My folks are DIEHARD Lady Huskies season ticket holder/"mushers", and I only learned of the "Boneyard" this past Holiday Season while visiting them for our family's 2d X-Mas after the trip up from Fort Bragg, NC.
The Christmas gift for them from us this year were 4 half-court full-strip tickets to the 2015 Womens Final Four in Tampa.
Therefore, as an alum and über-fan, I am ECSTATIC to be a member here in the Boneyard with ALL of you! Being away from CT, the Courant, and the latest UConn Gossip, this is a GODSEND for us.
So THANK YOU ALL for all you do to keep "expatriate (by State not Nation)"-Huskies like us up to date on the latest movings and doings of our beloved UConn athletic teams.
I originally responded to Hays' ESPN article in the comments section yesterday, and wanted to share the content of my post with y'all to gauge if our reading of the NCAA WBB "tea leaves from the "down dirrty south" jibes with your own understanding and experience [ made a few address additions to help explain some jargon for the uninitated ]:
"South Carolina, #1 'til beaten
UConn, #2
There it is!
The rest of you:
Hate UConn -- shut up until you BEAT THEM.
Hate Geno -- shut up until you BEAT HIM.
Rather crude . . . granted . . . I know, . . . and I apologize if you got "poked in the heart" [ ] . . . but folks, let's be CRYSTAL clear here, . . . more young female athletes, Mo'ne Ikea Davis among them, currently wake up from dreams of playing for Geno and his UConn Lady Huskies than any other Women’s Basketball program in the country.
HE WINS, UCONN WINS, WOMENS CBB WINS -- Join us and you will win too . . . because our KungFu is just stronger than anyone else's KungFu.
Women’s Basketball needs UConn . . . and UConn needs a yang to their ying, be it South Carolina, Count Dook-U, Tennessee, Texas, Notre Dame, or someone / anyone else, for the growth of the Women's game and interest in the Women's game.
Ask Vince McMahon . . . every hero needs a heel, every heel a hero [ ].
As an UConn grad, I am very excited to settle the regular season #1 argument with a very talented South Carolina (and the SEC at the same time) once and for all on 9 FEB. Now let's both go undefeated before then . . . and afterwards . . . meet for the Championship in Amalie Arena on 7 APR.
But reading below the surface of Mr. Hays' article, there are many swishing feetsies sweeping the waters of NCAA WBB going forward into the completion of the 2014-2015 season, . . . and on into the 2015-2016 season, the 2016-2017 season, and then beyond.
(1) There is ONLY ONE coach universally despised by everyone outside the State of Connecticut who aren't already UConn WBB fans and admirers -- Coach Geno -- and YOUR COACH will simply have to outcoach him to BEAT HIM.
(2) There are ONLY TWO schools in NCAA WBB this year that could have TWO teams ranked in the Top 10 -- UConn and South Carolina -- don't believe that, have YOUR TEAM simply BEAT either one of THEM.
(3) There is ONLY ONE Perpetual Dynasty in NCAA WBB right now -- UConn -- and every other program is currently chasing their fleeting coat-tails down from behind.
(a) However, South Carolina currently have ZERO, count 'em ZERO, Top 100 recruits coming in next year (2015-2016). . . and currently, although WAY TOO EARLY but still noteworthy, ZERO 2016-2017 recruits (See (3) above)
(b) UConn? Three (3) 5-stars in 2015 and One (1) 5-star in 2016 so far -- YOUR TEAM has to make up ground and still keep recruits away from UConn -- SO LET'S ROLL
So unlike other WBB coaches and programs, at least Dawn Staley and South Carolina have the guts to schedule UConn (or continue to schedule them into future seasons . . . WEAK Count Dook-U, just weak), . . . helping the SOS and RPI of both schools (if either even needed it for what looks like a definite #1 seeds) going forward. Kudos to Staley and South Carolina.
However, the consensus of WBB coaches do not LIKE, . . . wait, not strong enough wording, . . . HATE . . . our brash Philadelphia-born, Italian Smart-Aleck, coach and mentor, . . . Super Geno . . . because he wins and, through no fault of HIS own, the losers remember they lost to UConn.
So now a HATE Campaign is fully underway, driven by fellow coaches like Coach Vanderveer (Stanford - PAC12), Coach Hatchell (UNC- ACC), Coach McGraw (Notre Dame - ACC), Coach McCallie (Dook U - ACC), Coach Freese (Maryland - ACC), and Coach Mulkey (Baylor) (who ditched Brittney Griner quick as she could after Griner came out as lesbian at the Baptist school -- YOU STAY CLASSY, Coach!), among a growing fandom of other coaches, to stifle Super Geno by not scheduling UConn anymore.
Now granted, as pointed out within this comments section in numerous permutations, the AAC Women’s Basketball stable of schools does not equal the high level of competition available in other Conferences -- Admittedly, the UConn Lady Huskies have more of a grease than a grind in the AAC -- and so, this is the theory that these now desperate WBB Coaches have hitched their wagon to:
We shall strangle UConn's Dynasty by leaving Super Geno and his evil minions with no one competitive to play.
Thus, if MY school no longer schedules a regular season game against UConn . . . then the by-product will be to lower UConn's overall RPI/SOS and then I can use it during recruiting when seated in a recruit's living room -- YOU WON'T PLAY ANYONE IF YOU GO TO UCONN! -- FULL STOP
Good Luck Ladies and Gentlemen -- only time will tell whether the pipeline of WBB talent into Storrs will dry up in submission to your dastardly plans.
But like the famous Bob's Furniture tagline, "I DOUBT IT!"
Hey Coach Warlick (née Summitt) . . . and Tennessee Lady Volunteer Nation -- did you finally see the handwriting on the wall with Maya and get SO SCURRED of losing to UConn year after year . . . that HIDING BEHIND the flame of Coach Summitt's legacy has made complacency a new UT Lady Vols tradition? -- your excuses can only last so long, until you are forced to "VOLUNTEER" to get with it after ESPN comes a'callin' with the sack of $$$ to put you together with UConn on MON nights in the future.
2015! -- #10 -- Consider Yourselves . . . WARNED! . . . You Suckas! [On that note, GREAT salutations to SVP and Russillo] [ ]
[Drop the mic]"