I love KO but…. | Page 4 | The Boneyard

I love KO but….

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Mar 19, 2013
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Thanks for the compassion! Please... I do not want to be pitied - or treated as though I am an idiot...

You are entitled to your opinion... but I'm not off base... Lets look at more closely at what has been said.

You said, "For most people with no increased risk of stroke, taking aspirin may be more harmful than good. Think about that for a minute... (Anyone or everyone IS at risk for stroke (How do you determine that someone is high or low? Answer: YOU don't. Is 'stroke' hereditary? ... No... Is a blood clotting gene like factor5... yes.) In most studies on people with low or no risk for coronary artery disease (Same medical bull ) or stroke aspirin provided no benefit, ( You then need to publish ALL the people that had a stroke... conveniently no one can) but increased the risk of GI bleeding. (It's been known for over 40 years that taking aspirin on an empty stomach might cause gastrointestinal issues - that is why it is recommended that is taken with a glass of water and food.)

A patch over your PFO....if you mean a PFO closure... Cardia Ultrasept... I've had this done and we'll probably do a TEE to see if my son has it.... my brother does. For those that want to see what that looks like (animation- not gory) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOtk_FSfHpw

Think of this life soft spot on the top of a baby's skull... sort of... you are born with isand in most people it close... in about 15-18% it does not... clots are flying back and forth in the heart... (because they are in your blood)...eventually they head to the aorta (out)... two vertebrals, two carotids, basilar and then to the circle of willis (kinda' like MLK highway going around Atlanta for anyone who has lived there) - The stem and cerebellum are right there.. and you have the chance of something very serious and horrible outcomes... fortunately my autonomic functions (stem/medulla/pons) did not get it.... I'll keep my blood thin - thank you very much.

Even Dr. Oz spent a whole show on aspirin within the last year... he recommends 325mg just as my cardiologist and neurologist do here - and my brother-in-law who is a medical scientist working for John Hopkins. Yes, there is a lot of information available on cancer and aspirin - you are correct. Yes, ischemic 85%, hemorrhagic 15% Yes, I needed to step back in here... even though I was born on a Wednesday... it wasn't last Wednesday. Me, my cardiologist, my neurologist and Doctor OZ... take 325 mg daily you take 81mg(although better than nothing).

This is the same "old school medical thinking" that believes hypertension is significantly impacted by the use of salt.... 1997 Portland Oregon American Heart Association annual meeting... composite study.. over 4,100 separate studies (All from Harvard nurses health study 1978-1997) studying the relationship between salt and high blood pressure... less than 2%. So... 120/90 becomes 122/91. Most hypertension is a calcium deficiency. I'll salt my food to taste thank you...

The brain... is the final frontier - not space!

Please remember... just the other gentleman said... "The real root cause of stroke is not always known... so prevention is the current path to success." I had a $93,000.00 operation to close my PFO... Nobody knows if that was root cause.... but I did throw 2 clots to the brain.

I will probably study the brain for the rest of my life... fascinating stuff!

Trust me... Stroke sux... That is why I want to help those who have had it - its personal now.
Thanks for the compassion! Please... I do not want to be pitied - or treated as though I am an idiot...

You are entitled to your opinion... but I'm not off base... Lets look at more closely at what has been said.

You said, "For most people with no increased risk of stroke, taking aspirin may be more harmful than good. Think about that for a minute... (Anyone or everyone IS at risk for stroke (How do you determine that someone is high or low? Answer: YOU don't. Is 'stroke' hereditary? ... No... Is a blood clotting gene like factor5... yes.) In most studies on people with low or no risk for coronary artery disease (Same medical bull ) or stroke aspirin provided no benefit, ( You then need to publish ALL the people that had a stroke... conveniently no one can) but increased the risk of GI bleeding. (It's been known for over 40 years that taking aspirin on an empty stomach might cause gastrointestinal issues - that is why it is recommended that is taken with a glass of water and food.)

A patch over your PFO....if you mean a PFO closure... Cardia Ultrasept... I've had this done and we'll probably do a TEE to see if my son has it.... my brother does. For those that want to see what that looks like (animation- not gory) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOtk_FSfHpw

Think of this life soft spot on the top of a baby's skull... sort of... you are born with isand in most people it close... in about 15-18% it does not... clots are flying back and forth in the heart... (because they are in your blood)...eventually they head to the aorta (out)... two vertebrals, two carotids, basilar and then to the circle of willis (kinda' like MLK highway going around Atlanta for anyone who has lived there) - The stem and cerebellum are right there.. and you have the chance of something very serious and horrible outcomes... fortunately my autonomic functions (stem/medulla/pons) did not get it.... I'll keep my blood thin - thank you very much.

Even Dr. Oz spent a whole show on aspirin within the last year... he recommends 325mg just as my cardiologist and neurologist do here - and my brother-in-law who is a medical scientist working for John Hopkins. Yes, there is a lot of information available on cancer and aspirin - you are correct. Yes, ischemic 85%, hemorrhagic 15% Yes, I needed to step back in here... even though I was born on a Wednesday... it wasn't last Wednesday. Me, my cardiologist, my neurologist and Doctor OZ... take 325 mg daily you take 81mg(although better than nothing).

This is the same "old school medical thinking" that believes hypertension is significantly impacted by the use of salt.... 1997 Portland Oregon American Heart Association annual meeting... composite study.. over 4,100 separate studies (All from Harvard nurses health study 1978-1997) studying the relationship between salt and high blood pressure... less than 2%. So... 120/90 becomes 122/91. Most hypertension is a calcium deficiency. I'll salt my food to taste thank you...

The brain... is the final frontier - not space!

Please remember... just the other gentleman said... "The real root cause of stroke is not always known... so prevention is the current path to success." I had a $93,000.00 operation to close my PFO... Nobody knows if that was root cause.... but I did throw 2 clots to the brain.

I will probably study the brain for the rest of my life... fascinating stuff!

Trust me... Stroke sux... That is why I want to help those who have had it - its personal now.
I did not imply that you are an idiot. The fact is, the use of aspirin in people with NO risk factors for cardiovascular disease is being discussed and it is now appears that it may not be helpful for THIS group. That does not include you, and may not include Dr. Oz or your other doctors. They may have risk factors of which you may be unaware. Furthermore, it appears to me that Dr. Oz has become more of a TV personality than a real doctor any more. If you read the news, he recently had to backtrack on a weight loss endorsement that he was pushing only to find out that the whole thing was a sham to make money for the sellers. I wish you all the best.
Mar 19, 2013
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It amazes me how someone who can be so elegant and compassionate when he puts on his medical facade, can be so different when he gets caught up with UConn sports and probably a few other things. For those that don't know, buddy has admitted who he is and is aware of this extreme personality display.

And lol with the billybud comment. His agenda is what it is. I remember when he began posting several UConn people were unaware of his condescension towards UConn. I took issue with him right from the get go because I knew more than one person was unable to see through his mask.

He's been outed for the most part. So his damage can only occur if we allow it to bother us. Just ignore him. Or not.
My two loves are UConn sports and medicine. With medicine I am rational, with UConn sports I am irrational. PS: Believe me, it is not a medical facade.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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My two loves are UConn sports and medicine. With medicine I am rational, with UConn sports I am irrational. PS: Believe me, it is not a medical facade.
Never meant your medical persona was a facade.. When you are discussing medical issues you are a calm and rational human being. I've seen it elsewhere. When you discuss UConn sports you are irrational. You're not faking either from what I detect. I'm just blown away by the dichotomy. It never ceases to amaze me how we think and act. Not a judgement or criticism by the way. Just fascinating.
Aug 28, 2011
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Well what is missing is the fire. KO has no fire this year as he seems to be so subdued on the bench unlike last year when things went bad he would get in players and refs faces. I'm still thinking his personal life coupled with such a young team is making it very hard for KO to deal with them this year.
LOL! Unreal. Now we have clairvoyants posting on the Boneyard. KO has no fire ? Whatever you say, Einstein.

It's sad that visiting here only really reinforces that I don't miss it for a second. What a bunch of idiots.
Aug 25, 2011
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Stroke is a horrible thing... much worse than I ever knew...

Please read..

Identifying Stroke...

Remember this... F A S T

Face - one side may begin to droop
Arms - hands and arms are not responding very well
Speech - usually slurred or interrupted speech
Time - stroke outcomes are influenced by time. In my case the TPA clot busting drug saved my life and reduced the negative outcome. Outcomes are directly related to the time it takes before you get help. In my case... I had my 3 - in a building across from a hospital... lucky me!

I will cosign this as I had a stroke last year but will add:
'E' for eyes. What alarmed me the most was my eyes were blurry then saw a whole lot of spots.
'T' for tingling feeling. Had it in my lips and fingers.

After two sessions of this 20 minutes apart I drove myself to one of those clinics. They hospitalized me for 3 days, and confirmed I had a stroke. Didn't see it coming. Had I not gone then I probably would not have been able to post here anymore.

Out of respect for Citrus I won't talk about how lucky I was, but I will say his message is for everybody.
Aug 27, 2011
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Since Ollie went to the smaller lineup with Hamilton at the 4, TSam has averaged nearly 30 mins in the 5 games: 30, 33, 35, 26 and 18 mins. I like him and agree he has a place on the team - as a backup guard that plays 10-15 mins a game. Perhaps one of the reasons teams can gang up on Boatright is that his new running mate hasn't made a 3 pointer all year. Think about that, a starting combo guard hasn't made a 3 all year. I like the energy Samuel brings and am not trying to knock him, but he's seriously miscast as a starting 2 guard that plays a lot of minutes.
In today's college game if you can't be at least a threat from 3, it should be backup minutes which was TSam last year. This year more for him and that's trouble for us. It's like giving the defense an extra 1/2 player.
Jul 31, 2014
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I will cosign this as I had a stroke last year but will add:
'E' for eyes. What alarmed me the most was my eyes were blurry then saw a whole lot of spots.
'T' for tingling feeling. Had it in my lips and fingers.

After two sessions of this 20 minutes apart I drove myself to one of those clinics. They hospitalized me for 3 days, and confirmed I had a stroke. Didn't see it coming. Had I not gone then I probably would not have been able to post here anymore.

Out of respect for Citrus I won't talk about how lucky I was, but I will say his message is for everybody.

Yes it was... I want prevent as many people here from having one... If I think I've prevented even one.... to me - it is worth it. This can be so... debilitating it causes many males to 'call it quits' ... For me... I try and blame stroke.... and have formed a real hatred toward it - and want to prevent others from getting it... 'm mad

I don't understand why the blurring in my of eyes is not included... the occipital lobe is in the back of your head (where the door for the oxygenated blood comes up)

I am glad you are okay... I think you were extremely smart to do what you did.. I had a TIA in 94' (I could not speak for about 10 seconds). We did a bunch of MRI's.... learned nothing other than... I was one of the few who are born without one of their vertebral arteries (basically 4 paths bring oxygen, nutrition and sucrose to the brain... l/r vertebrals along with l/r carotids). It was determined that my right one was missing... the other sources compensate. Your brain is very smart... and it knows how to protect and fix itself and your body in many situations...

Kita... yes, facial is big and it should include all issues all abnormalities - with the face. Tingling is common and should be made more apparent. I agree. I'm on the largest stroke board on the web and many have had facial tingling ....especially lips.

Tingling... it is my understanding that this commonly begins in the index finger and possibly the thumb. Essentially... where the two would touch each other if you were to rub the pad of the thumb against the inside of the index finger.

I assume Kita you are okay... and this was very small... and the outcome was not that severe. Thank God! If you don't mind asking... how old are you? On a daily basis... I speak to 3 people daily who had significant strokes and all are under the age of 30. In the rehab hospital... 5 weeks after.. I became friends with an 18 year old girl that got whacked pretty bad.... wheelchair... complete loss of her dominant side. Beautiful girl - just freaking horrible!

Stroke makes you realize how delicate life really is.... every 45 seconds someone in our country has a stroke. Yet our country is so worried about "saving the ta tas".
Cut them bad boys off and get yourself some new and perfect ones. Problem solved. No more pink thread necessary. Cancer and Stroke are the worst.
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