Interview Article with Bonzie Colson | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Interview Article with Bonzie Colson

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Aug 26, 2011
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Amazing how my comment about finding it funny to read that Colson is a top 'big man' target has been turned into me criticizing Adrien, one of my all-time favorite Huskies.
Its not about you crticizing Adrien, its about you knowing very little about basketball. There isn't a coach on planet earth who would examine Jeff's skillset and say yea, let me play you at small forward. The fact that he's never played there on any level should be proof enough of this for you, but you're electing to go against the grain.
Aug 26, 2011
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You have to wonder how much his rating is held down by his height.
I mentioned this in another thread. I asked Eric Bossi where he thought Colson would be ranked if he was 6'8" or 6'9". He said he would probably be top 50. Mentioned that he gets a lot done for a 6'5" power forward, and that he accepts what kind of player he his and what his strengths are.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll take this kid. Even if he never becomes a stars, these 6'6 power forwards with high motors always cause everybody else to work a little bit harder in practice.

Also, is anybody noticing a theme here? Between Brimah, Facey, and Colson (if we get him) Ollie seems like he's cornering the market on kids with good work ethics, noses for the ball, and passions for the game.
Aug 25, 2011
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I understand your point, but ex-football players with basketball offers from Sacred Heart make everyone work harder in practice. This kid has offers from Georgetown, Pitt, Notre Dame, Miami, Florida State . . . I get that he's undersized at the four spot but college basketball is littered with undersized 4-men who probably won't play in the league who still manage to be impact players in college.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Its not about you crticizing Adrien, its about you knowing very little about basketball. There isn't a coach on planet earth who would examine Jeff's skillset and say yea, let me play you at small forward. The fact that he's never played there on any level should be proof enough of this for you, but you're electing to go against the grain.
I cringe when people make statements such as - its about you knowing very little about basketball.
I know a ton about soccer, basketball and baseball but may say something that others don't agree with or in my 30 plus years of coaching may place someone in a position that is very unconventional and something 99.9% of "experts" wouldn't do/agree, however I look back and can think of a handful of times I have been successful, All the times? No, but that does not mean I know very little. If a matchup presents itself where JA would help my team as a 3, would I forego because his skillset doesn't seem to fit?
BTW - he played the 3,2 and even 1 in HS and 3 with his travel clubs.
Aug 26, 2011
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I understand your point, but ex-football players with basketball offers from Sacred Heart make everyone work harder in practice. This kid has offers from Georgetown, Pitt, Notre Dame, Miami, Florida State . . . I get that he's undersized at the four spot but college basketball is littered with undersized 4-men who probably won't play in the league who still manage to be impact players in college.

I'm not doubting him. He could be a damn good four year player. He could also sit on the bench for the bulk of his time here. Whatever the case, I love the environment Ollie is promoting here.
Feb 18, 2013
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He's being recruited as a PF. He told me that he's still growing a little. Could get up to 6'6".

Difference here is that:
Jeff Adrien measured 6'5 1/4" without shoes, 6'6 1/2" in shoes for the 2009 NBA Draft.
Bonzie Colson Jr measured 6' 4 1/2" in shoes this summer, so that puts him around 6'3" without shoes. I doubt he's growing any more, but it sounds good. He doesn't have Adrien Athleticism either... He'll be a solid role player with his girth.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm a fan of the undersized power forward in the college game. They have to know how to play to get stuff done. The Big East was filled w/ these type of players- Craig Smith, Troutman, Tim Coles, Roger McCready, Abrams, Minlend, Freeman, Adrien, Perry McDonald, Blair, etc. None of them had the height to be major players at the next level, most were not great athletes, but all were tough as nails and got stuff done b/c they knew how to play. I feel like these types of players always killed us when we had these long athletes who couldn't contend w/ their strength. Remember Dametri Hill from Florida? I remember Miami having a guy who killed us down low as well. Bland?
Aug 26, 2011
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I cringe when people make statements such as - its about you knowing very little about basketball.
I know a ton about soccer, basketball and baseball but may say something that others don't agree with or in my 30 plus years of coaching may place someone in a position that is very unconventional and something 99.9% of "experts" wouldn't do/agree, however I look back and can think of a handful of times I have been successful, All the times? No, but that does not mean I know very little. If a matchup presents itself where JA would help my team as a 3, would I forego because his skillset doesn't seem to fit?
BTW - he played the 3,2 and even 1 in HS and 3 with his travel clubs.

..and you saw these games when and where? The bottom line is Jeff is power forward because that is the position he plays and where his skillset has placed him. I've watched alot of Jeff in the NBA and in NBA Summer League and he never played anywhere but PF.
Aug 26, 2011
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I cringe when people make statements such as - its about you knowing very little about basketball.
I know a ton about soccer, basketball and baseball but may say something that others don't agree with or in my 30 plus years of coaching may place someone in a position that is very unconventional and something 99.9% of "experts" wouldn't do/agree, however I look back and can think of a handful of times I have been successful, All the times? No, but that does not mean I know very little. If a matchup presents itself where JA would help my team as a 3, would I forego because his skillset doesn't seem to fit?
BTW - he played the 3,2 and even 1 in HS and 3 with his travel clubs.

Well if he played the 1 or 2 EVER it was when he was 9-10 years old and he was just bigger and better than everyone. 3? Well that could be called the 3 because they had another PF and he just a little better outside the lane I guess but he never had 3 skills.........but 1 and 2 are out - no shot!! If he played 1 in HS they sucked and so did the opponents........same with the 2........again nothing against Jeff as he was good in his spot on the low and high blocks but outside of that he couldn't bounce it 2 times w/o getting in trouble and his passing skills were closer to Rash Jones than Magic Johnson let's say!:rolleyes:
Feb 7, 2012
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He appears to be a very formidable alternate plan B. To swing and miss on Abu then to get overjoyed over Colson is a bit overstated.
Aug 31, 2011
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Not every player needs to come in and set the world on fire from day 1. All indications are that this kid can play despite his lack of size, and there are numerous ACC teams that think he's good enough to play in that league. There's also value in the fact that even if he blows up and averages a double-double as a sophomore or something, he's still coming back to school for two more years.

Not saying that I want Colson starting at the 4 as a freshman, but it seems to me that having guys like this in the system is a very good thing.


Mar 30, 2012
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Colson is a good player and seemingly the best available player at the PF spot. If he's surrounded by good players, like Purvis, DHam, Devin Robinson, Nolan/Facey/Brimah with some development, plus 2015 recruits, he might be a championship player. Hope he's not put off by the delayed offer, and likes what he sees at UConn.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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He is underrated for sure. He played some of the best players this summer and more than held his own against players 3-4 inches taller.
Jul 31, 2013
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I cringe when people make statements such as - its about you knowing very little about basketball.
I know a ton about soccer, basketball and baseball but may say something that others don't agree with or in my 30 plus years of coaching may place someone in a position that is very unconventional and something 99.9% of "experts" wouldn't do/agree, however I look back and can think of a handful of times I have been successful, All the times? No, but that does not mean I know very little. If a matchup presents itself where JA would help my team as a 3, would I forego because his skillset doesn't seem to fit?
BTW - he played the 3,2 and even 1 in HS and 3 with his travel clubs.

Wow, you're such an intuitive coach... who would have thought to place a player in a position by his height... really went against the grain on that one
Sep 28, 2012
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really the height thing does not really mean much in the college game...guys have played undersized for years. Not that I enjoyed it, but I remember watching dejuan blair taking it right to thabeet, who was a great defensive player at about 6'6". Guys can do it if they are a)skilled b)are large in arm length and hands c) are strong d) have a good work ethic. and most likely one of the reasons why he was not rated so high was because of his height, not his skill set, because truthfully, he looks pretty good....and nothing better than having a player who has all those things and really wants to play here...I would take him....I love having these 3 -4 year guys with sprinkles of the 1-2 year guys...truthfully, that is the best way to get it done
Aug 26, 2011
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I realize rebounding isn't the only important metric for a power forward but it's right up there in our top need department,IMO.
When your #2 rebounder is only 6'1" and a point guard at that and is only 1 behind your #1 guy at 6'8"... it tells you something about BBIQ and Heart.

I have no problem taking the shorter guy who "wants it" and has shown he knows how to get it (done) and has the desire and will to do it. Oh yeah and want to be here ;)
Aug 24, 2011
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We've done pretty well with undersized power forwards in the past. KFree, Adrian and JohnnyTime. And we've been schooled by some under size 4's over the years as well. The one from Maryland and the one from George Mason come to mind, both their names escape me at the moment.

How about Dimitri Underwood from the University of Florida (or was that Mississippi State ) did a number on us many years ago. I think he was nicknamed Dameat hook or something like that. He was the subject of one of my all time favorite quotes. I can't remember who said it, but it went, he's a gravy laden biscuit shy of 300 pounds.

Yeah, would I have liked to land one of the more prototypical bigmen or hybrid 4-5 combo forwards, hell yeah. But this stage of the game I'll take Colson who sounds like a player.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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How about Dimitri Underwood from the University of Florida (or was that Mississippi State ) did a number on us many years ago. I think he was nicknamed Dameat hook or something like that. He was the subject of one of my all time favorite quotes. I can't remember who said it, but it went, he's a gravy laden biscuit shy of 300 pounds.

Dimitri Young , Florida. Now don't ever mention that name again.
Sep 16, 2011
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Dimitri Hill, third time is a charm. That game will always piss me off, "the meat hook" killed us and then the missed free throws.
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