all driven by the theory that the money differentials will predetermine movement,

But, as the GORs come due, so do contract negotiations. And 40% or more of athletic revenue is from other than media sources. In fact, the reason that Alabama, Ohio State, Oklahoma make tens of millions more than some of their conference mates has to do with sources other than the media money.

FSU's athletic income was more than Michigan State's. Nebraska, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Missouri....

At any rate...we'll see in ten years....


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The college sports world right now is all about waiting for the early 2020s where the SEC and Big Ten will rip off whatever ACC/Big 12 appendages they'd like and leave the rest to bleed to death.

So is there a feud? No.

Not yet.
The lion doesn't "feud" with the antelope, if just eats. So yes, the SEC and/or the B1G aren't feuding with the lesser conferences, they are just waiting to eat at a time of their choosing
Aug 13, 2013
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I wondered about Notre Dame and their ACC deal until I read a comment from their AD about feeling comfortable with the private school makeup in the ACC...I was astounded to hear that the ACC had more private universities than all of the other four P5 conferences together. It is tough for a private school to compete long term in football with a large public university. Miami, because of recruiting area, may be an exception but then again, Miami has never played in a ACC conference championship game.

No matter what conference you play in, you need games that people watch. No one wants to watch Wake vs Pitt or Indiana vs Rutgers. Networks want big match ups that turn the dial. BC vs FSU or Notre Dame does fine...but BC vs Cuse or Wake or Virginia does not.

There is less opportunity to have those big match up games when you have teams ranked outside the top 50 playing each other in division...
Dec 25, 2011
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I wondered about Notre Dame and their ACC deal until I read a comment from their AD about feeling comfortable with the private school makeup in the ACC...I was astounded to hear that the ACC had more private universities than all of the other four P5 conferences together. It is tough for a private school to compete long term in football with a large public university. Miami, because of recruiting area, may be an exception but then again, Miami has never played in a ACC conference championship game.

I agree, though I wonder if it would be different today if the Ivy league powers had not changed course in the 50's if they would still be good today? Over the last 2 decades or so, the PAC has had the most successful private programs in USC and Stanford. Vanderbilt has been MIA for a long time in football. Northwestern for the B1G shows-up every one in a while. Baylor and TCU have been good the last few years out of the XII; but, will it last, especially if the XII falls apart. ND is the best in the ACC right ow while the U continues to struggle to get back to the top and while Duke has shown improvement lately, BC, Wake and Syracuse have not looked good for a while.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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The ACC should be in a better financial situation than it is. ACC territory extends from Boston all the way to Miami and encompasses some of the most populous areas of the United States.

I'm not sure that the above statement is correct, at least as it applies to the DC-Boston corridor (which represents 17% of the US population). The ACC borders the southern edge of this stretch of land, the northern portion of it and hundreds of miles away from the two largest cities (NYC, Philly) with its other two northern schools (Cuse & Pitt respectively). This would be similar to having a huge presence in Arizona and New Mexico, opening a branch in Galveston, another in Shreveport and then claiming have everything covered from Tucson to New Orleans.
Nov 10, 2014
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If the Big10 was able to sell cable boxes in the NY metro area for the addition of Rutgers then the ACC should be able to do the same in the major cities they have a "presence."

A territory/presence does not mean an ACC team is located in the city or even than most residents watch the closest ACC team. A territory means a network would pay to put that conference's games on. Is there enough Syracuse interest (or other ACC teams collectively) in NYC to add a ACC network if one existed? I tend to believe there is although there is no doubt Uconn would help insure NYC.

Cities with an "ACC presence" include Boston, NYC, Pittsburgh, Washington DC, Atlanta, and Miami among others. In addition the ACC possesses a flagship program in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia which means the ACC should be able to "sell" the whole state. Even areas the ACC has lost like Maryland and NJ still possess enough fans that an ACC network might be marketable. Finally the ACC possess several national brands like Duke and Miami that draw more fans than their pure alumni numbers.

If the ACC had the Big10 leadership they would be much, much better off. Due to the "unplug revolution" conference networks may become less profitable but the fact the ACC did not establish one up till now has cost the ACC millions.
Aug 13, 2013
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Some do more with less, I guess....the ACC in the last three years has been winning national championships..... in football, basketball, baseball, women's and men's soccer, women's and men's lacrosse, etc

And for a athletic department, that is what it is about.

There are questions that only time can answer. Will the ACC continue to be competitive? Will Indiana ever again become Indiana? Will the SEC continue their dominance of football? Will Rutgers ever break .500 in conference in football?

The answers are down there in the the answers in those magic eight balls of our youth...we must await their arriving to the surface.
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