I think we need a little perspective... | The Boneyard

I think we need a little perspective...

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Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I am at a loss as to how our fan base has become as jaded and entitled as we have become. I’ve said many times that if enduring this season was part of the cost of last season’s championship run I’ll gladly pay it. We have Boneyarders b!tching about the NIT yet after both North Carolina and Kentucky won their most recent titles each followed it up with a trip to the NIT. As far as I am concerned the current team doesn’t owe any of us anything. All but three members of this season’s roster contributed in some way to a national title. Two of those three made it clear that they will be major contributors to the program and the third did give us some valuable minutes in the conference tournament. If that isn’t good enough for some people here I don’t know what to say.

I’ve seen a number of posts alluding to how we aren’t recruiting players at the level we once did. I remember when we were (supposedly) recruiting at our best and in my humble opinion I’ll take the two season run of 2013-2014 & 2014-2015 over 2004-2005 & 2005-2006 every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

To those who believe that this conference (which I will readily agree sucks) is going to prevent our program from remaining elite I say bulls#!t. UNLV was able to spend a decade and a half as a top program in a conference worse than this one. Gonzaga has more recently done nearly the same (save the final four appearances and national title) while Memphis (in what wasn’t much different that the conference we now find ourselves in) had a very nice little run (before their best season was wiped out of the record books). If any of those schools could do it I don’t see why we can’t do better. I dare anyone to claim we cannot do better. It is in our blood to thrive the second anyone claims we cannot do it. More critical to this, it is in the DNA of our head coach to success when nobody believes it possible. While he was playing in the CBA for the Connecticut Pride in 1996, if someone said “he will end up coaching hoops” the response of 99.999% of everyone who had hear of Kevin Ollie would have responded “yeah because that’s the only way he can make a living in this sport” yet he somehow ended up playing in the league for thirteen years. Anyone who believes he won’t find a way to succeed, despite whatever obstacles may be in his way hasn’t been paying attention.

What I draw the most inspiration from in terms of our future is that from that day nearly 29 years ago when we hired the great Jim Calhoun to run our program, every time things looked bleak we came back better and stronger than anyone could have hoped. I still remember in 1989 hearing complaints that “if we couldn’t make the tournament with Cliff Robinson, what can we expect now that he is gone”. We followed that up with three straight trips to the tournament, something we hadn’t done since the Kennedy administration. When we whimpered down the stretch of the 1992-1993 season all I can remember hearing was “I guess Calhoun really didn’t have it. He did have a nice little run but it is over.”. That was followed by a three year run where we lost all of five Big East conference regular season games, were seeded two twice and one once in the tournament and won more NCAA tournament games than we had in any previous three year run. Once that ended (in a very disappointing performance against Mississippi St) many felt we blew the best chances we would ever have at a final four and that Mr Calhoun couldn’t win the big one. The three year run after that ended with win over Duke in St Petersburg. A little more than a decade later, we were told (and too many of us believed it) that we were done. We had fallen into such a deep abyss that we would never be much again and (per a few kids who were PC fans) we would spend the next few decades looking at the Friars ahead of us in the standings as well as New England hoops. Somehow after a ‘disappointing’ recruiting class where we got the wrong point guard (Napier instead of Knight), the wrong Lamb (Jeremy instead of Doron), no Selby and no Joseph, we ended up with the best four year run we’ve ever had (which is saying quite a bit we had a couple of four year runs that included a national title and a separate elite eight appearance).

If people want to gripe they are allowed but please gain some perspective. There should be more great seasons ahead, many more, but that is not why I will continue to follow the program, that will merely be a bonus I receive for following the program. I follow the program because it has been in my blood since my freshman year (which was coincidentally Corny Thompson’s freshman year). I’m in for life.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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The root of 95% of the unrest is with the current conference situation and how it will impact UConn going forward.

Reread this part

To those who believe that this conference (which I will readily agree sucks) is going to prevent our program from remaining elite I say bulls#!t. UNLV was able to spend a decade and a half as a top program in a conference worse than this one. Gonzaga has more recently done nearly the same (save the final four appearances and national title) while Memphis (in what wasn’t much different that the conference we now find ourselves in) had a very nice little run (before their best season was wiped out of the record books). If any of those schools could do it I don’t see why we can’t do better. I dare anyone to claim we cannot do better. It is in our blood to thrive the second anyone claims we cannot do it. More critical to this, it is in the DNA of our head coach to success when nobody believes it possible. While he was playing in the CBA for the Connecticut Pride in 1996, if someone said “he will end up coaching hoops” the response of 99.999% of everyone who had hear of Kevin Ollie would have responded “yeah because that’s the only way he can make a living in this sport” yet he somehow ended up playing in the league for thirteen years. Anyone who believes he won’t find a way to succeed, despite whatever obstacles may be in his way hasn’t been paying attention.
Aug 26, 2011
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So are you saying that people don't have the right to react to what they have seen this year and to be concerned going forward? Seriously, this isn't about being "jaded and entitled". A disappointing season has just come to an end so to not expect people to vent about it is beyond silly.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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So are you saying that people don't have the right to react to what they have seen this year and to be concerned going forward? Seriously, this isn't about being "jaded and entitled". A disappointing season has just come to an end so to not expect people to vent about it is beyond silly.

Reread this part

If people want to gripe they are allowed but please gain some perspective. There should be more great seasons ahead, many more, but that is not why I will continue to follow the program, that will merely be a bonus I receive for following the program. I follow the program because it has been in my blood since my freshman year (which was coincidentally Corny Thompson’s freshman year). I’m in for life.
Aug 27, 2011
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Reread this part

The rules have changed so UNLV analogy is no longer valid IMO. What you have now is an oligopoly designed to keep others out. Now conferences sign media rights agreements and have egregious penalties to keep their members in the fold. Scheduling with P5 now much harder for non P5 members and OOC scheduling suffers and access to BCS bowls and NCAA Tourney diminishes. TV contracts fir the P5 are astronomical as compared to the rest of us, where do you think the vast majority of tourney TV money will go? How long can the non P5 continue to compete? Let me ask you, if we stay in the AAC how many UConn hoops games will be televised nationally? Where exactly do you think this road ends?


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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I respect your optimism and I certainly agree that some of the "sky is falling" fans are being overdramatic. Yet that doesnt mean the program isnt on shaky, unproven ground right now. The conference situation is really something that can have a long lasting effect on the program. Of course we wont fall off completely like some of the nay sayers like to say, but even a slight drop off in the program's future is still a negative, and it is imperative for our administration do whats necessary to make sure this doesnt happen (lol).

I dont think Gonzaga as evidence that conferences arent needed to be elite is a great example. For one thing, the Zags are the exception, not the rule. Also, its not simply about "AAC sux hur hur hur". Its the fact that the entire college athletics landscape is quickly shifting. These are changes that are unprecedented, so we cant assume the last 25 years of UConn basketball will continue along a linear trend especially considering how much has changed around this program over the last three years. The landscape is changing in such a way that the Power 5 conferences are shifting away from the rest of the NCAA, the writing has been on the walls for the last two years now with all the infighting regarding TV networks, contracts and scholarships/compensation of athletes. Obviously no one really knows what direction the P5 shift will take, but one thing is for sure, change IS happening, and UConn doesn't want to be on the outside looking in when the iceberg breaks. Just look at how the committee treated the AAC teams this selection sunday, then take a glance at how P% programs who had no business being there were treated (Ole Miss, Georgia, UCLA, Texas, LSU).

The main point being, UConn must maintain its level of play over the last decade into the future, meanwhile factors out of UConn's control are directly interfering with this to make this success more difficult. This gap is what makes some fans worried, deservedly so. I wouldnt say pointing these things out is being "spoiled" or "overentitled" in the least, in fact id say the fans showing concern is in fact proactive. Yet, there is still no need for 10 identical posts bi**hing about the conference without providing some sort of new information or insight.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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@nycscooby Thanks for saving me from typing that out on my phone.

It's a different world today. Now amount of wilful ignorance can change that.
Aug 25, 2011
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To those who believe that this conference (which I will readily agree sucks) is going to prevent our program from remaining elite I say bulls#!t. UNLV was able to spend a decade and a half as a top program in a conference worse than this one. Gonzaga has more recently done nearly the same (save the final four appearances and national title) while Memphis (in what wasn’t much different that the conference we now find ourselves in) had a very nice little run (before their best season was wiped out of the record books). If any of those schools could do it I don’t see why we can’t do better.

Read what you're saying here. Don't despair, we can still be like UNLV, Gonzaga, and Memphis, with their "nice little run." I think part of the problem is that people recognize that it's pretty likely that we'll become those schools, and we don't want that.
Aug 26, 2011
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A disappointing season has just come to an end so to not expect people to vent about it is beyond silly.

Isn't this the very definition of jaded and entitled?

I mean, UConn has won 4 championships since 1999.

I happen to think this is miraculous. I really do watch UConn do it and think it's unbelievable. While I actually expected UConn to get to the F4 in 2011, I never expected it last year. This year they caught some tough breaks but I can't say I was disappointed. They fought.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Read what you're saying here. Don't despair, we can still be like UNLV, Gonzaga, and Memphis, with their "nice little run." I think part of the problem is that people recognize that it's pretty likely that we'll become those schools, and we don't want that.

'sall good, man. I read that Jade Burroughs was sitting near Warde Manuel during the tournament. #B1G
Aug 25, 2011
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Isn't this the very definition of jaded and entitled?

I mean, UConn has won 4 championships since 1999.

I happen to think this is miraculous. I really do watch UConn do it and think it's unbelievable. While I actually expected UConn to get to the F4 in 2011, I never expected it last year. This year they caught some tough breaks but I can't say I was disappointed. They fought.

No, it's an internet message board. Moaning about your team's shi_tty season is what you do on internet message boards. It's nice to respond to every single hint of criticism with reference to the program's historical success, but I suppose there are those among us who want to talk about the present.


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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Read what you're saying here. Don't despair, we can still be like UNLV, Gonzaga, and Memphis, with their "nice little run." I think part of the problem is that people recognize that it's pretty likely that we'll become those schools, and we don't want that.
couldnt have said it better.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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UNLV has been to 1 Sweet 16 in the past 24 seasons.

Gonzaga has been to 1 Elite 8 in their program's history.

Memphis has nearly vacated more Sweet 16s (5) than they have actually won without vacating (6).

So, sorry if that isn't exactly brightening the mood over our current predicament.
Aug 24, 2011
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There's absolutely no reason that UConn can't be Gonzaga with tournament success. Which would be a top 5 program.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Read what you're saying here. Don't despair, we can still be like UNLV, Gonzaga, and Memphis, with their "nice little run." I think part of the problem is that people recognize that it's pretty likely that we'll become those schools, and we don't want that.
Did you read what I said? I said if they could do what they did under somewhat similar circumstances we could do a whole lot more.

Will it be easy? Hell no but what were the odds in 1996 that KO would have any NBA career, much less one that lasted thirteen years. Many are presuming that we've already failed when the race has barely begun. This is going to be a marathon. Those who are in charge here have a pretty substantial track record for noy only surviving but succeeding, at the highest level.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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UNLV has been to 1 Sweet 16 in the past 24 seasons.

Gonzaga has been to 1 Elite 8 in their program's history.

Memphis has nearly vacated more Sweet 16s (5) than they have actually won without vacating (6).

So, sorry if that isn't exactly brightening the mood over our current predicament.

You know something HuskBask, you are correct. It has been a whole eleven months since we last cut down the nets. It was silly of me to think that anyone here needs a little perspective.
Aug 26, 2011
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No, it's an internet message board. Moaning about your team's shi_tty season is what you do on internet message boards. It's nice to respond to every single hint of criticism with reference to the program's historical success, but I suppose there are those among us who want to talk about the present.

And yet, you spend most of your time here telling people to stop their knees from jerking. And that's really what FCF is saying in the first place.

It is end of season. Time for some context.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I look at it this way. Not much I can do about things but support the team. I've gone through many a year supporting different teams that struggled to stay out of last place. I've had a great run over the past twenty five years. I want more but don't need more. I feel very lucky. I'm owed nothing.

No one has to feel like I feel. If people want to be upset and frightened and feel the need to express it, who am I to tell them they are wrong. Since I can't change outcomes, I feel it's a waste of my time to be upset about this.

I've changed over the years. I prefer to have hope and be positive in these situations. Unrealistic? So what. I'm not doing my body any favors if I continuously feel gloom and doom. If I'm optimistic about things I can't control, and I might add, don't directly or even indirectly impact me, and they ultimately prove to end up bad so what. It was going to happen with or without me being gloomy, and I didn't suffer in the interim. I'm not deluding myself that the pessimistic predictions have no merit. But the salient point is they are predictions and not guarantees.

We never want to see a good thing end. I'm no different. But I can't help thinking there is something weird about this. And maybe not.
Sep 29, 2013
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I love the post. We won the national championship last year. We wont 20 games this year, which is pretty good considering where we were after losing to Yale. Recruiting doesn't suck. This year we gained Purvis and Hamilton. Next year we're getting Jalen Adams. It's really hard to put up with all the whining UConn fans. I sat next to some of you at the Tulane game in New Orleans and listened to you bitch about how Boat sucks. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you people? How can you get pleasure out of trashing your favorite team? I don't get it at all. I love the Huskies; good, bad and great.
Aug 26, 2011
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Isn't this the very definition of jaded and entitled?

I mean, UConn has won 4 championships since 1999.

I happen to think this is miraculous. I really do watch UConn do it and think it's unbelievable. While I actually expected UConn to get to the F4 in 2011, I never expected it last year. This year they caught some tough breaks but I can't say I was disappointed. They fought.

No, it isn't. This isn't about not winning a championship and being upset, it's about watching a basketball team that just doesn't appear to be very good or very talented. Are you seriously suggesting that people shouldn't be wondering about things going forward? No one is saying fire this guy, or dump this kid, etc., and this type of season isn't totally new here, but you can not deny that there is a lot of uncertainty moving forward.
Aug 26, 2011
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You must have a lot of posters here on ignore.

I don't actually ignore them, but I look at that stuff as not rational thinking so I tune it out.

Personally I think it will be two recruiting classes to really be in a good place again. We all know that there were some recruiting obstacles the last few years so that was a set back. We also know that our best teams have been filled with guys that have been here 3 and 4 years and who backed up the "stars" so to speak. Right now the team is all developmental type guys with a few freshmen coming in next season so I am not expecting a "big" season. Though there does need to be some individual improvement shown and the kids need to get stronger. I'm just worried that it's going to be harder and harder to find the players we need. It's not totally out of bounds to think that we may have an uphill struggle on our hands.
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