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OT: Heat vs Cold

Cold vs Hot

  • 100+

    Votes: 36 50.0%
  • Below 20

    Votes: 36 50.0%

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Sep 6, 2011
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Everyday with either single digits or 100+ degree heat? I’d choose suicide.

I’m good anywhere from 30-85 degrees. I prefer the cold a bit more than the heat, so for example I’d take 15 degrees over 100 degrees, but not a fan of the frigid cold.
May 7, 2014
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I’d take 15 degrees over 100 degrees, but not a fan of the frigid cold.
Well see because you’re never talking about just cold. You’re also talking about wind chill, which is like cold’s allegory to humidity in that it is such a terribly exacerbating factor
Sep 21, 2011
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I had 65 years of Ct winters and 12 AZ summers. I hate the cold in fact this last winter was a little cold for me.
The heat in AZ is a little overstated as the temps drop as soon as the sun goes down and sitting out in the evening when the high was 105 is ususally pleasant. Mornings are also decent . When I played 200+ rounds of golf a year. We would get early Tee Times . We don’t go on DST so it’s light early , and we would finish 18 holes with the high temps still only in the very pleasant 90’s. 90’s in AZ i is like 75-80 in CT. However Drinking a lot of water is a must . I would go through my 34 ounce Big Bubba, and at least one 20 ounce refill in 18 holes. Plus buy an Arnold Palmer from the Cart girl.
Sounds like a lot but I got dehydrated once and thought I was dieing. People mostly visitors die out here from dehydration all the time. We don’t go out without water. In fact many places provide free bottles of water if you ask I think it’s a law here. Desert hospitality.
We usually reach our high about 4-5!pm and that afternoon sun is brutal.
But It doesn’t stop us from shopping or visiting. Parked Cars can get really hot.
Min Az legal tinted windows and a windshield sunshade are a must. I walk a lot for exercise and even in July I walk to our gym about 8pm . it gets dark about 7:45 it’s about 3/4 miles away I workout and walk home.
During the day I would take my golf cart or that walk would be brutal.
Swimming is interesting as pool water temps get to be around 90. It sounds like it wouldn’t be very refreshing but once you’re wet the parts of the body not in the water actually cool from the rapid evaporation . When you get out it’s really cold until the sun warms you.
I wear a long sleeve UV rated swim-shirt because I respect the power of the sun.
You rarely see a guy l
working outside with any skin showing regardless of the temp.
Swimming after dark is preferable for me.
Only snowbirds go in the pool after October and before May.
Our snowbirds are mostly hardy mid westerners or western Canadians so if there is no ice on the pool their good even if I’m in a Parka.
The best air conditioning affordable is a must I have a 4 ton 17 sear unit for 1750 square ft. 9 or 10 ft ceilings which is standard construction also helps . It amazes me people lived here before air conditioning.those farmers ( mostly Cotten) and cattle ranchers were tough
My latest electric bill was $175 this is pretty close to peak .. It’s was around $50 Oct through May.
Taxes are a little over $2,000.
Living expenses are significantly less and finding a house without stairs is much easier. Also walk-in showers are an aging preference. Tubs in over 55 developments are usually dust collectors.

Purple Stein

I like to sim things.
Jul 9, 2017
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Oh when you bring a 8:40 sunset or a 4:40 sunset on to the table it’s a complete no-brainer.

You're out of your mind. Short days, more darkness, and cold weather makes me fee like I'm coming back into my own body.

Long days + heat crush me.
Mar 24, 2013
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Since I love to play golf, I'd have to take the heat. I'm kind of used to anyways living in NC. I hate to golf when its below 50°.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Hot if I’m near my own shower.


Fort the ead!
Aug 26, 2011
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They keep telling me that extreme cold and extreme heat are very dangerous for the elderly. I am the elderly. Fishing is my passion, and I fish 12 months of the year. On days like today, I soak my shirt and hat, and stay reasonably comfortable. Or, if it's not a waterbody I'm not comfortable actually getting into, I jump in the lake, do a lap around the boat and climb back aboard. But there's little I can do to eliminate the pain in the ring, middle and index fingers of my left hand (it's invariably the casting hand that suffers for some reason) in February. This past winter, I finally capitulated, and made (and followed) a rule that I wouldn't go out on the river unless the forecast called for temps to get above freezing before 9AM. My wife and I will be in Florida before too long, and getting away from winter is as big a part of the reason as the COL in CT.
Aug 26, 2011
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I can’t take either. If it is too hot or too cold at the game I eventually have to leave. I like the spring and the fall. The rest I only go out for short spells.
May 7, 2014
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I had 65 years of Ct winters and 12 AZ summers. I hate the cold in fact this last winter was a little cold for me.
The heat in AZ is a little overstated as the temps drop as soon as the sun goes down and sitting out in the evening when the high was 105 is ususally pleasant. Mornings are also decent . When I played 200+ rounds of golf a year. We would get early Tee Times . We don’t go on DST so it’s light early , and we would finish 18 holes with the high temps still only in the very pleasant 90’s. 90’s in AZ i is like 75-80 in CT. However Drinking a lot of water is a must . I would go through my 34 ounce Big Bubba, and at least one 20 ounce refill in 18 holes. Plus buy an Arnold Palmer from the Cart girl.
Sounds like a lot but I got dehydrated once and thought I was dieing. People mostly visitors die out here from dehydration all the time. We don’t go out without water. In fact many places provide free bottles of water if you ask I think it’s a law here. Desert hospitality.
We usually reach our high about 4-5!pm and that afternoon sun is brutal.
But It doesn’t stop us from shopping or visiting. Parked Cars can get really hot.
Min Az legal tinted windows and a windshield sunshade are a must. I walk a lot for exercise and even in July I walk to our gym about 8pm . it gets dark about 7:45 it’s about 3/4 miles away I workout and walk home.
During the day I would take my golf cart or that walk would be brutal.
Swimming is interesting as pool water temps get to be around 90. It sounds like it wouldn’t be very refreshing but once you’re wet the parts of the body not in the water actually cool from the rapid evaporation . When you get out it’s really cold until the sun warms you.
I wear a long sleeve UV rated swim-shirt because I respect the power of the sun.
You rarely see a guy l
working outside with any skin showing regardless of the temp.
Swimming after dark is preferable for me.
Only snowbirds go in the pool after October and before May.
Our snowbirds are mostly hardy mid westerners or western Canadians so if there is no ice on the pool their good even if I’m in a Parka.
The best air conditioning affordable is a must I have a 4 ton 17 sear unit for 1750 square ft. 9 or 10 ft ceilings which is standard construction also helps . It amazes me people lived here before air conditioning.those farmers ( mostly Cotten) and cattle ranchers were tough
My latest electric bill was $175 this is pretty close to peak .. It’s was around $50 Oct through May.
Taxes are a little over $2,000.
Living expenses are significantly less and finding a house without stairs is much easier. Also walk-in showers are an aging preference. Tubs in over 55 developments are usually dust collectors.
“Desert heat ain’t bad”

Lists twelve things he has to modify about his daily life so that he doesn’t keel over
May 7, 2014
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I can’t take either. If it is too hot or too cold at the game I eventually have to leave. I like the spring and the fall. The rest I only go out for short spells.
I always tell people out here to only go to Boston in May or late-September-to-early-October. That’s it lol

I was just there last weekend but man did I luck out; I’m seeing the heat wave that’s going on across the whole Northeast right now. Even still, it was high 80s plus humidity, and my first time hitting that wall of hot, dense air right out the door in a while. Good lord I do not miss that.

Not as bad as the prior time I was in Boston though, in mid-November last year, when first snow dropped a couple inches before turning to driving rain. Almost legitimately ended up with frostbite that night but that’s a whole story about my stupidity

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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Give me the heat.

Been plenty of places in the cold, and when it's none chilling cold, no amount of clothing can make you comfortable.

Heat= Beach, boats and pools.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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Personal extremes---

Heat- Southern California Imperial Valley of 115+ day temps, Antelope Valley of 110+, Persian Gulf in July/August on Navy ships, and Dead Sea of 100+ at 1400' below sea level.

Cold- Rochester, NY and off the coast of New Jersey in February. Navy ships off Jersey was the worst I've ever existed. We couldn't work without gloves for more than a minute. Cut myself and saws others cut themselves working on equipment and blood wouldn't even come out of cut. Try cutting yourself undoing a screw with your fingers and have to go inside to warm up and see yourself bleed.
May 7, 2014
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Heat extreme: Vegas summer
Cold extreme: Boston winter; although we all know it’s about way more than raw temps in boston
Sep 16, 2011
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I always tell people out here to only go to Boston in May or late-September-to-early-October. That’s it lol

I was just there last weekend but man did I luck out; I’m seeing the heat wave that’s going on across the whole Northeast right now. Even still, it was high 80s plus humidity, and my first time hitting that wall of hot, dense air right out the door in a while. Good lord I do not miss that.

Not as bad as the prior time I was in Boston though, in mid-November last year, when first snow dropped a couple inches before turning to driving rain. Almost legitimately ended up with frostbite that night but that’s a whole story about my stupidity
You're making Boston sound like a mix of Houston and Duluth. It's really not that extreme at all.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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a tale from now.
riding bikes at hammy today with a regular group of buds, we each bet a fiver on how many over age 12 we could count on our end to end trek, one time around. we do this often so we know the vibe there. the bets were 8, 13, and 15. hammy-thousands there, around 2:30pm, tho we knew we'd get in, cuz,, you know, its too hot to go to the frikkin' beach. (oh, brother, whats up with that?) not counting us, the answer was 2! 8, not me, won the $15. pathetic.
im an equal opportunity temperature lover. crazy hot where egg on pavement? too cool.
so frigid that the second you and the sun aren't personally acquainted ur fingers act weird? hot stuff. only deal that's pulls my card is cold rain in winter. that'll kill ya.
I guess I somewhat understand the groaning about winter cold since our cardiovascular nadir comes in february, but since our cardio peak comes in august, I don't understand the heat thing. oh, and im not an a/c person in general. except for ny and boston undergrounds in the summer. those places smell bad when its hot.
(note: beavis reported seeing the UConn coach bus at exit 63 dunkies, around 5:30pm. maybe they were heading to the mall, for the a/c.)


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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You're making Boston sound like a mix of Houston and Duluth. It's really not that extreme at all.

Having worked in Quincy for a couple years, I'll submit that a 25 degree day with the wind coming in off the ocean is colder and more miserable than a -5 degree day in Pittsburgh.

But yeah, summers weren't bad. Nothing like DC.
May 7, 2014
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You're making Boston sound like a mix of Houston and Duluth. It's really not that extreme at all.
Lol okay

It routinely is in the 80s, with weeks in the 90s and a few days in the 100s, with humidity. Is prone to at least the remnants of hurricanes.

Then in the winters, my three years included the winter of 2012-13 in which we had close to 3 feet dumped on us overnight; and the winter of (early) 2015 probably has a Wikipedia page. That speaks nothing to weeks in the teens, days in single digits, with fair share of wind chill.
Aug 26, 2011
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Boston is moderated by the Atlantic. The winds can be brutal but temperatures are slightly warmer there than Storrs or Hartford (where all home games should be played).
Aug 26, 2011
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Lived most of my adult life in CT. Lived with A/C and without A/C in various apartments and houses. Use to do a lot of camping and hiking with the Boy Scouts in all four seasons. Never a problem. But as we age our bodies change too. What we once could tolerate becomes intolerable. After a couple of cold and hard winters in 12 and 13, we decided it was time.

Three years ago the wife and I moved to central Florida in a large 55+ community. Got tired of freezing our butts off in winter and dealing with the snow and ice that comes with New England. Also got very tired of doing yard work in July & August and being dripping wet after an hour or so mowing and trimming the yard. And the freakin' taxes of CT played a major role in the move.

Now I will try to dispelling the myth that Florida is so damn hot and humid. Yes we get temps in the low to mid 90's in the summer. We get the heat index over 105, but the humidity is not as oppressive as CT gets. And when people up north are freezing in February we're at the pool with temps in the mid to upper 70's or cooking on the grill on the lanai.

My cooling and heating bills, yes we do have to turn on the heat on rare occasion, are much lower than CT. And I do wear shorts year round! BTW - we are more active now than we were while still working.

No chance CT is as humid as Florida. That’s just something my parents say. I was in CT for the 4th and it was well into the 90’s. Felt like Arizona to me. Yes, living in Florida you adjust to the heat within reason, but it is swampy in the summer.

I was in Boston for a heat wave a few years ago, we spent the whole day wandering and enjoying the glorious weather oblivious to it. At the hotel that night we found out there was heat danger, “stay inside, drink lots of water” and so on. We loved it. We had no clue it was hot outside.

I will readily admit when I am up north I do acclimate quickly and that works both ways. If I arrive in CT to record heat, I don’t feel it. If it lasts a few days, by day 3, I think it is hot as hell. Then I jump a plane to Florida, walk out of the terminal and wonder what the heck I was thinking when I said it was hot in CT.

Yes, Duluth is colder than Boston but the wind in Boston is a bitch. In a normal or harsh winter, Boston is pretty rough. Winters like this past one, not so much.
Sep 16, 2011
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Lol okay

It routinely is in the 80s, with weeks in the 90s and a few days in the 100s, with humidity. Is prone to at least the remnants of hurricanes.

Then in the winters, my three years included the winter of 2012-13 in which we had close to 3 feet dumped on us overnight; and the winter of (early) 2015 probably has a Wikipedia page. That speaks nothing to weeks in the teens, days in single digits, with fair share of wind chill.
It's like Chicago but Chicago gets significantly colder than Boston. Boston gets more snow than Chicago. Summers are similar but I would guess Chicago gets a bit more muggy. The South is a different story when it comes to heat and Minnesota is a totally different deal when it comes to the cold.
Aug 26, 2011
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No chance CT is as humid as Florida. That’s just something my parents say. I was in CT for the 4th and it was well into the 90’s. Felt like Arizona to me. Yes, living in Florida you adjust to the heat within reason, but it is swampy in the summer.

I was in Boston for a heat wave a few years ago, we spent the whole day wandering and enjoying the glorious weather oblivious to it. At the hotel that night we found out there was heat danger, “stay inside, drink lots of water” and so on. We loved it. We had no clue it was hot outside.

I will readily admit when I am up north I do acclimate quickly and that works both ways. If I arrive in CT to record heat, I don’t feel it. If it lasts a few days, by day 3, I think it is hot as hell. Then I jump a plane to Florida, walk out of the terminal and wonder what the heck I was thinking when I said it was hot in CT.

Yes, Duluth is colder than Boston but the wind in Boston is a bitch. In a normal or harsh winter, Boston is pretty rough. Winters like this past one, not so much.

Florida is probably the most humid state, I’m not sure how he came to the conclusion CT is worse. Much of Florida is nearly tropical and they have thunderstorms all the time for a reason.
May 7, 2014
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It's like Chicago but Chicago gets significantly colder than Boston. Boston gets more snow than Chicago. Summers are similar but I would guess Chicago gets a bit more muggy. The South is a different story when it comes to heat and Minnesota is a totally different deal when it comes to the cold.
No way it’s hotter in Chicago than Boston. They’re second in extreme swings in my opinion

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