Hey Don McPherson shut up | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Hey Don McPherson shut up

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Mar 30, 2012
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Really you are going to compare Baylor with Uconn in football. Baylor in it's worst times would still stomp UC. The sad fact is the lack of first class talent in CT, and that a lot of that talent would rather be playing for BC, the Cuse, ND, instead of UC., and the inability to garner the top class talent from other regions. As to the "right hire" as you say, really? How long do you expect it will take to "turn things around", and when things start to "turn around" as you hope, don't you think that "new hire" will be heading off to the next rung on the ladder. The days of the coach staying around for the long haul, especially at the train wreck that is UC, is over. Keep telling yourself that things are going to be better tomorrow, it's going to take a whole lot more tomorrows to even see 500.

Thank you for your interest in Uconn athletics :)
Aug 26, 2011
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Not one for watching Uconn FB, and after stumbling onto this debacle, I guess I can see why. With hindsight being 20/20, just started thinking if way back when Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved. I mean no multi-million dollar stadium. Think that Uconn would still be in the Big East as a basketball power instead of this low budget bs conference. Football stars from CT, would be making a name for themselves at other schools, and maybe even lasting longer in the NFL. A few other things, one, in particular, but I will not say it, but lets face it. this season is a lost cause, and sadly there does not look like anything better on the horizon. My other comment would be, I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted, but knowing this State they probably will.

This is so stupid i can't even quantify the amount.

1 good hire and it's turned around (as evidenced by about a billion examples in CFB).

So stupid

Should Bama have not "thrown good money after bad" during the years before Saban ? Or should they have ponied up the "Good $$$" for a great coach who could win. Hmmm
Oct 1, 2011
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Yeah, but we're the only school that Perkins was AD that didn't have a major violation against us..He left diasters at Witchita St, Missouri, and Kansas.. I would have paid Perkins as a consultant when all this crap was going down and he could have kept the UConn brand at the top of everyone's lists...

Lew was lucky he didn't end up a convicted felon like some of his former UConn underlings at KU for the ticket shenanigans. That said he's a good enough schmoozer he probaby would have been helpful in CR
Aug 26, 2011
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Really you are going to compare Baylor with Uconn in football. Baylor in it's worst times would still stomp UC.

Again you're showing that you know jack on the subject. Check the scores of the last two games with Baylor, BTW they were on the rise with a future Heisman winning QB on the roster and several other players that play on Sundays. I'll give you a hint we didn't lose genius! So yes if the hire is right we can get this turned around, kids showed they like the two fossils we just reburied, if we had a good young coach with some ability to recruit it can be done, just like Briles did it for Baylor.
Sep 1, 2011
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Lew was lucky he didn't end up a convicted felon like some of his former UConn underlings at KU for the ticket shenanigans. That said he's a good enough schmoozer he probaby would have been helpful in CR
He was unfairly criticized for the ticket fiasco. What he did wrong at Kansas was putting too much trust in some of his subordinates. It was on his watch, yes, but he had no direct connection to what was going on.

On the plus side, Kansas football was a joke until he got there.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Speaking of hiring the right head coach and Baylor, Phillip Montgomery (OC at Baylor) would be on my interview list. Would need to bring a good DC with him though as Hughes' soft and passive D will not work with an up-tempo offense.


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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Stop kicking us when we're down please it's coming from all sides we know everything is bleek leave us alone Don we will figure it out and when we do and we comeback from the the dead I'm gonna email you with one thing..... F¥CK Y@U!!!! So big that it covers the whole screen
Aug 28, 2011
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Except I don't believe that's what he said... Ruskin is right - He was channeling his inner "nelsonmuntz" and insinuating that UConn should reconsider investing in FBS.

This.. but we gotta invest MORE $$$$$ in order to build a solid foundation at the FBS level. So we can shut him up... He clearly was pessimistic about UCONN Football as an FBS team...


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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What is wrong with a large percentage of people who like basketball in Connecticut.

I know, right? They clamor on and on about dropping football so that we can go play basketball in the Big East. Yet, the Big East basketball conference lost the same teams as football did. Sure, G'Town and sometimes Nova are good, but are they really willing to trash football to get Providence, Seton Hall, St John's, DePaul, Marquette, etc back on the schedule???? Pure stupidity.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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The Big East basketball conference......Sucks. It's painfully boring and terrible.
Aug 28, 2011
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Really you are going to compare Baylor with Uconn in football. Baylor in it's worst times would still stomp UC. The sad fact is the lack of first class talent in CT, and that a lot of that talent would rather be playing for BC, the Cuse, ND, instead of UC., and the inability to garner the top class talent from other regions. As to the "right hire" as you say, really? How long do you expect it will take to "turn things around", and when things start to "turn around" as you hope, don't you think that "new hire" will be heading off to the next rung on the ladder. The days of the coach staying around for the long haul, especially at the train wreck that is UC, is over. Keep telling yourself that things are going to be better tomorrow, it's going to take a whole lot more tomorrows to even see 500.
I feel like bringing out the Roy Jones Jr rap song "Ya'll must have forgot"... We beat Baylor TWICE with RGIII... fair and square... we did a pisspoor job with the Coach P hire. Plain and simple. Even though it feels worse, what's happening right now is so fresh in every Husky fans mind (because we gotta see it each and every week until this season ends). IMO, time will heel this. We put way too much into this program to bring it to where it is to simply give up... Once we get the new coaching staff in place, we'll regroup, use all this BS as bulletin board material, and get back to going to bowl games... At this point, there's no place to go but up.. at least mentally (thinking ahead) at this point.... GO HUSKIES!

Sep 12, 2011
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Not one for watching Uconn FB, and after stumbling onto this debacle, I guess I can see why. With hindsight being 20/20, just started thinking if way back when Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved. I mean no multi-million dollar stadium. Think that Uconn would still be in the Big East as a basketball power instead of this low budget bs conference. Football stars from CT, would be making a name for themselves at other schools, and maybe even lasting longer in the NFL. A few other things, one, in particular, but I will not say it, but lets face it. this season is a lost cause, and sadly there does not look like anything better on the horizon. My other comment would be, I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted, but knowing this State they probably will.

At the risk of being rude you sound like a complete Jack...Seeing you have fire in your handle make it a Flaming Jack...
You start by claiming you are not one to watch UCONN Football and then go on like you are a scholar on the topic....
A few other things, one, in particular, but i will not say it ???????? Simply dumb....
Stop by again when you have removed your head from your back side and have watched some UCONN Football and have a better understanding of what is going on with the program and D1 sports in general.
Jul 25, 2012
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Really you are going to compare Baylor with Uconn in football. Baylor in it's worst times would still stomp UC. The sad fact is the lack of first class talent in CT, and that a lot of that talent would rather be playing for BC, the Cuse, ND, instead of UC., and the inability to garner the top class talent from other regions. As to the "right hire" as you say, really? How long do you expect it will take to "turn things around", and when things start to "turn around" as you hope, don't you think that "new hire" will be heading off to the next rung on the ladder. The days of the coach staying around for the long haul, especially at the train wreck that is UC, is over. Keep telling yourself that things are going to be better tomorrow, it's going to take a whole lot more tomorrows to even see 500.

Yep - except when UCONN beat down Baylor in back to back seasons with RGIII the eventual Heisman trophy winner. Dumb dumb. Thanks for your insight.

Here's a link for some memory:


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I know, right? They clamor on and on about dropping football so that we can go play basketball in the Big East. Yet, the Big East basketball conference lost the same teams as football did. Sure, G'Town and sometimes Nova are good, but are they really willing to trash football to get Providence, Seton Hall, St John's, DePaul, Marquette, etc back on the schedule???? Pure stupidity.

This....why do bball fans want to be back in to Big East? So we can play at MSG for a few more years before they kick the BE out and welcome in the ACC and/or B1G? Or so so we can relive playing Providence, St. Johns, G-Town, and Nova? Many of our better teams left already. I just don't get that argument.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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it's so easy to kick a program when it's down, sounds like the geezer has no ideas or thoughts that matter. He chooses conventional wisdom, which ain't very wise

I wonder what he thought about UConn hoops in the 1980's? do you think he even dreamed we would surpass he beloved Orangemen?

didn't the fool go 1-15 with the Pats? he should be grazing grass with PP, probably mad we fired one of his fellow Cuse boys
Aug 27, 2011
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it's so easy to kick a program when it's down, sounds like the geezer has no ideas or thoughts that matter. He chooses conventional wisdom, which ain't very wise

I wonder what he thought about UConn hoops in the 1980's? do you think he even dreamed we would surpass he beloved Orangemen?

didn't the fool go 1-15 with the Pats? he should be grazing grass with PP, probably mad we fired one of his fellow Cuse boys

Wasn't it D i c k McPherson who went from Syracuse to the Patriots?

I do admit that that's who I first thought of also because I have no idea who Don McPherson is.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Wasn't it D i c k McPherson who went from Syracuse to the Patriots?

I do admit that that's who I first thought of also because I have no idea who Don McPherson is.

IDK, they were talking about a D McPherson from Cuse, so I just took it from there. You're probably right since the former coach may be 80+ by now if he's still living :)
Sep 4, 2011
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This is so stupid i can't even quantify the amount.

1 good hire and it's turned around (as evidenced by about a billion examples in CFB).

So stupid

Should Bama have not "thrown good money after bad" during the years before Saban ? Or should they have ponied up the "Good $" for a great coach who could win. Hmmm

Really? You are comparing Bama to the Uconn football program........................Talk about a Stupid comment.
Let me say a few things to augment my view.

First off, lets agree that the "talent pool" in CT, in no way can compare to talent pools in places such as Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, New Jersey, PA, Ohio, etc. I mean as good as Newsome is @ Ansonia, there are probably dozens of "Newsome's" in these other places. Next, what talent the state has is repeatedly poached by programs such as BC, the Cuse, ND, and others. Why? There are numerous reasons for that. Like, for instance, better programs, conferences, facilities, exposure, coaching staff, to mention just a few.Talent such as Dan Orlovsky, Donald Brown, Sio Moore should have brought more talent into the program but it appears that it has not. A win against ND a number of years ago should have been a watershed, but it has not done much to improve the situation. You want to see a "rebirth" you better be ready to endure some tough sledding. Just remember this too, kids want "immediate" satisfaction, and for a lot of them, playing teams like UCF, or Buffalo, and losing is not satisfaction. As too Bama throwing money to get Saban, at least they have the money to throw. Do you really think there is that much money in the CT. coffers to throw at a "name" coach? Please. You can't run a first class operation if you run it on a shoestring.
Now if I hear the rationale that the mens basketball program was bad, but now they are a top notch program, I will know that you are not paying attention. Really? You are trying to compare the mens basketball, and the women's program with the football program. Lets just ignore the womens program because it's obvious there is no love lost here for them. One of the biggest reason the mens basketball program went from doormat to powerhouse, was the fact that there was "CONTINUITY" in the coaching staff. Jim Calhoun stayed here. Say what you will about Calhoun, a recruit knew he was going to have the same coach for his entire stay, however long that was going to be. Continuity breeds success. Recruits know that the program is not going to be be uprooted every 2 years or so. So with that all being said, and I do agree with you that the first step has to be a coach, but that coach is going to have to be one that will be the architect of the new program. He has to be given a long term contract, because it is painfully evident that there is not going to be any "quick fix" to the Uconn program. Then this new coach will have to make it a point to keep ALL of the best talent in state, even with that being said, this new coach will have to go outside the confines of the state borders to bring in the best talent he can, because, as I have said, Connecticut's talent pool is not as deep as the rest of the country. Yeah, it's going to be quite a task, but you need someone who has the "DOABLE" attitude, and will stay for the long, else you will continue to reside in the morass that is the present football program.
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