Geno expects the most from his best players. as Shea said, he won't push a Fernandez or Kerns the same way he will a Moore or Charles.
How does he spot the ones who embrace his tactics? "The ones who can handle it tell you," he said. "They don't tell you in words, but every time they go out on the court and you throw something at them, they embrace it. They look at you and say, 'Is that all you got?' They want to be challenged more and more.
"There are others who don't want that. They want to go along and be supporting players, so you really can't challenge them as much because they're not capable of handling it. In any corporation, I would venture, there are certain people who love the challenge and love the intensity level, and they're the ones who rise up to be leaders. Not everyone wants to be responsible for wins and losses."