I just have to say this... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

I just have to say this...

Mar 2, 2018
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I don't think that there are any posters/fans that don't want CW to succeed. The issue is bigger than her, it's all about the team in the long run, The players that give UConn the best chance to win will see the court, the bigger the contribution the more playing time they get. In Geno we trust !!!!
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Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP and the (slight) guilt trip he/she?dumped on us...Let me explain.

1. I've been a UConn fan for about 15 years...far less than some...but my interest and devotion to, has always been with Geno's brand of BB, the way everyone (good) played (everyone being boys, men) when I grew up playing in the schoolyards of the Bronx and Queens in the late 50's . His retro approach to team BB is the reason I've been so involved. Of course, you get caught up in individual exploits and love of team...and hate to see them lose...But if they lose to a better coached group with superior team coherence, I'm not terribly saddened...Interestingly, it hardly ever happens.
There are still a few of us on the board, that are not as much rabid fans of the U as they are of the style and substance of play.

2. Nan said: Not only that, they’re college kids going through the same angst and issues we all went through in college. People need to remember these are STUDENT-athletes.

Here's my problem with that statement...You can't have it both ways. The "poor dears" arguement doesn't hold up. For the top players, Woman's college BB is the equivalent of Baseball's minor leagues. Just look at the men's side...Often, they're in for a season (a virtual cuppa) and then off to the NBA...It's all about apprenticeship for a career, which, for the gals, if one is top, at least (with Winter ball) provides a living wage for 6-8 years. By accepting a UConn scholarship, you open yourself to Geno's little humiliations (I'll never forget his tearing down of Stewie in that oft shown defensive drill..."that was terrible").

But more than that...you open yourself to a regular press establishment, radio and TV commentators, and analysts on (how many is it...four networks?). Like it or not, our players are athletic commodities, judged on their performance.
And that's what they signed up for...eyes wide open.

There are times that we can be legitimately sympathetic...E has really had a tough time with injuries the last few...and Paige when she trotted off at half time, looked like she might drop and not make it to the dressing room.

But even if the Boneyard fans were angelic, displaying upstanding English, upper-crust reserve...the kids would still hear it if they disappoint; this forum being only one of many, plus the media and the 24-hour cable situ.

That is not to say I favor a free-for-all...far from it...I try to be as polite as possible...(my style) and the mods, conscientiously, limit abusive remarks.

Still, one has to consider that when a young woman signs up for 4 years at UConn, especially if she was high ranked in the draft, that a certain level is expected and if that is not achieved, then (sadly) she will hear it...loud and clear; and tea and sympathy on the Boneyard (if that would be the style of this forum) would not change that one iota.

That is the world we inhabit and it ain't gonna change.
Apr 29, 2015
Reaction Score
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP and the (slight) guilt trip he/she?dumped on us...Let me explain.

1. I've been a UConn fan for about 15 years...far less than some...but my interest and devotion to, has always been with Geno's brand of BB, the way everyone (good) played (everyone being boys, men) when I grew up playing in the schoolyards of the Bronx and Queens in the late 50's . His retro approach to team BB is the reason I've been so involved. Of course, you get caught up in individual exploits and love of team...and hate to see them lose...But if they lose to a better coached group with superior team coherence, I'm not terribly saddened...Interestingly, it hardly ever happens.
There are still a few of us on the board, that are not as much rabid fans of the U as they are of the style and substance of play.

2. Nan said: Not only that, they’re college kids going through the same angst and issues we all went through in college. People need to remember these are STUDENT-athletes.

Here's my problem with that statement...You can't have it both ways. The "poor dears" arguement doesn't hold up. For the top players, Woman's college BB is the equivalent of Baseball's minor leagues. Just look at the men's side...Often, they're in for a season (a virtual cuppa) and then off to the NBA...It's all about apprenticeship for a career, which, for the gals, if one is top, at least (with Winter ball) provides a living wage for 6-8 years. By accepting a UConn scholarship, you open yourself to Geno's little humiliations (I'll never forget his tearing down of Stewie in that oft shown defensive drill..."that was terrible").

But more than that...you open yourself to a regular press establishment, radio and TV commentators, and analysts on (how many is it...four networks?). Like it or not, our players are athletic commodities, judged on their performance.
And that's what they signed up for...eyes wide open.

There are times that we can be legitimately sympathetic...E has really had a tough time with injuries the last few...and Paige when she trotted off at half time, looked like she might drop and not make it to the dressing room.

But even if the Boneyard fans were angelic, displaying upstanding English, upper-crust reserve...the kids would still hear it if they disappoint; this forum being only one of many, plus the media and the 24-hour cable situ.

That is not to say I favor a free-for-all...far from it...I try to be as polite as possible...(my style) and the mods, conscientiously, limit abusive remarks.

Still, one has to consider that when a young woman signs up for 4 years at UConn, especially if she was high ranked in the draft, that a certain level is expected and if that is not achieved, then (sadly) she will hear it...loud and clear; and tea and sympathy on the Boneyard (if that would be the style of this forum) would not change that one iota.

That is the world we inhabit and it ain't gonna change.
Good Post!!! As a former Girls Coach. I will say this Stop treating them like girls and treat them like basketball players. Criticism is part of basketball whether it's from the coaches, fans or opponents. In basketball there is a lot of talking trash. It's part of the game. If a player is playing terrible her coach is going to tell them, their fans are going to say something and opposing fans will talk trash about or to that player. Whether it's on social media or during a game. I for one loved when people talked trash to me when I played and when I coached. You take it out on the team your playing. These aren't your daughters or grandaughters on here. So don't treat them as such! If this was a mens team we wouldn't be hearing people whining about this. This is a Board where people come to express there opinions on the UConn WBB team and whether you like or dislike what the poster writes about the team, coaches, school or players. Don't tell people it's not right what you're doing.

There are a lot of people on here who have played the game, coached and scouted games who have been around the game for years and you can tell who they're by their post. There are people who never playeld, coached or scouted games on this site but have learned the game from watching this great program too. There opinions should also be heard. Telling people they shouldn't do this or you can't do that isn't right for anybody to do.

These players aren't receiving awards for participation. They do receive a scholarship worth alot of money. They get to practice in a 37 million dollar facility. They travel all around the country and every 5 years a trip out of the country. They are treated like royalty here in Connecticut. I for one is proud of the program Geno and CD have built. None of this gives anyone a reason to degrade these basketball players. I don't see that happening here and if it did the Mods do a great job with the Boneyard!!! This is a forum for UConns WBB TEAM and everyones is entitled to their own opinion!


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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2. Nan said: Not only that, they’re college kids going through the same angst and issues we all went through in college. People need to remember these are STUDENT-athletes.

Here's my problem with that statement...You can't have it both ways. The "poor dears" arguement doesn't hold up. For the top players, Woman's college BB is the equivalent of Baseball's minor leagues. Just look at the men's side...Often, they're in for a season (a virtual cuppa) and then off to the NBA...It's all about apprenticeship for a career, which, for the gals, if one is top, at least (with Winter ball) provides a living wage for 6-8 years. By accepting a UConn scholarship, you open yourself to Geno's little humiliations (I'll never forget his tearing down of Stewie in that oft shown defensive drill..."that was terrible").

But more than that...you open yourself to a regular press establishment, radio and TV commentators, and analysts on (how many is it...four networks?). Like it or not, our players are athletic commodities, judged on their performance.
And that's what they signed up for...eyes wide open.
You missed my point. I’m not making excuses, I’m offering explanations. Do you remember college - studying for classes, doing crazy things with friends (some of which you’ll never reveal to your parents) and staying up ‘till all hours just being kids? The UConn players do it too.

Some people think the Huskies spend all day in class, go to practice, study, go to practice, do good deeds somewhere, then work out some more. Obviously, there’s some of that but they do get time to just be kids. And it’s distracting and tiring sometimes. Would Geno or CD accept that as a reason for poor performance? Of course not but it is understandable.

Some people think the players are robots - wind them up, put them on the court. If they’re sub-par in the fans’ eye, Geno just needs to tinker with the machinery. Well, no. The players are human beings, prone to bad days, bad moods, and everything else that goes with being fallible. Maybe they had a fight with a friend/boyfriend, maybe they’re not doing well in a class, or maybe they just don’t feel like playing today. Good excuse? No, but it happens.

I’d like to see some of the critics after they do some sub-par work at their job and if they’re as critical of themselves as they are of the players.
Jun 7, 2020
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I should start by saying that I have never been to the game time chat room and can't see that I will ever do so. I have enough trouble trying to respond to a friend's texts during the game, which I usually keep to one word replies so I don't miss anything during the game. Not too speedy on the key board, got a c- in typing class in 7th grade because I was mostly focused on the girl sitting next to me!

I was in grad school at UCONN in the the late 70's - early 80's well before wcbb was 'a thing' at UCONN so, as I guess most of us on here are, I am of the age to be these players grandparent. I agree with HuskyNan's comment about these being college kids that brings with it all the emotional ups and downs of being that age and in college. On top of that these young women are playing at the highest level of college basketball in the premiere program of their sport. A calling card of UCONN wcbb has been the family bond that is part of that experience within the team and the desire and willingness to be challenged by their coaching staff to develop into the best players they can possibly become over the four years they spend in the program.

I for one do not disassociate these kids from who they are as people and simply see them for what they do on the court. They each have different personalities, struggles and aspirations. Some may see themselves as future stars in pro balls, others as hopeful they have the opportunity to play a few years in the league and others kids who just feel grateful to be able to be part of something really special during their college years. We see glimpses of these kids as both people and players over their time at UCONN and many for many years beyond in their pro careers, whether on the court or on the sidelines. They all seemingly carry a bond with each other and with their coaches for years beyond their time at UCONN.

We all credit Geno and the rest of the coaches for creating the greatest wcbb program ever, for their ability to 'push the right buttons' to get the kids to develop to their fullest ( both as players and as people) and that these kids want to be at UCONN and want to work to be the best they can become both individually and as a team.

For years I read the Boneyard but never became a member. At times I thought about joining so I could throw my two cents in but didn't. I probably came closest during the time period when Saniya Chong was on the team, she was a local kid that joined 'my wcbb' basketball squad. The personal attacks that were sent her way on the BY over her years here culminating in the brutal criticism of her failed drive on our final possession in the loss to Mississippi State, turned me off on doing so until I finally joined a few months back. Geno never threw her under the bus, he said it was ' just a kid trying to win the game for us'. His only comment was he wished it happened a few seconds later. We don't know what was called in that last huddle, but we should know by the way Saniya played her whole career at UCONN she wasn't looking to steal the spotlight, she was looking to give her best for her team. I'm definitely not looking to re-exam that play!

My point is, let's keep in mind that this is a team sport, on a team that is well coached and controlled by the best coaching staff in wcbb . This isn't a program that let's the stars do their thing. We don't have kids going rogue, looking to make a name for themselves. Their accomplishments and short comings are within a team concept. If they shine or falter it's within that framework so please don't attack a kid personally if they are struggling or make a bad play - they wouldn't be in that position if the coaching staff didn't have them there. If we agree that Geno and his staff are the best there is they may know more about what that player and the team need than we do.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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After reading probably too many posts here, I just have to say how disappointed I am at how some people talk about these players. If you looooove this program so much, it should be more about these young women than anything. ESPECIALLY with everything going on, not a single person here has any idea what these kids are going through day-to-day and I'd expect grown adults not to talk about them like they are merely chess pieces to another championship. They are humans, like all of us...and they are YOUNG. It's fine to criticize plays or like "hopefully she works on that in the offseason" or whatever, but some of y'all have zero empathy.

So...stop for a minute and think about it. For a lot of us, we are very invested in this team and I get that comes with emotion, but be fair to the players. As others have alluded to, you can feel how much of a struggle CW is having right now. It's palpable and I'm sure she knows that. It does no good putting that negative energy out there. EW played a great game and I saw one person being like "well why didn't she show up for SC?" Seriously? We won't the game, she played great and you're going to put her down because she had a bad game, knowing that she's still playing basketball after a long layoff and playing under these circumstance.

Point being - we should try to be better.
Yea, this was one of the reasons some really good, positive posters either left or were run-off a few years ago. They felt there was too much negativity directed towards the players, staff, etc.

There are always going to be a few posters, who think they know better/more, or get stuck on one player (positive or negative). Some of those posters though seem to come with a certain player. The best thing about that is you only have to put up with them until the player leaves, then they move on too.

Some need also to realize these women (most anyway) are at (or near) the pinnacle of their profession. Some even good enough to represent their country. I don't think there are too many posters on here who would be good enough in their given profession to represent their country. So basically, these women are better at this than most of us will be (or have been since we all old) at anything in our lives. Some people on here need some perspective.

Same thing, even more so, goes for telling Geno how he should coach.
Nov 21, 2017
Reaction Score
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP and the (slight) guilt trip he/she?dumped on us...Let me explain.

But more than that...you open yourself to a regular press establishment, radio and TV commentators, and analysts on (how many is it...four networks?). Like it or not, our players are athletic commodities, judged on their performance.
And that's what they signed up for...eyes wide open.

But even if the Boneyard fans were angelic, displaying upstanding English, upper-crust reserve...the kids would still hear it if they disappoint; this forum being only one of many, plus the media and the 24-hour cable situ.

That is not to say I favor a free-for-all...far from it...I try to be as polite as possible...(my style) and the mods, conscientiously, limit abusive remarks.

Still, one has to consider that when a young woman signs up for 4 years at UConn, especially if she was high ranked in the draft, that a certain level is expected and if that is not achieved, then (sadly) she will hear it...loud and clear; and tea and sympathy on the Boneyard (if that would be the style of this forum) would not change that one iota.

That is the world we inhabit and it ain't gonna change.

Well articulated response to the OP. Thank you.
Not sure why you chose to use "guilt trip (slight or otherwise)" or describe the OP's airing as a "dump" although I suspect it is probably due to its accuracy and deservedness. His was also a well-articulated and patient response to what he had been observing on the BY.
I contend that one doesn't have to have "upstanding English, upper-crust reserve" to exercise civility.
I also contend that the mods, who do a great job all around, can step up their vigilance and keep the abusive and personal accusations of "bust", "useless", "clueless" off the Board.
Please revisit some the BY treatments of Saniya Chong and Natalie Butler as well as the current targets and tell me they were/are not over-the-top.
As far as your out - "That is the world we inhabit and it ain't gonna change." That passing the buck really doesn't cut it when we are only talking about a medium (BY) that we most certainly can control. This Board, and all involved can do better. If the tone and manner of the rhetoric in the outside world continues to escalate/deteriorate does that mean it is the new norm and therefore acceptable for the BY?
These are our young women. This is our team we have chosen to follow and support.
Feb 4, 2019
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After reading probably too many posts here, I just have to say how disappointed I am at how some people talk about these players. If you looooove this program so much, it should be more about these young women than anything. ESPECIALLY with everything going on, not a single person here has any idea what these kids are going through day-to-day and I'd expect grown adults not to talk about them like they are merely chess pieces to another championship. They are humans, like all of us...and they are YOUNG. It's fine to criticize plays or like "hopefully she works on that in the offseason" or whatever, but some of y'all have zero empathy.

So...stop for a minute and think about it. For a lot of us, we are very invested in this team and I get that comes with emotion, but be fair to the players. As others have alluded to, you can feel how much of a struggle CW is having right now. It's palpable and I'm sure she knows that. It does no good putting that negative energy out there. EW played a great game and I saw one person being like "well why didn't she show up for SC?" Seriously? We won't the game, she played great and you're going to put her down because she had a bad game, knowing that she's still playing basketball after a long layoff and playing under these circumstance.

Point being - we should try to be better.
You are 100% correct!! Thank you for saying what I am sure a lot of us think. I am a true fan and always will be no matter what, no one is or ever will be perfect. I saw a great quote and it is so true, in a world where you can be anything be kind. It does not take much effort. GO HUSKIES!!!
Jan 29, 2021
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My context for watching these players in a demanding time is that they are doing two jobs at once. They are full time students that have a physical gift to play at a high level. This is a gift to us but this form also allows us to comment about what happened on the court. There seems to be some collective wisdom here as many posters have coached or played this game. I hope the wisdom is offered and seems to be in a constructive manner. For the most part we are trying to help them get better. It is better yet if a coach or players picks-up on said comments if appropriate.
Mar 13, 2018
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Great perspectives offered in your post. I don't think we mean to do it, but often we "commoditize" these young women simply into only as what they can and can not do on the court, and as your post comments on, we forget other aspects of their life. I don't think this is intentionally but when we speculate what they may or may not be going through, whether their injuries are valid, etc., all the psychoanalytic tendencies, it can be a bit much for these young women. Let's remember that they are more than a just basketball commodity for our lives and leisure...
I agree that it's not necessarily intentional, which is partly why I made this it's own post. I don't claim to be perfect but awareness is so important, which is what I was trying to accomplish. Thank you! :)


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I try but like I said I sometimes check in during halftime just to get a sense of what BYers are saying. I didn't do it last night.
I've been staying off lately. Mostly because I'd rather focus on the game than navigate a vaguely cumbersome chat menu. That said the men's chat seems like it must set the world record for hot takes per minute. Those observation are much better left in chat.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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So, can we all try to elevate from the negativity when we see it and strive to be a more positive conduit? Healthy discussions on rankings, disliking certain teams or coaches can still occur but denigration and outright criticism should be called out and support for positive posters and noted efforts by the players should be promoted.

I know I can do better and will strive to do so. :)
Mar 13, 2018
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Still, one has to consider that when a young woman signs up for 4 years at UConn, especially if she was high ranked in the draft, that a certain level is expected and if that is not achieved, then (sadly) she will hear it...loud and clear; and tea and sympathy on the Boneyard (if that would be the style of this forum) would not change that one iota.

That is the world we inhabit and it ain't gonna change.
I understand where you are coming from and there is some fairness there, but I disagree 100% with the last part. The world we inhabit is a reflection of us and we should all be open to changing for the better.

Whether you believe it or not, you are constantly putting energy out into the universe through words, actions, emotions, etc. It's incumbent upon everyone to be better. I didn't post this because I think CW or anyone is going to read it and feel poorly (although that's possible); I posted it because I wanted to create awareness and hope people shift their thinking and language in some cases. I'm simply talking about being more thoughtful and kind.
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