How UL won the battle to the ACC | Page 2 | The Boneyard

How UL won the battle to the ACC

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Aug 26, 2011
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There is no doubt that Louisville fans' support of their team is (at this juncture) superior to that of us UConn fans. However, the Yum Center is bleeding money and that is because the sources of revenue that most event centers get are going to the AD instead of paying off the debt on the arena. Otherwise, why would an arena with 22k crowds be floundering while the XL center gets by on 10k at uconn games? The answer is that UL takes in about 90% of revenue at the Yum but 0% of debt (which was a 9.8m shortfall over the past year).
'Critics, including some past authority board members, long have argued for changes to the lease agreement with U of L, whose basketball teams are the building's prime tenants. The move to the arena from Freedom Hall helped establish the men's basketball program as the nation's most lucrative, bringing in a $27 million profit in 2011-12, according to ESPN.

The university's deal with the arena authority largely allows U of L control over scheduling in the building during basketball season and the bulk of some arena revenues, such as proceeds from private suite sales. U of L keeps 88 percent of those monies, for example.

Moody's analysts wrote that the authority's revenue-sharing lease with U of L "limits the authority's profit upside from the successful anchor tenant."'

If YUM is smart like any other landlord, they would have asked for much bigger % of the overall revenue vs. settling for peanuts. I have no idea what pull UL had at that time, but they raped the city. As a result, their overall revenue skyrocketed while the city is going broke.
Aug 30, 2011
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It was very clear then ul pulled out all the stops, while we monitored. At this point im over it. What are we gonna do cry forever? I just hope Warde and Sue have a contingency plan for when these exit fees expire. I think they timed it so the exit fees and the espn contract run out at the same time. At that point all options need to be on the table including independence with a regional network like sny. Uconn Cannot make two million from tv money while all of our former conference mates make ten times as much.

I'd feel much better if I knew that there was someone or some group at UConn working day and night to get us out of this mess. Is it possible to hire a CR czar?
Sep 21, 2011
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I'd feel much better if I knew that there was someone or some group at UConn working day and night to get us out of this mess. Is it possible to hire a CR czar?
That's what Burton wants to do if I remember right - help fund a CR person who will be ready to promote and pounce.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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I think we were considered the front runner, I think WM & SH were quietly / mistakenly taking the "high road", I think Jurich did an exceptional job selling his school

several factors hurt us too, the timing could not have been worse

PP ruined the football program and we looked small time
JC's pending retirement, questions about the future of men's basketball
the APR Stop
and we're locked in the northeast corner with few other options (like the Big 12). So we're here for the plucking if need be
Mar 19, 2013
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Warde got back in my graces for the way he handled the football coach search. Hathaway had people convinced uconn wasnt an attractive job. Warde blew that myth out da water.

Warde, sue, and the bot, need to be working on a plan in case we arent in one of the P5, conferences when the exit fees dry up. Cannot survive athletically with the status quo at that point.
Many people felt the same way as you that Warde has redeemed himself with the football coaching situation, and maybe even the KO hire. However, this article resurrects the previous impression that he failed at the most necessary time in UConn history as far as conference realignment and may indeed, have cost UConn millions of dollars by his laid back attitude at that time.
Aug 26, 2011
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Many people felt the same way as you that Warde has redeemed himself with the football coaching situation, and maybe even the KO hire. However, this article resurrects the previous impression that he failed at the most necessary time in UConn history as far as conference realignment and may indeed, have cost UConn millions of dollars by his laid back attitude at that time.

If UCONN ends up in the B1G, then we made the right move. Ultimately, I don't believe ACC is setting itself up to be stable for the long term. There are simply too many differences between multiple schools. There will be mistrust and other issues like we have seen in the old BE. UCONN needs to aim for the B1G for the long term.
Aug 27, 2011
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Many people felt the same way as you that Warde has redeemed himself with the football coaching situation, and maybe even the KO hire. However, this article resurrects the previous impression that he failed at the most necessary time in UConn history as far as conference realignment and may indeed, have cost UConn millions of dollars by his laid back attitude at that time.
You're such a dumb freakin' troll that I really don't know why I'm responding to you. But here goes.

This article is essentially profiling Tom Jurich in a Louisville magazine - of course it's going to do everything to make him look good, including pretending he dominated UConn's AD in the battle for an ACC invite.

Warde is not the reason UConn didn't get into the ACC. In fact, most of the reasons stem from circumstances that happened before he was hired, such as (1) the Paul Pasqualoni hire, which led to UConn's football team being significantly worse than Louisville's at the time (really, this was the single biggest factor, as everything the ACC does is shortsighted). (2) BC being such an atrocious addition to the conference. The southern schools in the ACC were wary of adding another northern team, and this time around, FSU (and Clemson) won the staring match against the Carolina schools.

Warde, on the other hand, had little to nothing to do with the ACC's decision. You have to be pretty dumb to still believe that.
Aug 26, 2011
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Many people felt the same way as you that Warde has redeemed himself with the football coaching situation, and maybe even the KO hire. However, this article resurrects the previous impression that he failed at the most necessary time in UConn history as far as conference realignment and may indeed, have cost UConn millions of dollars by his laid back attitude at that time.
A couple of things. I didn't bother reading the article cause I'm through crying about it. That had my stomach in knots as it was going down, quite frankly, its not healthy. I was as vocal as anyone on the boards blasting Warde for monitoring and landscaping. I've come to the conclusion however, that he may have been acting under direct orders from Sue Herbst on how to proceed. This may fall on her more than Warde. She went out and hired a less experienced, AD from a non bcs league. That he got his lunch eaten by Jurich is no surprise really. Oliver Luck and Tom Jurich are the types of guys you want running our AD, when the stuff hits the fan. I would put Lew Perkins in there as well.

We are at a point where we just have to move forward. If Sue Herbst felt he cost us that bid, I think he would be gone. Bottom line is Hathaway probably was more detrimental in us being where we are at, but we are at the point where we have to move forward. The exit fee/big east split money will keep us afloat for a while, but there better be a better plan than "hoping" we are next to get a p5 Invite. If by the time that money dries up we are not in a p5, then there needs to a plan of action. Does anyone really doubt that UConn can get more money through a deal with SNY? They could truly become the exclusive home of the huskies in all sports. Go play some one and dones with Big 12, Pac 12 schools to get some play of Fox/Fox sports.

They got the next six years to work on a legitimate plan for when this money goes away. They better be working on something greater than hoping/praying that their number is called next.


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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There is no doubt that Louisville fans' support of their team is (at this juncture) superior to that of us UConn fans. However, the Yum Center is bleeding money and that is because the sources of revenue that most event centers get are going to the AD instead of paying off the debt on the arena. Otherwise, why would an arena with 22k crowds be floundering while the XL center gets by on 10k at uconn games? The answer is that UL takes in about 90% of revenue at the Yum but 0% of debt (which was a 9.8m shortfall over the past year).
'Critics, including some past authority board members, long have argued for changes to the lease agreement with U of L, whose basketball teams are the building's prime tenants. The move to the arena from Freedom Hall helped establish the men's basketball program as the nation's most lucrative, bringing in a $27 million profit in 2011-12, according to ESPN.

The university's deal with the arena authority largely allows U of L control over scheduling in the building during basketball season and the bulk of some arena revenues, such as proceeds from private suite sales. U of L keeps 88 percent of those monies, for example.

Moody's analysts wrote that the authority's revenue-sharing lease with U of L "limits the authority's profit upside from the successful anchor tenant."'
Granted, but the point still stands. So Louisville the university pulled one over on the city, what does the acc care? And if I give you 10 mil in sideways revenue, they are still blowing our doors off. And lastly, while you are giving Louisville the leverage for "right now" their arrow is/was pointing up. We have/had every reason to draw as much fan interest as the cards with 2 final fours and a ship in the 4 years leading up to the decision but we didn't/don't have the fan support they do. The only thing we had on the ville is academics and possibly tv market but their fan axe appears a hell of a lot healthier than ours at the moment. I'm pissed about it, but lets call a spade a spade.
The conventional wisdom that anything outside of $ drives decisions like this is starting to rub me the wrong way. University presidents don't change their vote because jurich hit phones while wards hit a box of jelly donuts. And the acc does their own vetting, they don't need anything sold to them.
Sep 21, 2011
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The conventional wisdom that anything outside of $ drives decisions like this is starting to rub me the wrong way. University presidents don't change their vote because jurich hit phones while wards hit a box of jelly donuts. And the acc does their own vetting, they don't need anything sold to them.
You really think that Louisville's revenues were more vital in the decision making than

a) UConn's lack of support (or Louisville's heavy support) by the northeast ACC teams
b) The lawsuit vs the acc and swofford and shalala
c) The football schools wanting to call the shots at a time everyone thought the ACC may splinter into a thousand pieces because of the looming SEC, B1G and Big 12 shadows over the ACC schools

We're not going to end up in the ACC and it's not because of the revenues of the next ACC target. We will never get into the ACC. We have enemies in the conference and we have former BE teams who are frightened of the prospect that we would once again get the same TV revenue and recruiting advantages they do.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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These threads that still veer off into ACC destruction fantasies always make me laugh.

It's like hearing someone tell you about how they know their ex girlfriend is just going to be miserable with that new guy.

If you need some proof the ACC isn't going anywhere... Rutgers is in the Big 10. Which makes it quite clear that anyone attractive from the ACC wasn't interested.
Aug 26, 2011
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Jurich did a great job for UL, but this was more about an internal ACC battle and internal control. From what I was told by 2 people somewhat involved (by that I mean employees of the athletic departments- one from UConn and one from FSU, and whose stories match up) FSU, Clemson, and to a lesser degree GT did not want another northern school as the next addition, and wanted an emphasis on football over basketball (all felt a little steamrolled with the additions of SyraPitt). UConn was not going to get their vote this round. Add to that the fact that UM and BC were definite no votes all along, and actively lobbying against UConn (still bad feelings over the lawsuits) . SU was also lobbying for UL, but I have no clue what Pitt's stance was. The first "unofficial" vote did not garner enough "yes" votes for either school. FSU and Clemson leveraged the rumors of the B12 having interest in adding them, and the Carolina schools and UVa eventually blinked. UConn had support from Tobacco Road and UVa.

Take it for what it's worth. I'm inclined to believe it since the 2 people I heard it from have no connection to each other and their versions were very similar.
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May 23, 2013
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It was do-or-die for Warde, Jurich understood that. We died.
Jurich tried the same thing to supplant WVU to the Big 12 and almost pulled it off ! He's a coldblooded shark!!
Dec 25, 2011
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Those numbers are a complete farce. The university dumped a boatload of debt from the Yum Center on the city.

Agreed, most of the clips I have read note that Louisville's sports revenue will drop by 33% to 50% once the city declares bankruptcy on the Yum Center and Louisville actually has to start paying both the operating and debt service cost on the Yum Center.
Jul 17, 2013
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Jurich did a great job for UL, but this was more about an internal ACC battle and internal control. From what I was told by 2 people somewhat involved (by that I mean employees of the athletic departments- one from UConn and one from FSU, and whose stories match up) FSU, Clemson, and to a lesser degree GT did not want another northern school as the next addition, and wanted an emphasis on football over basketball (all felt a little steamrolled with the additions of SyraPitt). UConn was not going to get their vote this round. Add to that the fact that UM and BC were definite no votes all along, and actively lobbying against UConn (still bad feelings over the lawsuits) . SU was also lobbying for UL, but I have no clue what Pitt's stance was. The first "unofficial" vote did not garner enough "yes" votes for either school. FSU and Clemson leveraged the rumors of the B12 having interest in adding them, and the Carolina schools and UVa eventually blinked. UConn had support from Tobacco Road and UVa.

This falls right in line with what we on Tobacco Road heard. UConn also had Swofford's support as well. But, he could not get the votes.

Take it for what it's worth. I'm inclined to believe it since the 2 people I heard it from have no connection to each other and their versions were very similar.

It was a pretty contentious process, thats for sure.
Aug 30, 2011
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Jurich did a great job for UL, but this was more about an internal ACC battle and internal control. From what I was told by 2 people somewhat involved (by that I mean employees of the athletic departments- one from UConn and one from FSU, and whose stories match up) FSU, Clemson, and to a lesser degree GT did not want another northern school as the next addition, and wanted an emphasis on football over basketball (all felt a little steamrolled with the additions of SyraPitt). UConn was not going to get their vote this round. Add to that the fact that UM and BC were definite no votes all along, and actively lobbying against UConn (still bad feelings over the lawsuits) . SU was also lobbying for UL, but I have no clue what Pitt's stance was. The first "unofficial" vote did not garner enough "yes" votes for either school. FSU and Clemson leveraged the rumors of the B12 having interest in adding them, and the Carolina schools and UVa eventually blinked. UConn had support from Tobacco Road and UVa.

Take it for what it's worth. I'm inclined to believe it since the 2 people I heard it from have no connection to each other and their versions were very similar.

That's about the most concise and believable account of the whole process that I've heard so far. You'd think our local sports reporters could have done some digging and come up with something similar. I always thought that we were a great fit for the ACC both sports wise and geographically, but after reading this I'm just not sure it was meant to be. Let's hope for the B1G in 2014. Happy New Year everyone.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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That's about the most concise and believable account of the whole process that I've heard so far. You'd think our local sports reporters could have done some digging and come up with something similar. I always thought that we were a great fit for the ACC both sports wise and geographically, but after reading this I'm just not sure it was meant to be. Let's hope for the B1G in 2014. Happy New Year everyone.

Its absolutely bewildering that we haven't had a concise accounting of what really went down with conference realignment and UCONN's exclusion. I know the meetings are supposed to be top secret but is there really no one that will let what happened in those negotiations slip out at some point?
Aug 27, 2011
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Jurich did a great job for UL, but this was more about an internal ACC battle and internal control. From what I was told by 2 people somewhat involved (by that I mean employees of the athletic departments- one from UConn and one from FSU, and whose stories match up) FSU, Clemson, and to a lesser degree GT did not want another northern school as the next addition, and wanted an emphasis on football over basketball (all felt a little steamrolled with the additions of SyraPitt). UConn was not going to get their vote this round. Add to that the fact that UM and BC were definite no votes all along, and actively lobbying against UConn (still bad feelings over the lawsuits) . SU was also lobbying for UL, but I have no clue what Pitt's stance was. The first "unofficial" vote did not garner enough "yes" votes for either school. FSU and Clemson leveraged the rumors of the B12 having interest in adding them, and the Carolina schools and UVa eventually blinked. UConn had support from Tobacco Road and UVa.

Take it for what it's worth. I'm inclined to believe it since the 2 people I heard it from have no connection to each other and their versions were very similar.
I heard the EXACT same story from someone at UCONN


Aug 26, 2011
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Its absolutely bewildering that we haven't had a concise accounting of what really went down with conference realignment and UCONN's exclusion. I know the meetings are supposed to be top secret but is there really no one that will let what happened in those negotiations slip out at some point?
I've been waiting for the UConn perspective on what happened, but it will probably never be written by what's left of the Horde. No way to spin it positively for us, so UConn administration would never talk.
Aug 30, 2011
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I've been waiting for the UConn perspective on what happened, but it will probably never be written by what's left of the Horde. No way to spin it positively for us, so UConn administration would never talk.

I agree to a point, but it's not the job of the Horde to spin it either way, they just need to report the facts. I'd also like to hear what our plans are going forward, the exit fee money won't last forever.


Aug 26, 2011
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I agree to a point, but it's not the job of the Horde to spin it either way, they just need to report the facts. I'd also like to hear what our plans are going forward, the exit fee money won't last forever.
I meant that the administration would not be able to spin it if talking on the record. This is the single most important issue facing UConn athletics, and the local media kind of act like we somehow arrived in the AAC by happenstance.
Jun 14, 2013
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Self-serving article from Louisville magazine, but mentions that ACC insiders confirm UL and Jurich outworked UConn. No surprise there. Glosses over just how far behind UL is in academic terms, but it's "aspirational."

If I were a UCONN fan I'd be worried that no other school seems to be interested in helping you out in Conference Realignment. You don't seem to have any friends and when a school like Cuse aligns with Louisville instead of UCONN you have to ask why.
Aug 27, 2011
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If I were a UCONN fan I'd be worried that no other school seems to be interested in helping you out in Conference Realignment. You don't seem to have any friends and when a school like Cuse aligns with Louisville instead of UCONN you have to ask why.
Because they're threatened by being in the same conference as UConn. Just like your pansy school.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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Warde has his strengths but he seems a bit to slow to act to win a game like that.

I like the Diaco hire just like everyone else. I even like the re-branding efforts.

But just for sh!ts and giggles, what, exactly, would you describe to be his strengths?
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