Which raises the question why Benedict keeps giving out these extensions. Ollie got his first extension from Warde Manuel after the championship season, but his 2nd extension was a head scratcher, especially when signs were there that he couldn’t run the program. Hurley was just given his extension, despite not showing any ability to win big games. We’re back in The Big East and we’re UConn. We shouldn’t keep giving out extensions, as if we can’t attract a great coach anymore.
I'm not really strongly leaning one way or the other on the whole should he stay or should he go, but let's not forget who gave #1 ranked Auburn their only loss...
I think a lot of people here also need to be realistic about what the alternatives were if Hurley didn't take this job, or if he were to leave/be told to leave. Obviously most here think this is a top 10 job, but thats not a prevalent opinion outside this board...we may be a top 10 all time program, but there's not a line to be successor like their was before JC queued up Ollie.
There are few, if any, coaches out there right now who could come in and turn this program around immediately (shaka isn't helping this argument...but outlier aside..) and it's really not killing the program. We all lose patience because we show some signs of improvement then crap the bed and walk it all back. In the end though, there's been clear improvement every single year Hurley has been here, just not immediate AAC afterthought to NC like too many here seem to expect/feel entitled to?