so far…
Recruiting Grade: A-/B+
Adjustments in game: Grade: D/F
Culture: Grade: A-
Roster construction (lack of guards): D+/C-
Pushing players’ right buttons a la JC (they play scared/tight) - D
Recruiting Grade: A-/B+ - I really like our roster. UConn is not a national championship caliber team yet, but this team can match up with anyone.
Roster construction: B - players not developing as hoped is different from poor roster construction. We have the team we need to make the Sweet 16
Culture: B+ - good effort, play hard, seem to have confidence most of the time
Pushing players right buttons: B- - I think he honestly forgets his rotations in close games and we end up with exhausted players or weird lineups.
Player Development - B+ - players are getting better.
Adjustments in game: F - He is not in the A10 anymore where he can just out-recruit the other teams. Everyone UConn plays but maybe Butler and Georgetown has good talent. Hurley is getting outcoached almost every game. What happens when Stubblefield and Anderson upgrade the talent at Depaul and St. Johns?