i can respect arguments against beef consumption due to the water use thing. it takes more per pound than even nutjob almond farming, which is around 1 gallon per nut. i ain't doing it tho, cuz im more interested in staying healthy by a balanced consumption of beef, as we are evolutionary predisposed to eating meat (incisors! wouldn't be there iffn no flesh tearing was required. ya got ur molars to grind grass, cereal grains and such). life is aboot choices, and i choose to give my machine the stuff it' been hardwired for, over eons of time.
most of this plant based protein
poison, relies heavily on soy.
highly arguable and debateable, soy is ruining men,
it's no accident that, since the 1960s, sperm counts in men have plummeted. inarguable. data an all that. the explosion in soy farming is easily explainable. it's really, really cheap protein to produce, and we feed it to pigs, and us, on epic levels. a while back, discussing this with someone, they said 'i use vegetable oil.' nice try, i sez. look closer cuz for good business reasons, they changed the labelling from 'soybean oil' to 'vegetable oil' since soy is a vegetable, and so it would not be untrue, as folks start to think harder on this soy thing.
toss in the now, this very moment, debate around certain pesticides
(a few hours ago)
EPA atrazine ruling ignites farm-state backlash, taking no opinion on the subject other than the knowledge that it interacts with soy in very weird ways, and honest minds should have questions.
There are many ways that atrazine effects our endocrine system, but the big concern for men is that Atrazine reduces luteinizing hormone.
Luteinizing hormone (LH) is released by the pituitary gland and ultimately stimulates a mans leydig cells which produce testosterone in the testes.
Long story short, when LH levels are low, so are your testosterone levels.'
i don't necessarily agree with all the stuff in here, but it is thought provoking
Atrazine: 7 Harmful Effects On Humans
The active ingredient in soy, isoflavones, behaves like estrogen. Estrogen, erroneously connotated as a female-exclusive hormone, plays an important role is the male body’s hormone equilibrium (Thrane, Paulsen, Orcutt and Krieger 2016). However, elevated levels of estrogen stunts muscle development, lowers testosterone, increases cortisol levels, causes gynecomastia, decreases libido, and even reduces sperm production.
i also don't necessarily agree with all the stuff in here, but it is thought provoking.
especially for males, soy is poison, and unfortunately, it is ghost included in soo many things today, including ur food from 'super fancy, and cheapo,' restaurants. check out their kitchens, 5 gal pails of soy oil all over that place, cuz it's inexpensive.
gee, 'manboobs' is such a 21st century thing. i wonder why?
no 'wondering' needed to understand the title on that
half century old film.
Soylent Green. duh. it's business thing. logical, no?
sooooo, spray some atrazine on the soy crop, then head off to the dress shop. it's getting ugly. not blaming anyone, fert companies, farmers, eco-activists, the government, all of it, just interested in how it affects