Holly's press conference | The Boneyard

Holly's press conference

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Aug 24, 2011
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It's just sad to see, and I know many LVol fans are clamoring for her to be "fahred", but of the many comments that were questionable on her part, two of them really stood out. When asked about the message to the team after losing a game they needed to win she said

"You aren't going to win on just talent and your not going to win just because it says 'Tennessee' across your chest. You're going to won because you have a passion, you have a will, you have a desire, and you step up and say 'dammit I'm not going to lose'. THAT'S when you're gonna win."

I would argue that many elite players who go to top 50 programs have a "passion, will and desire" to win. Even non-elite players often possess those attributes. She was then asked if the team could turn it around and the answer was...

"Well, it can't get any worse... well I guess it can, but... they can - absolutely they can. But it can't come from our coaching staff. It's gotta come from within and with each of those young ladies."

She then talked about the practices leading up to the game - how good they were, how the energy and effort was high at the shoot around, and then was completely mystified as to why the team lost and didn't pay hard "weren't interested in playing defense in the 3rd and 4th quarters. They gotta dig deep and figure it out".

The thing that mystifies me is how she just doesn't seem to understand her team, or coaching in general. Maybe she recruits the wrong kids (who don't give 100% effort)? Maybe the team has poor chemistry. But part of her big game plan is offensive boards. She mentioned that the team got 6 on 30 missed shots. Here's a thought...
Instead of playing mainly 1 on 1 offense knowing you will miss shots and be forced to rebound, how about actually teaching offense so that players can not only GET good shots, but then MAKE shots - thus eliminating the need for offensive rebounding​
I DO get that rebounding is about effort and desire, but there HAS to be some accountability on the coaches for the tools they give these players... Good lawd Holly - I watched the entire game and the offense just got worse and worse as the game went along.

You know how good teams have guards (or whoever has he ball) drive into the paint to draw defenses and then kick out for quick ball movement, defenders out of position, and open shots? All Tennessee does is the 1st step. Whoever has the ball drives into the paint and hopes to get a foul or shoot up a miracle shot as defenders collapse.

I will say Westbrook had some nice passes, Green looked really solid in the post, and Davis is very talented, but this is a team that looks like they are meeting for the first time in October, not a team who has been playing together for 5 months or longer.


Poster Emeritus
Aug 27, 2011
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Willful ignorance? Or is she genuinely ignorant of her own responsibilities (and her staff's)? Her players deserve better. When a coaches recruit players, there should be an commitment to and understanding of their essential mutual responsibilities to each other. I just don't think Holly understands her fundamental part of that bargain. To be sure, her players may not always have the "passion" they need, but they also need a real coach who can shape and focus their energy, TEACH them how to focus and develop their talents as individuals and as a team. It doesn't seem that she understands that. I feel for all those Tennessee players who have not truly been coached. And shame on the administration that continues to let this sorry situation continue.
Apr 10, 2015
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It's just sad to see, and I know many LVol fans are clamoring for her to be "fahred", but of the many comments that were questionable on her part, two of them really stood out. When asked about the message to the team after losing a game they needed to win she said

"You aren't going to win on just talent and your not going to win just because it says 'Tennessee' across your chest. You're going to won because you have a passion, you have a will, you have a desire, and you step up and say 'dammit I'm not going to lose'. THAT'S when you're gonna win."

I would argue that many elite players who go to top 50 programs have a "passion, will and desire" to win. Even non-elite players often possess those attributes. She was then asked if the team could turn it around and the answer was...

"Well, it can't get any worse... well I guess it can, but... they can - absolutely they can. But it can't come from our coaching staff. It's gotta come from within and with each of those young ladies."

She then talked about the practices leading up to the game - how good they were, how the energy and effort was high at the shoot around, and then was completely mystified as to why the team lost and didn't pay hard "weren't interested in playing defense in the 3rd and 4th quarters. They gotta dig deep and figure it out".

The thing that mystifies me is how she just doesn't seem to understand her team, or coaching in general. Maybe she recruits the wrong kids (who don't give 100% effort)? Maybe the team has poor chemistry. But part of her big game plan is offensive boards. She mentioned that the team got 6 on 30 missed shots. Here's a thought...
Instead of playing mainly 1 on 1 offense knowing you will miss shots and be forced to rebound, how about actually teaching offense so that players can not only GET good shots, but then MAKE shots - thus eliminating the need for offensive rebounding​
I DO get that rebounding is about effort and desire, but there HAS to be some accountability on the coaches for the tools they give these players... Good lawd Holly - I watched the entire game and the offense just got worse and worse as the game went along.

You know how good teams have guards (or whoever has he ball) drive into the paint to draw defenses and then kick out for quick ball movement, defenders out of position, and open shots? All Tennessee does is the 1st step. Whoever has the ball drives into the paint and hopes to get a foul or shoot up a miracle shot as defenders collapse.

I will say Westbrook had some nice passes, Green looked really solid in the post, and Davis is very talented, but this is a team that looks like they are meeting for the first time in October, not a team who has been playing together for 5 months or longer.
Tenn does NOT recruit the wrong players. Holly needs a fire lit under her. The idea that the team must decide to play all the time, give 100 percent all the time, be energetic all the time, and play with intensity is ONLY coming from the players: Hey Holly---if Pat or Geno had kids that only gave 40 percent there would be a price to be payed. Pat had no problem taking the locker room away from the team for lack of energy--it harsh, but it works. Geno will practice longer and harder until his team gave 140 percent for 80 minutes. The coach leads, the team follows.
Holly has a team loaded with talent. Holly apparently knows the fundamental of coaching but not of motivation of stick and carrot adjustments. Geno recently said he was their coach not their friend (at least until their Senior year) . Friends makes requests, coaches/leader make demands and make sure those demands are met.
Could Holly do it now? Probably not, but if she dug down deep into her Pat's book, observed Christine she'd get a good idea of how to do it.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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You have to understand her training - years watching Pat run practices and coach in games and the distinguishing factor in Pat's coaching was that it was always about effort and intensity and Xs and Os were secondary to her message. We joked on here during the early 2000s that Pat's offense was 'chuck it and rebound' and her defense was all about defensive stance and intensity. It was her defense that was completely incapable of dealing with the back door cut during the NC in Philly because no one was prepared to offer weak side help.

Pat was an intense coach and could teach basic fundamentals, and she could scare the heck out of her players! They knew she meant every word she said and their play was directly related to how well they followed her coaching.

I have never though Holly recognized what she was seeing on the court when she was coaching and suspect that carries over to practice. She knows the forms and the practice structure, but she only actually recognizes 'correct' by whether or not the ball goes in, or the defense gets a stop. Her in game coaching has nothing to do with 'adjustments' because she doesn't actually recognize what is happening, her substitution patterns are generally not related to performance, and her time outs generally make little sense - stopping momentum for her team rather than for the opponent.
Aug 2, 2015
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Tennessee being down doesn't exactly hurt South Carolina, but I don't really take any pleasure in Warlick failing.

With that said, seems like she's either unwilling or unable to impose accountability on players who aren't doing what they need to do.

Once you get to the point where the coach feels like she has no choice but to play the same players regardless of how they perform, you just don't have much of a chance.

Seems like this has been a slow building erosion of team culture that shows no signs of bottoming out.
Aug 26, 2011
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I used to "hate" TN, then I used to dislike TN and now I just feel sorry for TN :)
Those high school AA's that go there to be under coached and under perform probably deserve it as it's not a secret that TN does not have a real offense and no real understanding of defense.


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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It's just sad to see, and I know many LVol fans are clamoring for her to be "fahred", but of the many comments that were questionable on her part, two of them really stood out. When asked about the message to the team after losing a game they needed to win she said

"You aren't going to win on just talent and your not going to win just because it says 'Tennessee' across your chest. You're going to won because you have a passion, you have a will, you have a desire, and you step up and say 'dammit I'm not going to lose'. THAT'S when you're gonna win."

I would argue that many elite players who go to top 50 programs have a "passion, will and desire" to win. Even non-elite players often possess those attributes. She was then asked if the team could turn it around and the answer was...

"Well, it can't get any worse... well I guess it can, but... they can - absolutely they can. But it can't come from our coaching staff. It's gotta come from within and with each of those young ladies."

She then talked about the practices leading up to the game - how good they were, how the energy and effort was high at the shoot around, and then was completely mystified as to why the team lost and didn't pay hard "weren't interested in playing defense in the 3rd and 4th quarters. They gotta dig deep and figure it out".

The thing that mystifies me is how she just doesn't seem to understand her team, or coaching in general. Maybe she recruits the wrong kids (who don't give 100% effort)? Maybe the team has poor chemistry. But part of her big game plan is offensive boards. She mentioned that the team got 6 on 30 missed shots. Here's a thought...
Instead of playing mainly 1 on 1 offense knowing you will miss shots and be forced to rebound, how about actually teaching offense so that players can not only GET good shots, but then MAKE shots - thus eliminating the need for offensive rebounding​
I DO get that rebounding is about effort and desire, but there HAS to be some accountability on the coaches for the tools they give these players... Good lawd Holly - I watched the entire game and the offense just got worse and worse as the game went along.

You know how good teams have guards (or whoever has he ball) drive into the paint to draw defenses and then kick out for quick ball movement, defenders out of position, and open shots? All Tennessee does is the 1st step. Whoever has the ball drives into the paint and hopes to get a foul or shoot up a miracle shot as defenders collapse.

I will say Westbrook had some nice passes, Green looked really solid in the post, and Davis is very talented, but this is a team that looks like they are meeting for the first time in October, not a team who has been playing together for 5 months or longer.
You can't teach what you don't know. Holly doesn't know offense, just as Pat didn't know modern offenses.

I've said this all before. Holly's offense is predicated on scoring in transition through TO's. That's about effort, anticipation, and energy. In the quarter court she plays that old fashioned double post. The pressure then is on the guards during the press to get or force the TO's. In the quarter court the pressure is on the guards to get the ball to the posts when they are in the right position. Failing that the pressure is on the guards to create, read, and score. Worse, Holly hates and doesn't utilize the 3 pt shot.

Well that's not how modern winning offenses work, and nothing of this advances the skills of her players. Forwards don't have to shoot, pass, learn how to screen or learn how to work off of screens. Guards don't learn how to work off screens, shoot on the move or pocket pass. No one is taught the options off of offensive positions and no one is taught how to move without the ball. No one learns which plays work effectively against zones. On and on. Holly has especially fallen down in teaching her forwards how to effectively post up hard, use effective drop steps, use effective power dribbles. I watched Collins last night (who is just my favorite player on that team), and every time she stepped on the floor she gave so much ineffective energy. She just kept trying and trying and communicating and trying. The only thing that worked for her was her 3 pt shot, which Holly despises. Again, I've said this before. Holly is clearly a master at choosing her ingredients. It's just that everything she cooks ends up being a casserole.
Aug 24, 2011
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Once you get to the point where the coach feels like she has no choice but to play the same players regardless of how they perform, you just don't have much of a chance.
Somewhat limited when you only have 9 players, (actually 10, but 1 is barely D1 level).

Summit was not great offensively but she coached the hell out of intensity and that can go a long way. But if you don’t have that, and holly ain’t no phs, then you got probs.

If there aren’t any transfers then I think this year is the trough. Losing jackson and Greene isn’t much to cry over, and horston should be good.
Last edited:
Sep 19, 2018
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Holly should get a lifetime contract. Pat wanted Holly to follow in her footsteps. Vol fans wishing for her to be run out of town is questioning Pat's judgement, and would be like UConn fans wanting CD fired if Geno made her head coach after he retired. I can't imagine a scenario where that would ever be appropriate.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Holly should get a lifetime contract. Pat wanted Holly to follow in her footsteps. Vol fans wishing for her to be run out of town is questioning Pat's judgement, and would be like UConn fans wanting CD fired if Geno made her head coach after he retired. I can't imagine a scenario where that would ever be appropriate.

It is written: "No man can serve two masters." :cool:


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Holly has been throwing the kids under the bus for a while; this was a new low. "I can't play for them" or something along those lines several times in her ramble. Read: "It's not my fault, it's them!" Mirror, mirror on the wall.... Holly they are the product of your labors, no matter how you want to deflect blame. When you point a finger 3 are pointed at you. Sad times.


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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Another thing that was easy to spot during the Vol/Vanderbilt game was how consistently poor Tenn's spacing was in the offensive end. Good coaches have the correct positions marked on the practice floor and there's hell to pay if you don't find those spots. I tend to think Holly doesn't do that in practice sessions.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Another thing that was easy to spot during the Vol/Vanderbilt game was how consistently poor Tenn's spacing was in the offensive end. Good coaches have the correct positions marked on the practice floor and there's hell to pay if you don't find those spots. I tend to think Holly doesn't do that in practice sessions.

Good point. That has been pretty consistent this year.


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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Holly has been throwing the kids under the bus for a while; this was a new low. "I can't play for them" or something along those lines several times in her ramble. Read: "It's not my fault, it's them!" Mirror, mirror on the wall.... Holly they are the product of your labors, no matter how you want to deflect blame. When you point a finger 3 are pointed at you. Sad times.
Sad for WBB that these poorly coached and highly talented players will one day be spat out into the WBB world poorly coached in the fundamentals on court and the ways of the world off the court. I repeat, how does this serve the level of play in WBB? How does this serve how this game is perceived? How does this serve these young ladies in their chosen careers? Coaches like Holly and administrations like the Vols are an affront to the well being of the sport I love. To me it's sad and shameful.

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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You can't teach what you don't know. Holly doesn't know offense, just as Pat didn't know modern offenses.

I've said this all before. Holly's offense is predicated on scoring in transition through TO's. That's about effort, anticipation, and energy. In the quarter court she plays that old fashioned double post. The pressure then is on the guards during the press to get or force the TO's. In the quarter court the pressure is on the guards to get the ball to the posts when they are in the right position. Failing that the pressure is on the guards to create, read, and score. Worse, Holly hates and doesn't utilize the 3 pt shot.

Well that's not how modern winning offenses work, and nothing of this advances the skills of her players. Forwards don't have to shoot, pass, learn how to screen or learn how to work off of screens. Guards don't learn how to work off screens, shoot on the move or pocket pass. No one is taught the options off of offensive positions and no one is taught how to move without the ball. No one learns which plays work effectively against zones. On and on. Holly has especially fallen down in teaching her forwards how to effectively post up hard, use effective drop steps, use effective power dribbles. I watched Collins last night (who is just my favorite player on that team), and every time she stepped on the floor she gave so much ineffective energy. She just kept trying and trying and communicating and trying. The only thing that worked for her was her 3 pt shot, which Holly despises. Again, I've said this before. Holly is clearly a master at choosing her ingredients. It's just that everything she cooks ends up being a casserole.
Some casseroles are just no good. Remember school lunches? Effort maybe, good no.


WBB Enthusiast; ND Alum, Fan
Nov 6, 2015
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John Adams has been covering the Vols for a long time, so if he's come to this conclusion, it could carry some impact.

He does write about whether (or not) the Vols will have the money to go after a name coach. (Probably not). That is actually where most of us came down in the thread about who could be the next coach of the Lady Vols. It probably won't be a name coach. In most instances, those coaches have built their programs and have nothing to gain by trying to right the ship.

However, a very successful coach at a mid-major or non P-5 school could be affordable and bring her/his passion, philosophy and process to the position.
Sep 28, 2014
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It's just sad to see, and I know many LVol fans are clamoring for her to be "fahred", but of the many comments that were questionable on her part, two of them really stood out. When asked about the message to the team after losing a game they needed to win she said

"You aren't going to win on just talent and your not going to win just because it says 'Tennessee' across your chest. You're going to won because you have a passion, you have a will, you have a desire, and you step up and say 'dammit I'm not going to lose'. THAT'S when you're gonna win."

I would argue that many elite players who go to top 50 programs have a "passion, will and desire" to win. Even non-elite players often possess those attributes. She was then asked if the team could turn it around and the answer was...

"Well, it can't get any worse... well I guess it can, but... they can - absolutely they can. But it can't come from our coaching staff. It's gotta come from within and with each of those young ladies."

She then talked about the practices leading up to the game - how good they were, how the energy and effort was high at the shoot around, and then was completely mystified as to why the team lost and didn't pay hard "weren't interested in playing defense in the 3rd and 4th quarters. They gotta dig deep and figure it out".

The thing that mystifies me is how she just doesn't seem to understand her team, or coaching in general. Maybe she recruits the wrong kids (who don't give 100% effort)? Maybe the team has poor chemistry. But part of her big game plan is offensive boards. She mentioned that the team got 6 on 30 missed shots. Here's a thought...
Instead of playing mainly 1 on 1 offense knowing you will miss shots and be forced to rebound, how about actually teaching offense so that players can not only GET good shots, but then MAKE shots - thus eliminating the need for offensive rebounding​
I DO get that rebounding is about effort and desire, but there HAS to be some accountability on the coaches for the tools they give these players... Good lawd Holly - I watched the entire game and the offense just got worse and worse as the game went along.

You know how good teams have guards (or whoever has he ball) drive into the paint to draw defenses and then kick out for quick ball movement, defenders out of position, and open shots? All Tennessee does is the 1st step. Whoever has the ball drives into the paint and hopes to get a foul or shoot up a miracle shot as defenders collapse.

I will say Westbrook had some nice passes, Green looked really solid in the post, and Davis is very talented, but this is a team that looks like they are meeting for the first time in October, not a team who has been playing together for 5 months or longer.

I really hate the position that Tennessee has put themselves in. I'm really disappointed.


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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John Adams has been covering the Vols for a long time, so if he's come to this conclusion, it could carry some impact.

He does write about whether (or not) the Vols will have the money to go after a name coach. (Probably not). That is actually where most of us came down in the thread about who could be the next coach of the Lady Vols. It probably won't be a name coach. In most instances, those coaches have built their programs and have nothing to gain by trying to right the ship.

However, a very successful coach at a mid-major or non P-5 school could be affordable and bring her/his passion, philosophy and process to the position.
Which is the conclusion that many on the LV board have come to. A passionate and successful coach from a mid major.


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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End of the article says it: "The program deserves better. So do the fans. " I'd like to see a relevant Tennessee again. There has been enough hair shirt and ashes to satisfy me.
Some here will not be satisfied until they see a bonfire with salt and acid poured over the remains.
Sep 8, 2015
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Warlick repeats the "effort" mantra quite a bit. I've seen a few UT games over the years where they didn't really look like they were making an effort but I've seen more where there seemed to be no strategy or adjustments made if something wasn't working.

A few seasons ago when Jordan Reynolds was the LVs point guard they were notoriously bad against zone defenses. The word was out to play zone and UT could be beaten. I forgot which game it was but the LVs won the tip off and the opponent immediately played zone. Reynolds looked at Warlick like she was a deer in headlights. That was a moment I won't forget because beating a zone isn't that complicated yet this team of McDonald's All Americans didn't know how.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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John Adams has been covering the Vols for a long time, so if he's come to this conclusion, it could carry some impact.

He does write about whether (or not) the Vols will have the money to go after a name coach. (Probably not). That is actually where most of us came down in the thread about who could be the next coach of the Lady Vols. It probably won't be a name coach. In most instances, those coaches have built their programs and have nothing to gain by trying to right the ship.

However, a very successful coach at a mid-major or non P-5 school could be affordable and bring her/his passion, philosophy and process to the position.

You just have to read the orange message boards. Apparently UT can get any WCBB coach they want all they have to do is ask. :D
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