You are correct in many cases I agree (KEA and others). But in this case it's a no doubter that at the very least it wouldn't have been affected in the negative at all but instead had a chance to jump significantly. It doesn't mean it wasn't the right move for him at this tim with his mindset, it might be. But he wasn't going to shoot any worst, more than likely would have improved maybe even dramatically by instilling some better selection. He would have been a top rebounder again, a good passer. Shore up on his defense, become a more efficient scorer while having a more consistent year he would have jumped up the ratings I believe. How much, who knows but as much of a base he has the improvement would have been there. Problem is he wanted to move on and good for him, it's time. He knew the consequences and feels he can find a way to his dream. Should be an interesting journey we all wish him luck I am sure.