Hurley: “seemed like guys confidence was down” | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Hurley: “seemed like guys confidence was down”


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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Look to the top - Hurley himself gets wound up to the max, and I think that woundupness carries over to his team and gets everyone playing tight. Crunch time loose beats tight.

Hurleys job in those instances is to project calm confidence “everything is under control - we got this”
It also falls on the veterans. Who on the team can you say is a leader? Who do you see holding everyone accountable on the court? No one.

Martin and Sanogo are the only ones I’ve seen talk trash to the opponents and bully them.
Sep 25, 2021
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The confidence comes from the top DH. Look inside first. All that rah rah stuff perhaps is hollow. Huggy Bear ate you up and spit you out as far as coaching the team is concerned.
Teams have off nights shooting and good coaches make adjustments in sourcing production from other angles. DH stood and watched one ball after another clang off the rims and was bug eyed
DH teams will be stacked and jacked, but I fear they may consistently hit a ceiling. His teams just don’t get it done in tight games, and DH still doesn’t seem to have a good handle on personnel and in game adjustments. It’s a fairly recognizable, recurring problem. Tight at end of games, poor foul and floor shooting, bad time management,etc.
Nov 30, 2020
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DH teams will be stacked and jacked, but I fear they may consistently hit a ceiling. His teams just don’t get it done in tight games, and DH still doesn’t seem to have a good handle on personnel and in game adjustments. It’s a fairly recognizable, recurring problem. Tight at end of games, poor foul and floor shooting, bad time management,etc.
This is an issue if I’ve ever seen one. We need a coach, not someone who is learning himself how to settle down.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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A lot of teams have bad shooting days when playing WVU, especially at WVU. They rush you, try to take you out of your comfort zone.

For 25 years, teams used to have their worst shooting days when they played us. We were very lucky in the JC era.

It's an experience the team will grow from. Better now than later. Thank you Huggie Bear


Apr 19, 2015
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The coaches can certainly do better in game but I think it's a personnel issue as well. Tough to score consistently in college basketball with one good guard/perimeter player and questionable shooting. We shot well and were healthy against Auburn. Polley had one his rare hot games. We didn't shoot so well against the other non cupcakes and they were nail biters. We went 1-2 and one of those losses we were missing two starters. It is what it is.
This is constant reminder that we don't have a real point guard except Diggins on this team. He (PG) is really the coach/leader on the floor. His job is to size up what's going on on the floor and try to direct the action except when the coach has otherwise told him what to do. This is a leadership issue. That spills over into the matter of responsibility. We are asking guys (combo guards Cole, Gaffney and Hawkins) to some how cover this and be a 2. Same thing with Andre Jackson being a "point forward" reminiscent of Dan Hamilton. I don't see how this can be resolved because I don't see the stability of someone in charge of analysis/distribution first as a primary function. We seem to have a lot of talented moving parts but we have few who can make their own shots off the dribble so this gets further compounded. It comes down to an efficient and coherent offense which takes advantage of weaknesses of opponents and strengths of our offense.

I guess I am just reiterating what others have said in one form or another in many discussions. But I see what they are saying. The opponents see this and you can expect them to attack it accordingly.
We really don't have much of an offensive scheme and until recently we weren't really a running team. When Sanogo comes back we will return to slower paced game.

Problem not being addressed. I do recommend we get Diggins into the lineup in an increasing fashion. It's not too late to get another ballhandler in the lineup who is the heir apparent to point guard.
Aug 26, 2011
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Play Diggins or else we will be complaining how tired RJ looks in March.

I just don't get the no minutes for Diggins from our coach!

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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The players lack confidence because they are being asked to do things on the court they haven't practiced and refined in practice.

This relates to the thread about what does UConn do in practice. It's obvious UConn doesn't have a tried and true set of plays they can run at the end of shot clock or end of game. It's more a hodge podge of throw pasta on the wall and see what sticks.

Geno used to say (and maybe still does) practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. You don't practice until you get it right, you practice until you don't get it wrong. That's when you have players moving with confidence and assertiveness. Every player knows the purpose of their movement and how their movement affects the play.

Similarly Larry Legend had a quote about being on foul line at end of game and the shooter knowing in their head whether or not they put in the work to make those free throws.

I'm not a sky is falling, the season is over person right now, but there are some fundamental flaws in the program that need fixing for in game momentum swings and end of game execution. What we fans saw against WVU wasn't unique to the WVU game. It's a pattern.
Dec 8, 2015
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Play Diggins or else we will be complaining how tired RJ looks in March.

I just don't get the no minutes for Diggins from our coach!

RJ is going to be fine. This isn't the NBA. He'll get his rest in practices. The issue isn't long-term health unless he has underlying injuries. It's about making sure he's at 100% on both ends of the floor throughout the game.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don’t pin this on confidence. Missing those 2 major players changes every aspect of those final game closing minutes, and we still only lost by 3 points. We have enough talent to be in every game we play but if we have bad shooting the result will likely not be there. Even average 3 point shooting the other night gives us a 10 point win. We should not get down on the team because it could be ugly for awhile.
Jan 19, 2019
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We have shot 12% and 14% from 3 in our 2 losses. Both close, low scoring games that could have been wins. A combined and not so horrible, 35% from 3 in our 8 wins.

The majority in this board has said in the past few years that in todays game you have to stretch the floor and have guys that can shoot the 3. I think this years team has the best shooters since Hurley took over. Most of the 3 point attempts against WV were good looks that just didn’t go in. It happens.
Shooters think their next shot is always going in. They will put this loss behind them and move in.

There will most likely be a few more bad shooting games like the one against WV that may result in a loss but hopefully the team will be at full strength where we can get the ball inside to offset the shooting woes.
Dec 8, 2015
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History is littered with successful maniac coaches. Jim Calhoun had confidence but didn't project anything calmly and he got plenty wound up. He would yank players with a quick hook after one mistake, chew them out right in front of the bench, rip his jacket off. If players can perform under those conditions then they can play for Hurley being a bit wound up. People are really reaching for new things to hang on him.

I'd encourage you to watch Jim Calhoun in the last 4 minutes of close games. I'm pretty neutral on Hurley's court demeanor, so I've got no dog in this particular fight. When games were close late, Calhoun turned into an analytical genius--his personality changed. He started playing chess instead of basketball. I've heard these words directly from an assistant coach's mouth.

This is where I do have a dog in the fight... Hurley has yet to show he has an analytical mind in that capacity. I'll stand by that. At this point, it seems undeniable. He needs to be better coaching the end of games. It wasn't just this game--we missed shots we shouldn't have. We may not have won regardless of his coaching with our shooting the way it is. But when there's a PATTERN of bad closeouts to game, coach needs to start looking in the mirror.
Nov 14, 2019
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This is constant reminder that we don't have a real point guard except Diggins on this team. He (PG) is really the coach/leader on the floor. His job is to size up what's going on on the floor and try to direct the action except when the coach has otherwise told him what to do. This is a leadership issue. That spills over into the matter of responsibility. We are asking guys (combo guards Cole, Gaffney and Hawkins) to some how cover this and be a 2. Same thing with Andre Jackson being a "point forward" reminiscent of Dan Hamilton. I don't see how this can be resolved because I don't see the stability of someone in charge of analysis/distribution first as a primary function. We seem to have a lot of talented moving parts but we have few who can make their own shots off the dribble so this gets further compounded. It comes down to an efficient and coherent offense which takes advantage of weaknesses of opponents and strengths of our offense.

I guess I am just reiterating what others have said in one form or another in many discussions. But I see what they are saying. The opponents see this and you can expect them to attack it accordingly.
We really don't have much of an offensive scheme and until recently we weren't really a running team. When Sanogo comes back we will return to slower paced game.

Problem not being addressed. I do recommend we get Diggins into the lineup in an increasing fashion. It's not too late to get another ballhandler in the lineup who is the heir apparent to point guard.
I agree 100% with all of this.
Nov 11, 2021
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This is constant reminder that we don't have a real point guard except Diggins on this team. He (PG) is really the coach/leader on the floor. His job is to size up what's going on on the floor and try to direct the action except when the coach has otherwise told him what to do. This is a leadership issue. That spills over into the matter of responsibility. We are asking guys (combo guards Cole, Gaffney and Hawkins) to some how cover this and be a 2. Same thing with Andre Jackson being a "point forward" reminiscent of Dan Hamilton. I don't see how this can be resolved because I don't see the stability of someone in charge of analysis/distribution first as a primary function. We seem to have a lot of talented moving parts but we have few who can make their own shots off the dribble so this gets further compounded. It comes down to an efficient and coherent offense which takes advantage of weaknesses of opponents and strengths of our offense.

I guess I am just reiterating what others have said in one form or another in many discussions. But I see what they are saying. The opponents see this and you can expect them to attack it accordingly.
We really don't have much of an offensive scheme and until recently we weren't really a running team. When Sanogo comes back we will return to slower paced game.

Problem not being addressed. I do recommend we get Diggins into the lineup in an increasing fashion. It's not too late to get another ballhandler in the lineup who is the heir apparent to point guard.
You are correct we have not had a running game lately. I saw our running game for almost about 3 quarters of the time. That is when we went ahead. Most of the fourth quarter was Slow Monand point production went south. Maybe my memory is fading but I do not recall much of a running game since the Calhoun days.
Jan 6, 2021
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A quote from the post game presser when talking about the ending possessions of the game really stuck out to me.

“It seemed like guys confidence was down and didn’t want to pull the trigger”

All I can ask is… WHY?!?
I agree with you. One thought is... We all know how crazy and sometimes - Calhoun-esque Hurley can be when his team is not performing well during games. But from what I hear from several player interviews, watching first night highlights, etc., this guy takes it to another level during practices. Some players respond to it, others not so much. Unfortunately, I think this generation is softer than a snuggy and it boils down to nurture vs. nature. All players want these days is to be told how good they are. Maybe not all, certainly don't think Cole or Martin mind it but that's true toughness right there. I realize I sound old writing this but I'm only in my early 30's and even I see the disparity from generation to generation. Toughen up, kiddos.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I was hoping Polley would be like Neil's Griffey this year for us.
He's just not nearly that good. He's better than he showed against WVU, but it's hard to be confident when you miss every shot.

This team is best when they play loose and confident. They looked tight and overly stressed about the game. Need to change that on Saturday.
Dec 8, 2015
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Unfortunately, I think this generation is softer than a snuggy and it boils down to nurture vs. nature. All players want these days is to be told how good they are. Maybe not all, certainly don't think Cole or Martin mind it but that's true toughness right there. I realize I sound old writing this but I'm only in my early 30's and even I see the disparity from generation to generation. Toughen up, kiddos.

This is simply not true. This sentiment was stupid the first time some boomer said it, and it's stupid now when you said it. Get a grip.Every single player on our team is tough. Get used to it.

It's always so cute when fatasses sitting on their couch criticize college kids tougheness on this board. These guys go to class full-time, practice 2+ hours a day and take a beating in games. They're tougher and more athletic than 99.9% of people on this board. Just stop.

I would absolutely love to watch you try to hang with Sanogo in post drills or chase Hawkins around screens for an afternoon. Then we can decide who's tough.
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Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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I was hoping Polley would be like Neil's Griffey this year for us.
There is no reason why he shouldn’t be, at least from a shooting standpoint. ( Giffey better defender) , but sad to say, to this point he just isn’t. It’s mystifying as to why some of the looks he is getting aren’t going down. And I think it’s starting to get in his head, which is a terrible thing for a shooter. A shooter should not think. Just shoot.
Aug 29, 2011
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Remember that at halftime Hurley liked ripped the entire team a new one b/c of all the horrible early shot clock 3's that nearly broke the backboard when they didn't miss everything. THAT ripping was entirely necessary, & resulted in no more of those shots in the 2nd half but unfortunately it went the opposite direction with multiple shot clock violations and tight beautholes in the last 5 minutes.
All need to revisit the season mantra of correcting those awful minutes from the final two games last season - this was supposed to be a foundational part of the team.
Apr 14, 2020
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Not sure where this vibe on lack of toughness comes from. This team has some deficiencies that they're working on--But toughness is not one of them, If you don't play tough D you're not on the floor. Two of our toughest guys weren't on the floor due to injuries the other night.

They played in one of the most difficult away-game venues in CBB the other night vs a HOF coach on a bad-shooting night. Tough D kept them in the game.

Value the ball-Make winning plays-Get to the line-Rebound-Defense.. Wins games. Toughness is not the issue. Execution--different story in our losses.


Gangstas, what's up?
Dec 3, 2018
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I agree with you. One thought is... We all know how crazy and sometimes - Calhoun-esque Hurley can be when his team is not performing well during games. But from what I hear from several player interviews, watching first night highlights, etc., this guy takes it to another level during practices. Some players respond to it, others not so much. Unfortunately, I think this generation is softer than a snuggy and it boils down to nurture vs. nature. All players want these days is to be told how good they are. Maybe not all, certainly don't think Cole or Martin mind it but that's true toughness right there. I realize I sound old writing this but I'm only in my early 30's and even I see the disparity from generation to generation. Toughen up, kiddos.
It is the "me" generation (and I don't want to derail this thread with that) but I think every kid who signs up to play for Hurley knows what they are in for. During their recruitments they talk to current players, they sit in on practices, they hear what other coaches say about Hurley. Hurley has a type of guy he wants in his program, and "soft" is not his type.

Don't think it's an issue of them not having the grit or being "weak" mentally in general. It's a composure issue that is situational. They need to figure out how to keep the team composed when stuff goes sideways.


Gangstas, what's up?
Dec 3, 2018
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Remember that at halftime Hurley liked ripped the entire team a new one b/c of all the horrible early shot clock 3's that nearly broke the backboard when they didn't miss everything. THAT ripping was entirely necessary, & resulted in no more of those shots in the 2nd half but unfortunately it went the opposite direction with multiple shot clock violations and tight beautholes in the last 5 minutes.
All need to revisit the season mantra of correcting those awful minutes from the final two games last season - this was supposed to be a foundational part of the team.
Did he actually rip the team at halftime about their shot selection or are you speculating? I didn't think their first half shot selection was poor overall. Yes, there were some bad ones like that Johnson spot-up 3 in transition. They got a lot of really good looks the first half. They just missed badly.

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