No one would want that, but she has shown over and over again that she is low on effort (a cardinal sin on this team), she has virtually no skills, and seems pretty disinterested in changing those two things! She seems to be a great person, intelligent, personable, and supportive to her teammates but as a basketball player, just does not seem to be there! Her size at 6’6“ seduces you into thinking; “well, she can just stand under the basket and protect the rim, block shots, stop drives etc.“ The reality however, is that the offense grinds to a lurching halt and the defense suddenly cannot make stops because she cannot be counted on to be where she is supposed to be.
This team, hampered as it is by a severe lack of size, rebounding, and bodies (that can actually contribute in a positive way), wins by becoming a well oiled machine on both sides of the ball. They are like a bearing that is rotating on a smooth film of oil! However, when one of the bearings is out of round, or gets sand in it, things quickly go awry. Amari has shown over and over that she is that out of round bearing and seems to be satisfied with remaining that way. When she does get on the court it is simply more of the same; low effort, as in the most recent example where she stood flatfooted as the pass sailed out of bounds, ( even though it was clearly overthrown, every other player on this team would have made some kind of effort to catch the ball) and a lack of basic understanding of positioning and aggression. The short answer, (too late

) is, that given all these basketball shortcomings, the team cannot play well when she is on the court.