Hey Don McPherson shut up | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Hey Don McPherson shut up

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Sep 14, 2011
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Really? You are comparing Bama to the Uconn football program........................Talk about a Stupid comment.
Let me say a few things to augment my view.
First off, lets agree that the "talent pool" in CT, in no way can compare to talent pools in places such as Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, New Jersey, PA, Ohio, etc. I mean as good as Newsome is @ Ansonia, there are probably dozens of "Newsome's" in these other places. Next, what talent the state has is repeatedly poached by programs such as BC, the Cuse, ND, and others. Why? There are numerous reasons for that. Like, for instance, better programs, conferences, facilities, exposure, coaching staff, to mention just a few.Talent such as Dan Orlovsky, Donald Brown, Sio Moore should have brought more talent into the program but it appears that it has not. A win against ND a number of years ago should have been a watershed, but it has not done much to improve the situation. You want to see a "rebirth" you better be ready to endure some tough sledding. Just remember this too, kids want "immediate" satisfaction, and for a lot of them, playing teams like UCF, or Buffalo, and losing is not satisfaction. As too Bama throwing money to get Saban, at least they have the money to throw. Do you really think there is that much money in the CT. coffers to throw at a "name" coach? Please. You can't run a first class operation if you run it on a shoestring.
Now if I hear the rationale that the mens basketball program was bad, but now they are a top notch program, I will know that you are not paying attention. Really? You are trying to compare the mens basketball, and the women's program with the football program. Lets just ignore the womens program because it's obvious there is no love lost here for them. One of the biggest reason the mens basketball program went from doormat to powerhouse, was the fact that there was "CONTINUITY" in the coaching staff. Jim Calhoun stayed here. Say what you will about Calhoun, a recruit knew he was going to have the same coach for his entire stay, however long that was going to be. Continuity breeds success. Recruits know that the program is not going to be be uprooted every 2 years or so. So with that all being said, and I do agree with you that the first step has to be a coach, but that coach is going to have to be one that will be the architect of the new program. He has to be given a long term contract, because it is painfully evident that there is not going to be any "quick fix" to the Uconn program. Then this new coach will have to make it a point to keep ALL of the best talent in state, even with that being said, this new coach will have to go outside the confines of the state borders to bring in the best talent he can, because, as I have said, Connecticut's talent pool is not as deep as the rest of the country. Yeah, it's going to be quite a task, but you need someone who has the "DOABLE" attitude, and will stay for the long, else you will continue to reside in the morass that is the present football program.

Do everyone (most notably yourself) a favor and stop back when you have something original to contribute.
Oct 6, 2013
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Not one for watching Uconn FB, and after stumbling onto this debacle, I guess I can see why. With hindsight being 20/20, just started thinking if way back when Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved. I mean no multi-million dollar stadium. Think that Uconn would still be in the Big East as a basketball power instead of this low budget bs conference. Football stars from CT, would be making a name for themselves at other schools, and maybe even lasting longer in the NFL. A few other things, one, in particular, but I will not say it, but lets face it. this season is a lost cause, and sadly there does not look like anything better on the horizon. My other comment would be, I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted, but knowing this State they probably will.
Oct 6, 2013
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Not one for watching Uconn FB, and after stumbling onto this debacle, I guess I can see why. With hindsight being 20/20, just started thinking if way back when Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved. I mean no multi-million dollar stadium. Think that Uconn would still be in the Big East as a basketball power instead of this low budget bs conference. Football stars from CT, would be making a name for themselves at other schools, and maybe even lasting longer in the NFL. A few other things, one, in particular, but I will not say it, but lets face it. this season is a lost cause, and sadly there does not look like anything better on the horizon. My other comment would be, I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted, but knowing this State they probably will.

Listen blowhard, are you an idiot....you must be a wannebee newby. You said it all in the first sentence..."Not one for watching UConn FB..." good then don't .. Stay home with the rest of you pink hat fans. It's Ass*****s like you that we don't need. Bet when we beat ND in Southbend, you were rooting...or when we beat South Carolina in a bowl game. Go home...if you have one. Stay there. I'll bet if we searched hard enuf, we will find BC or Syracuse in your blood. It's wannabee fans like yours that didn't support UConn BB because they were ineligible last year. This is one fan here that went out and bought even more tickets to the early bb games last year and brought more of my friends to see us play. .....oh yeah..you just "stumbled onto to this debacle". Where have you been? It's been three years into the making....


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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The fact you named the women's basketball coach is telling.

that's just wrong, the women's program gets lots of attention nationwide and sheds a positive light on the school

people all over the country say the very thing you just said, yet they know about UConn's women's basketball team. Ain't that just a hoot? What brilliance!!!!
Feb 10, 2012
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Not one for watching Uconn FB, and after stumbling onto this debacle, I guess I can see why. With hindsight being 20/20, just started thinking if way back when Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved. I mean no multi-million dollar stadium. Think that Uconn would still be in the Big East as a basketball power instead of this low budget bs conference. Football stars from CT, would be making a name for themselves at other schools, and maybe even lasting longer in the NFL. A few other things, one, in particular, but I will not say it, but lets face it. this season is a lost cause, and sadly there does not look like anything better on the horizon. My other comment would be, I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted, but knowing this State they probably will.
you are confusing frustration with apathy for the program.
people here are fans of uconn fotball, which you are not.
that doesnt mean you should come on, admit your bias, suggest they shut down football, and not get blasted.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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that's just wrong, the women's program gets lots of attention nationwide and sheds a positive light on the school

people all over the country say the very thing you just said, yet they know about UConn's women's basketball team. Ain't that just a hoot? What brilliance!!!!

It's not wrong. Some people think that UConn's success in women's basketball can be extrapolated into other things.

It can't.
Sep 21, 2011
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Really you are going to compare Baylor with Uconn in football. Baylor in it's worst times would still stomp UC. The sad fact is the lack of first class talent in CT, and that a lot of that talent would rather be playing for BC, the Cuse, ND, instead of UC., and the inability to garner the top class talent from other regions. As to the "right hire" as you say, really? How long do you expect it will take to "turn things around", and when things start to "turn around" as you hope, don't you think that "new hire" will be heading off to the next rung on the ladder. The days of the coach staying around for the long haul, especially at the train wreck that is UC, is over. Keep telling yourself that things are going to be better tomorrow, it's going to take a whole lot more tomorrows to even see 500.
The thing about ignorance is, if you keep your mouth shut no one will ever know. Unfortunately for you, now we all know.
Feb 10, 2012
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What is wrong with a large percentage of people who like basketball in Connecticut.

you have to understand the make-up of uconn's fanbase.
for a majority, they are uconn bb fans and not necessarily uconn fans. and to them, the big east is synonymous with uconn success. without fb, uconn can continue it's success as a member of the big east.
these same fans don't realize that the big east is no longer a major conference because g'town, villanova, and now butler are in the league. again, their world is college bb so a large portion of these fans are fine linking uconn athletics with these big east schools because they see them as major players. and again, it's football that is killing that opportunity. at the same time, these fans of bb only are already fb fans of other programs. Just like fans at ucf or usf. for many uconn bb fans, they spend saturday rooting for ND, BC or some other school that played big-time fb before uconn moved up to D1.
uconn fans who enjoy both fb and bb see the big east as a glass ceiling that will only prevent uconn from ever joining a major conference and gaining equal status as other east coast flag ship universities. and without fb, uconn would in fact be stuck in the big east forever linked with Seton Hall, PC, St. Johns and Butler.
Feb 10, 2012
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It's not wrong. Some people think that UConn's success in women's basketball can be extrapolated into other things.

It can't.

You're spot on Whatler... The fact that women's basketball is a major revenue driver and an absolute success story in every way should be ignored. there is nothing to learn or take-away from that.
The fact that it puts the Uconn Brand in nothing but a positive light, reaches out to over 50% of the population that aren't necessarily captured by men's bb and fb is just silliness, let alone women's basketball at uconn alone drives more revenue than many of our conference mates entire athletic departments.
there'e even some crap being suggested the men's and women's teams have developed a bond that helps to create a basketball family that transcends the individual teams. this basketball family could no way help sell recruits on uconn.
I'm with you Whaler. People are so stupid.
I've read some even think the world is round, and that the earth rotates around the sun.
Pure Poppycock!!!
Mar 30, 2012
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It's not wrong. Some people think that UConn's success in women's basketball can be extrapolated into other things.

It can't.

Oh, that is where you are wrong Whaler. We can now claim without a doubt that Uconn is the school with the best Women's basketball program to get screwed in conference realignment.
Aug 26, 2011
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If he didn't have so many posts listed, I'd suspect that CTFIRERETIRED is the latest incarnation of CHIP! I'd cut him some slack when he said that he's not one for watching UConn football, BUT he can't possibly be a true fan of UConn athletics. My best advice: Crawl back into the snake hole from which you slithered & don't visit this board again.
Aug 27, 2011
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if...Uconn DID NOT decide to make the move to Div-1. Just think of all the money we would have saved....I would not want to be spending (throwing) more good money after all the bad that has already been wasted...

Well, I respectfully disagree since the State wouldn't have saved anything. It would have merely spent (wasted) it elsewhere. This football program is in a down cycle due to an absence of foward thought and execution from its prior leadership at several levels. Everyone from our attorney general, school president(s), AD, recent HC (and his sidekick) and beyond. The blame is widespread, but there is some hope on the horizon. We have great new presidential leadership, a sense of purpose, and a real commitment to raise the academic and research reputation at UConn. Similarly, the University needs to re-dedicate itself to raising the stature and performance of UConn football and commit more (not less) money and resources to the football program. Our donors need to step up. And the new HC should be demanding an all-in attitude by the University and the State, including a commitment to ratchet up the pay for assistant coaches, a commitment to recruit and compete at the highest level, and a commitment to expand the stadium. Susan Herbst has a new vision for UConn because it all starts with a vision. She sees us as striving to become a lot more like Michigan than Michigan State. So do I.
Sep 4, 2011
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You all are speaking like true believers. No, I am not the incarnation of anyone else. As to following UC fb, I was going to and following the program since Coach Bob Ingalls (sp)., Rick Forzano, Larry Naviaugh (another spelling failure), and Yankee Conference games. So, putting that to rest, I just find it wasteful that the program is in as much disarray as it is. In as much as Uconn has come late to the party regarding Div-1 football, they are trying to run the program on the cheap as well. All of you true believers can keep telling yourself that the program is going to become a power in the east. As to the earlier comments that Uconn beat Baylor twice, my response to that is....................Yeah, and what has that done for the program. Baylor is now ranked #4 in the nation. Oh yeah, UC beat Notre Dame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah, and? Last year ND was in the BCS championship game, where was UC. Come back and start crowing when/if the football program ever gets above 500 again.
Bye bye.....................................
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm just impressed he spelled "continuity" correctly.

In all caps too. That was his big word for the week.

Amazing that we don't see more vultures like him. People like that come out of the woodwork in times like this. Very courageous.
Sep 3, 2011
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Sean Mulcahy said something to the effect that UCONN's next coach should be a young energetic guy, 30-45 years old, a coordinator who used to play college football, who does not have to be from CT. Could be from PAC, Sun Belt, Big 12 etc but not from CT because that what PP was and that didnt' work. Then McPherson came in and talked about the negatives: we are not in a fertile recruiting hotbed like UCF and will have to battle BC and the Fruit Flies for recruits and they are in better conferences. He said finding a coach will be difficult and that UCONN will have to assess whether or not they want to even invest further in football given that we are now in the newer version of the Conference USA and that our previous investments to move into the Big East didn't pan out because all of those teams are gone.

Right now they are both right. Another thing UConn needs to start doing is lobbying politically. Start by sitting down with ESPN and making them an offer they can't refuse. I'd post State Police around its perimeter and stop every "celeb" going in and coming out of there until they used their influence to find UConn a home.
Aug 26, 2011
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You all are speaking like true believers. No, I am not the incarnation of anyone else. As to following UC fb, I was going to and following the program since Coach Bob Ingalls (sp)., Rick Forzano, Larry Naviaugh (another spelling failure), and Yankee Conference games. So, putting that to rest, I just find it wasteful that the program is in as much disarray as it is. In as much as Uconn has come late to the party regarding Div-1 football, they are trying to run the program on the cheap as well. All of you true believers can keep telling yourself that the program is going to become a power in the east. As to the earlier comments that Uconn beat Baylor twice, my response to that is....................Yeah, and what has that done for the program. Baylor is now ranked #4 in the nation. Oh yeah, UC beat Notre Dame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah, and? Last year ND was in the BCS championship game, where was UC. Come back and start crowing when/if the football program ever gets above 500 again.
Bye bye.....................................

True believer, that's me. I believe that this program is capable of winning more games than it loses. That's not saying that I believe it can be Bama. I just believe that we are off track because of a terrible hire.

On the cheap? How so? Can you provide any facts that support that assertion?
Oct 1, 2011
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You all are speaking like true believers. No, I am not the incarnation of anyone else. As to following UC fb, I was going to and following the program since Coach Bob Ingalls (sp)., Rick Forzano, Larry Naviaugh (another spelling failure), and Yankee Conference games. So, putting that to rest, I just find it wasteful that the program is in as much disarray as it is. In as much as Uconn has come late to the party regarding Div-1 football, they are trying to run the program on the cheap as well. All of you true believers can keep telling yourself that the program is going to become a power in the east. As to the earlier comments that Uconn beat Baylor twice, my response to that is....................Yeah, and what has that done for the program. Baylor is now ranked #4 in the nation. Oh yeah, UC beat Notre Dame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah, and? Last year ND was in the BCS championship game, where was UC. Come back and start crowing when/if the football program ever gets above 500 again.
Bye bye.....................................

Do me a favor. If you have any stones, arrange a meeting with Geno and share the wonderful words of wisdom above with him and see what he thinks. I would pay money to witness the verbal bludgeoning you would deservedly get.

He is smart enough to know -- and you're too stupid and demented to realize -- that if football doesn't get turned around it's eventually going to kill your beloved girls basketball program. Maybe not in the next decade, but eventually. Tennessee, Baylor, ND, Stanford will be competing in another division and UConn will be on the outside looking in.

Keep on reveling in our misery, fire boy. Karma is a bitch.
Sep 14, 2011
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Right now they are both right. Another thing UConn needs to start doing is lobbying politically. Start by sitting down with ESPN and making them an offer they can't refuse. I'd post State Police around its perimeter and stop every "celeb" going in and coming out of there until they used their influence to find UConn a home.

Seriously? Forget stopping people going in. Why not use the state cops to prevent them from leaving until they agree to vote us #1? Why should we have to go through all the bother of fielding a team when all we need to do is obtain some championships politically?


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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You all are speaking like true believers. No, I am not the incarnation of anyone else. As to following UC fb, I was going to and following the program since Coach Bob Ingalls (sp)., Rick Forzano, Larry Naviaugh (another spelling failure), and Yankee Conference games. So, putting that to rest, I just find it wasteful that the program is in as much disarray as it is. In as much as Uconn has come late to the party regarding Div-1 football, they are trying to run the program on the cheap as well. All of you true believers can keep telling yourself that the program is going to become a power in the east. As to the earlier comments that Uconn beat Baylor twice, my response to that is....................Yeah, and what has that done for the program. Baylor is now ranked #4 in the nation. Oh yeah, UC beat Notre Dame,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah, and? Last year ND was in the BCS championship game, where was UC. Come back and start crowing when/if the football program ever gets above 500 again.
Bye bye.....................................

I'd like to introduce you to my friend 'ignore'. I was going to introduce you two earlier but this post finally convinced me you two were made for each other!


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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That guy's a f*&)ing idiot. Period. UConn, WM, and Susan are SERIOUS about big-time college football, funding it as such, and winning... we CAN expect better. The future is bright, we just gotta keep the course and show up (and STAY!) at games.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Goodbye credibility. UConn 31, Baylor with RG III 28; UConn 30, Baylor without injured RGIII 22. Idiot.

I was in attendance at the game in Waco and Griffin did play in that game. He was hurt later that season. Our D put the hurt on him several times during that game. I'm not sure, but I believe UCONN may have been the only non-conference Baylor opponent to beat Griffin twice during his tenure there.
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