Hey Don McPherson shut up | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Hey Don McPherson shut up

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Aug 26, 2011
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You all are speaking like true believers. No, I am not the incarnation of anyone else. As to following UC fb, I was going to and following the program since Coach Bob Ingalls (sp)., Rick Forzano, Larry Naviaugh (another spelling failure), and Yankee Conference games. So, putting that to rest, I just find it wasteful that the program is in as much disarray as it is. In as much as Uconn has come late to the party regarding Div-1 football, they are trying to run the program on the cheap as well. All of you true believers can keep telling yourself that the program is going to become a power in the east. As to the earlier comments that Uconn beat Baylor twice, my response to that is....................Yeah, and what has that done for the program. Baylor is now ranked #4 in the nation. Oh yeah, UC beat Notre Dame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah, and? Last year ND was in the BCS championship game, where was UC. Come back and start crowing when/if the football program ever gets above 500 again.
Bye bye.....................................

And we got plenty of real Firemen around here without you mucking the place up!


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Not one for watching Uconn FB, and after stumbling onto this debacle, I guess I can see why. With hindsight being 20/20, just started thinking if way back when Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved. I mean no multi-million dollar stadium. Think that Uconn would still be in the Big East as a basketball power instead of this low budget bs conference. Football stars from CT, would be making a name for themselves at other schools, and maybe even lasting longer in the NFL. A few other things, one, in particular, but I will not say it, but lets face it. this season is a lost cause, and sadly there does not look like anything better on the horizon. My other comment would be, I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted, but knowing this State they probably will.
You're an embarrassment to your profession. Not a fan?
Fine, stay that way. But hindsight is 20/20, Nostradamus.
Now go outside, water the palm tree, and ride your adult tricycle over to the trailer park mailbox. Your pension check is in.
Aug 27, 2011
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Well, I respectfully disagree since the State wouldn't have saved anything. It would have merely spent (wasted) it elsewhere. This football program is in a down cycle due to an absence of foward thought and execution from its prior leadership at several levels. Everyone from our attorney general, school president(s), AD, recent HC (and his sidekick) and beyond. The blame is widespread, but there is some hope on the horizon. We have great new presidential leadership, a sense of purpose, and a real commitment to raise the academic and research reputation at UConn. Similarly, the University needs to re-dedicate itself to raising the stature and performance of UConn football and commit more (not less) money and resources to the football program. Our donors need to step up. And the new HC should be demanding an all-in attitude by the University andU the State, including a commitment to ratchet up the pay for assistant coaches, a commitment to recruit and compete at the highest level, and a commitment to expand the stadium. Susan Herbst has a new vision for UConn because it all starts with a vision. She sees us as striving to become a lot more like Michigan than Michigan State. So do I.
Very uplifting. We need that.
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